Employment Information Skip to main content

Employment Information

ME Department Student Employment

See ME Student Jobs to apply for TA/Grader Jobs and a listing of the various types of paid student jobs usually available through the ME Department. Visit Undergraduate Research Opportunities for current openings in research labs. The weekly BYU ME Bulletin will often include information on ME student job openings.

Other BYU Student Jobs

  • BYU Student Employment: Search for paid student jobs across campus.
  • Other Departments: Contact other academic departments or faculty to find out how they recruit students for both paid and unpaid positions.

Off-Campus Internships and Jobs

  • Handshake: Handshake is the university's gateway to connect employers and students. All students are encouraged to register at Handshake early (during Sophomore year). Many employers recruit through the Handshake.
  • BYU STEM Fairs: Watch ME Bulletins for details on semi-annual STEM recruiting fairs, used by many, many employers to fill jobs and internships. Registration on Handshake is critical, since many recruiters set up information sessions, interviews, and other STEM recruiting events through Handshake.
  • BYU MechEng Bulletins: Almost every week our email bulletins include job and/or internship opportunities. If you are a Pre-Professional, Professional, or Graduate Student in MechEng and are NOT receiving these bulletins, email medept-sec@byu.edu to add your name to the mailing list.
  • ME Internships/Jobs page. The ME Department sometimes receives notifications about open jobs and/or internship opportunities from off campus entities. They are often posted on this page.

Support in Your Job Search

Some valuable resources in your search for off-campus internships and jobs include: