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Steve Gorrell

Mechanical Engineering

350D EB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


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Winter 2025

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Tuesday: 2pm - 3pm
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Graduate Students

Ph.D. Iowa State University, Mechanical Engineering


Dissertation: "An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Stator-Rotor Interactions in a Transonic Compressor"

M.S. Virginia Tech, Mechanical Engineering


Thesis: "An Experimental Study of Exit Flow Patterns in a Multistage Compressor in Rotating Stall"

B.S. Brigham Young University, Mechanical Engineering


Associate Professor, Brigham Young University, 2007 - present

Senior Aerospace Engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, Fan and Compressor Branch, 2006 – 2007

Aerospace Engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, Fan and Compressor Branch, 1994 – 2006

Aerospace Engineer, Air Force Research Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, Experimental Evaluation Branch, 1989 - 1994

DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Office (HPCMPO) Challenge Project Award, 2009 – 2011

Department of the Air Force Award for Civilian Achievement, 2007

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Associate Fellow, 2007

AFRL Finalist and Propulsion Directorate Winner of Scientific/Technical Achievement Award (Individual), 2006

DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Office (HPCMPO) Challenge Project Award, 2005 – 2007

AFRL nominee for Air Force Modeling and Simulation Award – Analysis Category, 2005

Turbine Engine Division nominee for Scientist of the Year, 2003

NASA Group Achievement Award, 2003

Dayton- Cincinnati Aerospace Science Symposium Best Turbomachinery Paper, 2002

Special Act or Service Award, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007

Notable Achievement Award, 1993, 1994, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2006

Turbine Engine Division nominee for Engineer of the Year, 1993.

NASA Subsonic Fixed Wing Aerothermodynamics Technical Working Group, Member, May 2007 to present.

High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) User Advocacy Group (UAG), Air Force Representative, February 2006 to 2007.

High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) Technology Insertion 2007 Usability Team, Evaluator, August – October, 2006.

National Research Council Panel for the Review of Proposals for NASA’s Intelligent Propulsion System Foundation Technology Program, Panelist, August 2004.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and and IGTI Turbomachinery Committee, 1993 - Present

• Vanguard Chair, Unsteady Flows in Turbomachinery, ASME TURBO EXPO 2008

• Vanguard Chair, Design Methods and CFD Modeling for Turbomachinery, ASME TURBO EXPO 2006, 2007

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), 2004 - Present

• Member, Gas Turbine Engine Technical Committee, 2008 - Present

• Member, Air Breathing Propulsion Technical Committee, 2004 - 2008

• Chair, AIAA Professional Member Education Committee (PMEC), 2008 - Present

• Professional Member Education Committee (PMEC) Liaison to the Technical Activities Committee (TAC), 2004 – 2007.

Tate Fanning, Ph.D. candidate: Turbopump Cavitation Simulations

Matt Wald, M.S. candidate: Leadership and Division of Labor in Virtual Teams

Spencer Bunnell, Ph.D. candidate: Compressor Blade Finite Element Modeling Using Surrogate Models

Daniel Soderquist, M.S. candidate: Modeling of Compressor Inlet Distortion with the Harmonic Balance Technique

Mikkel Unrau, M.S. candidate: Simulating Stall Inception using the CFD Solver Kestrel

Ryan Moeller: Search and Rescue systems testing

Ian Potts: Turbomachinery CFD


Mark Fernelius, Ph.D. Degree, April 2017
Dissertation: "Experimental and Computational Analysis of an Axial Turbine Driven by Pulsing Flow"

Ivan Yorgason, M.S. Degree, June 2016
Thesis: "Heteromorphic to Homeormorphic Shape Match Converston Toward Fully Automated Mesh Morphing to Match Manufactured Geometry"

Marshall Peterson, M. S. Degree, June 2016
Thesis: "Implementations of Fourier Methods in CFD to Analyze Distortion Transfer and Generation Through a Transonic Fan"

