Capstone is our two-semester senior design project course (ME EN 475 and ME EN 476). All Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering students are required to take this year long course. It is intended to be the culminating project of your undergraduate experience, and you will take it during your final year in the program. ECE students are also involved in Capstone but they have their own course number.
Note that Capstone is a locked class on myMAP, in order to register in the University’s system you must request Capstone class access. (see below)
1. Request Capstone class access by clicking on this link: (or pasting it into your browser). Once at the Capstone website, click on the “Get Capstone Access” link and complete all of the steps indicated at the website. You will not be able to access this page before May 19th. Completing this process is required to be able to register on myMAP and participate as part of a Capstone team.
2. Wait for your request to be verified and processed, which will happen within 2 weeks of your completing task 1 above. The ME EN 475 class will then be unlocked so that you’ll be able to register. Note: You do not need to worry about registering early to secure a spot in the class. If it is your year to take Capstone there will be a spot for you. Please also note that your academic