Kurt Hinkle, M.S. Degree, April 2016
Thesis: "An Automated Method for Optimizing Compressor Blade Tuning"

Ron Spencer, M. S. Degree, April 2016
Thesis: "Analysis of High Fidelity Turbomachinery CFD Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition"

Kasey Webster, M. S. Degree, December 2015
Thesis: "Using STAR-CCM+ to Evaluate Multi-User Collaboration in CFD"

Ryan Lundgreen, Ph.D. Degree, August 2015
Dissertation: "Improving the Suction Performance and Stability of an Inducer with an Integrated Inlet Cover Bleed System Known as a Stability Control Device"

Ryan Cluff, M.S. Degree, June 2015
Thesis: "An Investigation of Off-Design Operation in High Suction Performance Inducers"

Joe Becar, M. S. Degree, May 2015
Thesis: "A Collaborative Conceptual Aircraft Design Environment for the Design of Small-Scale UAV's in a Multi_university Setting"

David Weston, M.S. Degree, June 2014
Thesis: "High Fidelity Time Accurate CFD Analysis of a Multi-stage Turbofan at Various Operating Points in Distorted Inflow"

Trevor Blanc, M.S. Degree
Thesis: "Analysis and Compression of Large CFD Data Sets Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition"

Mark Fernelius, M.S. Degree, December 2013
Thesis: "Effect of Full-Annular Pressure Pulses on Axial Turbine Performance"

Matthew Marshall, M.S. Degree, June 2014
Thesis: "Validation of a Modified Version of OVERFLOW 2.2 for Use with Turbomachinery Under Clean and Total Pressure Distorted Conditions and a Study of Blade Loading in Distortion"

Jesse Johnson, M.S. Degree, December 2012
Thesis: "The Effects of Freestream Turbulence on Serpentine Diffuser Distortion Patterns"

Matt Lively, M.S. Degree, December 2012
Thesis: "The Extraction of Shock Waves and Separation and Attachment Lines From Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Subjective Logic"

Ryan Shaw, M.S. Degree, April 2012
Thesis: "Application of Subjective Logic to Vortex Core Line Extraction and Tracking from Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations"

Stephen McQuay, M.S. Degree, December 2011
Thesis: "SMB-Interp: an N-Th Order Accurate, Distributed Interpolation Library"

Jeff Gibson, M.S. Degree, December 2011
Thesis: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Transonic Wake Flow in the Presence of an Adverse Pressure Gradient and Streamline Curvature"

Ken Clark, M.S. Degree. August 2011
Thesis: "A Numerical Analysis on the Effects of Blade Loading on Vortex Shedding and Boundary Layer Behavior in a Transonic Axial Compressor"

Clif Mortensen, M.S. Degree, August 2010
Thesis: "A Computational Fluid Dynamics Feature Extraction Method Using Subjective Logic"

Scott Reynolds, M.S. Degree, April 2010
Thesis: "Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis on the Effect of Stator Loading on Transonic Blade-Row Interactions"

Daniel Rogers, M.S. Degree, December 2008
Thesis: "Design of a Three-Passage, Low Reynolds Number Turbine Cascade with Periodic Flow Conditions"

Drew Hosford
"Mesh Deformation Approach for Aerodynamic Optimization Using a Genetic Algorithm"August 2008

Refereed Archival Journal, Proceedings Articles, and Technical Papers

Reynolds, S. B., Gorrell, S. E., and Estevadeordal, J., “PIV Analysis on the Effect of Stator Loading on Transonic Blade-Row Interactions,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 134, 061012, November 2012.

Gosnell M. R., Woodley, R. S., and Gorrell, S. E., “Results of Mining Data Features During Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations,” Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Data Mining, July, 2012.

S. Chandra, A. Lee, S. Gorrell and C. G. Jensen, “CFD Analysis of PACE Formula-1 Car,” Computer-Aided Design and Applications, PACE(1), pp. 1–14, 2011.

McQuay, S. M. and Gorrell, S. E., “N-th-order Accurate, Distributed Interpolation Library,” Proceedings of the 10th Python in Science Conference, July, 2011.

Turner, M. G., Gorrell, S. E., and Car, D., “Radial Migration of Shed Vortices in a Transonic Rotor Following a Wake Generator: A Comparison Between Time Accurate and Average Passage Approaches,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 133, 031018, July 2011.

Clark, K. P. and Gorrell, S. E., “The Effects of Blade Loading on Trailing Edge Vortex Formation on a Highly Loaded Stator Upstream of a Transonic Rotor,” ASME Paper GT2011-45891, June 2011.

Clark, K. P, and Gorrell, S. E., “The Effects of Blade Loading on Trailing Edge Vortex Formation on a Highly Loaded Stator Upstream of a Transonic Rotor,” ASME Paper GT2011-45891, June 2011.

Reynolds, S. B., Gorrell, S. E., and Estevadeordal, J., “PIV Analysis on the Effect of Stator Loading on Transonic Blade-Row Interactions,” ASME Paper GT2010-22576, accepted for publication in ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, June 2010.

Nolan, S. P. R., Botros, B. B., Tan, C., Adamczyk, J. A., Greitzer, E. M., and Gorrell, S. E., “Effects of Upstream Wake Phasing on Transonic Axial Compressor Performance,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 133, 021010, April 2011.

Yao, J., Gorrell, S. E., and Wadia, A. R., “High-Fidelity Numerical Analysis of Per-Rev-Type Inlet Distortion Transfer in Multistage Fans - Part I: Simulations with Selected Blade Rows”. ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 132, 041014, October 2010.Yao, J., Gorrell, S. E., and Wadia, A. R., “High-Fidelity Numerical Analysis of Per-Rev-Type Inlet Distortion Transfer in Multistage Fans – Part II: Entire Component Simulation and Investigation.” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 132, 041015, October 2010.

List, M. G., Gorrell, S. E., Turner, M. G., “Investigation of Loss Generation in an Embedded Transonic Fan Stage at Several Gaps Using High Fidelity, Time-Accurate CFD,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 132, 011014, January 2010.

Mortensen, C. H., Woodley, R. S., and Gorrell, S. E., “Concurrent Agent-enabled Extraction of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Features in Simulation,” Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Data Mining, July, 2009.

Gorrell, S. E., van de Wall, A., and Tsung, F., “Understanding Unsteady Flow Features in Transonic Compressors,” Computing in Science and Engineering, Vol 9, No. 6, pp. 12-17, November/December 2007. Invited.

Estevadeordal, J., Gorrell, S. E., and Copenhaver, W. W., “PIV Study of Wake-Rotor Interactions in a Transonic Compressor at Various Operating Conditions,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol.23, No. 1, pp. 235- 242, January – February 2007.

Gorrell, S. E., Car, D., Puterbaugh, S. L., Estevadeordal, J., and Okiishi, T. H., “An Investigation of Wake-Shock Interactions in a Transonic Compressor with Digital Particle Image Velocimetry and Time-Accurate Computational Fluid Dynamics,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 128, pp. 616 – 626, October 2006.

Gorrell, S. E., Okiishi, T. H., and Copenhaver, W. W., “Stator Rotor Interactions in Transonic Compressor: Part 1 – Effect of Blade-Row Spacing on Performance,” ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 125, pp. 328-335, April 2003.

Gorrell, S. E., Okiishi, T. H., and Copenhaver, W. W., “Stator Rotor Interactions in Transonic Compressor: Part 2 – Description of a Loss Producing Mechanism, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, Vol. 125, pp. 336-345, April 2003.

Copenhaver, W., Estevadeordal, J., Gogineni, S., Gorrell, S., and Goss, L., “DPIV Study of Near-Stall Wake-Rotor Interactions in a Transonic Compressor,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 33, pp. 899-908, December 2002.

Estevadeordal, J., Gogineni, S., Goss, L., Copenhaver, W. and Gorrell, S., “Study of Wake-Blade Interactions in a Transonic Compressor Using Flow Visualization and DPIV,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 124, pp. 166-175, March 2002.

Gorrell, S. E., Copenhaver, W. W. and Chriss, R. M., “Upstream Wake Influences on the Measured Performance of a Transonic Compressor Stage.” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, pp. 43-48, January 2001.

Chriss, R. M., Copenhaver, W. W. and Gorrell, S. E., “The Effects of Blade-Row Spacing on the Flow Capacity of a Transonic Rotor,” ASME paper 99-GT-209, June 1999.

Gorrell, S. E. and Russler, P. M., ""Stall Inception in a High-Speed Low Aspect Ratio Fan Including the Effects of Casing Treatments,"" ASME paper 94-GT-322, June 1994.

Other Proceedings Articles, Reports, and Technical Papers

Fernelius, M. H., Gorrell, S. E., Hoke, J. L., and Schauer, F. R., “Design and Fabrication of an Experimental Test Facility to Compare the Performance of Pulsed and Steady Flow through a Turbine,” Proceedings of the 2013 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper 2013-0277, January, 2013.

Lively, M. C., Gorrell, S. E., Hoopes, K. M., Woodley, R. S., and Gosnell M. R., “Extraction of Shock Waves and Separation and Attachment Lines From Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Subjective Logic,” AIAA Paper 2012-1263, January, 2012.

Shaw, R. P., Gorrell, S. E., Woodley, R. S., and Gosnell, M. R., “Vortex Core Line Extraction and Tracking from Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Using Subjective Logic,” AIAA Paper 2012-1261, January, 2012.

Gibson, J. R., and Gorrell, S. E., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Transonic Wake Propagation in the Presence of an Adverse Pressure Gradient and Streamline Curvature,” AIAA Paper 2011-3091, June 2011.

Clark, K. P., and Gorrell, S. E., “Time-Accurate CFD Analysis on the Effects of Upstream Stator Loading and Blade Row Interactions on Stator Suction Side Boundary Layer Behavior,” AIAA Paper 2011-303, January 2011.

Yao, J., Cargill, P. L., Holmes, D. G., and Gorrell, S. E., “Aspects of Numerical Analysis for Unsteady Flows in Aircraft Engines,” AIAA Paper 2010-1603, January, 2010.

Mortensen, C. H., Gorrell, S. E., and Woodley, R. S., “An Intelligent Agent Architecture for Concurrent CFD Feature Extraction,” AIAA Paper 2010-1323, January, 2010.

Gorrell, S. E., Yao, J., and List, M. G., ""Full Annulus High-Fidelity Fan and Compressor Simulations,"" Proceedings of the HPCMP Users Group Conference 2009, June, 2009.

Rogers, D. R., Gorrell, S. E., Bons, J. P., ""Optimization of Wind Tunnel Walls to Simulate Periodic Boundary Conditions,"" AIAA Paper 2009-0509, January, 2009.

Gorrell, S. E., Yao, J., and Wadia, A. R., “High Fidelity URANS Analysis of Swirl Generation and Fan Response to Inlet Distortion,” AIAA Paper 2008-4985, July, 2008.

Estevadeordal, J., Gorrell, S. E., and Puterbaugh, S. L., “PIV Measurements of Blade-Row Interactions in a Transonic Compressor for Various Operating Conditions,” AIAA Paper 2008-4700, July, 2008.

Rogers, D. R., Gorrell, S. E., Bons, J. P., Snyder, D. O., “Route to an Accurate 2D CFD Model for a Separating Turbine Blade,” AIAA Paper 2008-0078, January, 2008.

Estevadeordal, J., Gorrell, S. E., Gebbie, D. A., and Puterbaugh, S. L., “PIV Study of Blade-Row Interactions in a Transonic Compressor,” AIAA Paper 2007-5017, July, 2007.

List, M. G., Gorrell, S. E., Turner, M. G., and Nimersheim, J. A., “High Fidelity Modeling of Blade Row Interaction in a Transonic Compressor,” AIAA Paper 2007-5045, July, 2007.

Yao, J., Gorrell, S. E., and Wadia, A. R., “A Time-Accurate CFD Analysis of Inlet Distortion Induced Swirl in Multistage Fans,” AIAA Paper 2007-5059, July, 2007.

Turner, M. G., Gorrell, S. E., and Car, D., “A Model of Compressor Blade Row Interaction with Shock Induced Vortex Shedding,” AIAA Paper 2006-4459, July, 2006.

Gorrell, S. E., Tsung, F., Yao, J., and Vickery, R., “Computational Science and Engineering Advances Understanding of Complex Unsteady Flows in High Performance Fans and Compressors,” Proceedings of the HPCMP Users Group Conference 2006, June, 2006.

Gorrell, S. E., “Computational Science and Engineering Applied to Military Fan and Compressor Design,” AIAA Paper 2006-948, January, 2006.

Gorrell, S. E., van de Wall, A., and Tsung, F., ""Application of Time-Accurate CFD in Order to Account for Blade Row Interactions and Distortion Transfer in the Design of High Performance Military Fans and Compressors,” Proceedings of the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Conference 2005, June, 2005.

Estevadeordal, J., Gorrell, S. E., and Copenhaver, W. W., “DPIV Study of Wake-Rotor Interactions in a Transonic Compressor Under Various Operating Conditions,” 11th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, IN, August 9-12, 2004.

Darby, R. P., Falk, E. A., and Gorrell, S. E., “Computational Investigation of IGV-Rotor Interaction in Turbomachinery,” AIAA Paper 2004-3757, July 2004.

Falk, E. A., Darby, R. P., and Gorrell, S. E., “Influence of IGV Trailing-Edge Geometry on Blade-Row Aerodynamic Interactions in a Transonic Compressor,” 9th National Turbine Engine High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) Conference, 2004.

Gorrell, S. E., van de Wall, A., and Blair, J., 2003, “High Performance Computing Enables Development of Versatile Affordable Advanced Turbine Engines,” ASC MSRC Fall 2003 Journal, pp. 2-3.

Gorrell, S. E., Copenhaver, W. W., and Estevadeordal, J., “DPIV Measurements of the Flow Field between a Transonic Rotor and an Upstream Stator,” Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics & Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, Durham, North Carolina, September 7-11, 2003.

Copenhaver, W., Estevadeordal, J., Gogineni, S., Gorrell, S., and Goss, L., 2001, “DPIV Study of Near-Stall Wake-Rotor Interactions in a Transonic Compressor,” Presented at the 4th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Gottingen, Germany, September 17-19, 2001.

Gogineni, S., Estevadeordal, J., Copenhaver, W., and Gorrell, S., 2001, “Investigation of Wake-Shock Interactions in a Transonic Compressor Using DPIV,” Presented at the fifteenth International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, Bangalore, India, September 2-7, 2001, (ISABE 2001-1196).

Estevadeordal J., Gogineni, S., Goss, L., Copenhaver, W. and Gorrell, S., 2001, “DPIV Study of Wake-Rotor Synchronization in a Transonic Compressor,” 31st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, June 11-14, Anaheim, CA, AIAA paper 01-3095.

Estevadeordal, J., Gogineni, S., Goss, L., Copenhaver, W. and Gorrell, S., “Study of Flow-Field Interactions in a Transonic Compressor Using DPIV,” AIAA paper 00-0378, January 2000.

Gogineni, S., Goss, L., Copenhaver, W. and Gorrell, S., “Development of Digital Two-Color PIV for Turbomachinery Applications,” AIAA paper 97-0494, January 1997.

Gorrell, S. E. and Davis, M. W., Jr., ""Application of a Dynamic Compression System Model to a Low Aspect Ratio Fan: Casing Treatment and Distortion,"" AIAA paper 93-1871, July 1993.

Gorrell, S. E. and Copenhaver, W. W., ""Stall Cell Blockage in a High Speed Multistage Axial-Flow Compressor,"" AIAA paper 90-1913, July 1990.

Gorrell, S. E., ""Detailed Test Plan for the Pratt & Whitney Enhanced Flow Compressor (EFC) Test,"" WL-TM-92-201, September 1992.

Gorrell, S. E., ""Detailed Test Plan for the Pratt & Whitney Advanced Turbine Engine Gas Generator (ATEGG) XTC66 Compressor Test,"" WL-TM-92-200, March 1992.

MeEn 412, Applications of Fluid Dynamics (2007F, 2008F, 2009F, 2010F, 2011F)

MeEn 426, Gas Turbine and Jet Engine Design (2011W, 2012W, 2013W, 2014W, 2015W, 2016W, 2017W)

MeEn 611, Turbulence (2008W, 2010W, 2012W, 2013F, 2015F, 2017F)

MeEn 475/476, Capstone Coach (2008F, 2009W, 2009F, 2010W)

MeEn 510, Compressible Flow (2009W, 2011W, 2012F, 2014F)

MeEn541, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (2015W, 2016W, 2017W)

Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbomachinery, Computational Science and Engineering, Engineering Education

Research Interests

Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Science and Engineering
Engineering Education

Teaching Interests

Fluid Mechanics
Compressible Flow
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Multi-University UAV Design-Build-Fly
Gas Turbine Engines

Honors and Awards

  • AIAA Certificate of Appreciation, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2012 - 2016)
  • Best Paper Certificate of Merit, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee (2015 - 2015)
  • Outstanding Faculty Award, BYU Mechanical Engineering Department (2015 - 2015)
  • Best Overall Award, ASME Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D (IAM3D) Challenge, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2014 - 2014)
  • Excellence in Engineering Collaboration, American Society of Engineering Education Corporate Member Council (2014 - 2014)
  • Excellence in Launching, 15th Annual CorpU Awards for Excellence and Innovation. (2014 - 2014)
  • Gold award for Collaboration, Chief Learning Officer magazine (2014 - 2014)
  • Gold award for Innovation, Chief Learning Officer magazine (2014 - 2014)
  • Silver award for Best Extended Enterprise Learning Program, Brandon Hall Excellence Awards (2014 - 2014)
  • Silver award for Best Use of Social / Collaborative Learning, Brandon Hall Excellence Awards (2014 - 2014)
  • AFOSR Summer Faculty Fellowship, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (2013 - 2013)
  • HIRE Award, Innovate+Educate in conjunction with U.S. News and World Report (2013 - 2013)
  • Special Service Citation, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2008 - 2012)
  • PACE Forum Best Paper/Presentation Award, Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education (PACE) (2011 - 2011)
  • Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2007 - 2007)
  • Department of the Air Force Award for Civilian Achievement, US Air Force (2007 - 2007)
  • AFRL Finalist and Propulsion Directorate Winner of Scientific/Technical Achievement Award (Individual), Air Force Research Laboratory (2006 - 2006)
  • Turbine Engine Division nominee for Scientist of the Year, Air Force Research Laboratory (2003 - 2003)

Professional Citizenship

  • Committee/Council Member, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2007 - Present)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, National Science Foundation (2023 - 2023)
  • Committee/Council Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2022 - 2023)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2022 - 2022)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Review for Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (2022 - 2022)
  • Other, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (2022 - 2022)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, National Science Foundation (2022 - 2022)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Aerospace Science and Technology Journal (2021 - 2021)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2021 - 2021)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (2021 - 2021)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Council of European Aerospace Societies (2020 - 2020)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) (2020 - 2020)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) (2020 - 2020)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, National Science Foundation (2020 - 2020)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2019 - 2019)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2018 - 2018)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2018 - 2018)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Elsevier (2018 - 2018)
  • Editor, Associate Editor, ASME (2014 - 2018)
  • Conference-Related Role, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (2017 - 2017)
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship (2017 - 2017)
  • Board Member, AIAA Vice President - Education (2012 - 2016)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2016 - 2016)
  • Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, Department of Defense SMART Scholarship Evaluation Panel
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2014 - 2014)
  • Committee/Council Member, AIAA Gas Turbine Engine Technical Committee (2008 - 2014)
  • Conference-Related Role, ASME (2013 - 2014)
  • Conference-Related Role, AIAA (2014 - 2014)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2013 - 2013)
  • Conference-Related Role, AIAA (2013 - 2013)
  • Committee/Council Member, ASME (2012 - 2013)
  • Committee/Council Chair, AIAA Professional Member Education Committee (PMEC) (2008 - 2012)
  • Conference-Related Role, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2010 - 2011)
  • Committee/Council Member, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2009 - 2010)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Graduate Research Fellowhips (2009 - 2009)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Olsen Mentorship in Biomedical Engineering (2009 - 2009)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, ORCA (2009 - 2009)
  • Committee/Council Member, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2008 - 2009)
  • Committee/Council Member, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2008 - 2009)
  • Committee/Council Member, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2008 - 2009)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, College of Engineering (2008 - 2008)
  • Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, ORCA (2008 - 2008)
  • Committee/Council Member, AIAA Air Breathing Propulsion Technical Committee (2004 - 2008)
  • Committee/Council Member, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2007 - 2008)
  • Committee/Council Member, ASME Turbomachinery Committee (2007 - 2008)
  • Committee/Council Member, AIAA Professional Member Education Committee (PMEC) (2004 - 2007)

Courses Taught


Marshall Peterson Steven E Gorrell Michael List Tate Fanning Ryan Lundgreen Rulon D Maynes Steven E Gorrell Kerry Oliphant Ronald Spencer Steven E Gorrell Matthew R Jones Earl P. N. Duque Mark Fernelius Steven E Gorrell Ryan Lundgreen Rulon D Maynes Steven E Gorrell Kerry Oliphant Marshall Peterson Steven E Gorrell Michael List Chad Custer Matthew O Wald Steven E Gorrell Michael Richey Fabian Zender Kathleen Chang Michael Van der Wel Earl P.N. Duque Daniel E. Hiepler Chris P Stone Robert Haimes Steven E Gorrell Matthew R Jones Mark H Fernelius Steven E Gorrell Trevor J Blanc Matthew R Jones Steven E Gorrell Earl P N Duque Trevor J Blanc Steven E Gorrell Matthew R Jones Earl P N Duque Mark H Fernelius Steven E Gorrell John L Hoke Fred R Schauer Matthew L Marshall David B Weston Steven E Gorrell Carol V Wallis Ryan C Cluff Ryan K Lundgreen Steven E Gorrell Rulon D Maynes Kerry Oliphant Satyan Chandra Allison Lee Steven E Gorrell C Gregory Jensen Tius Sgro Steven E Gorrell Tadd Trevor Truscott Rulon D Maynes


Steven E Gorrell
Andrew M Bedke Tyler Adams Steven E Gorrell
Andrew M Bedke Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Tate Fanning Rulon D Maynes Steven E Gorrell Kerry Oliphant
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Tate Fanning Ryan Lundgreen Rulon D Maynes Steven E Gorrell Kerry Oliphant
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Ryan Lundgreen Rulon D Maynes Steven E Gorrell Kerry Oliphant
Steven E Gorrell Michael C. Richey
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell
Steven E Gorrell C Gregory Jensen Tadd Trevor Truscott Rulon D Maynes
Steven E Gorrell Jixian Yao
Steven E Gorrell Jixian Yao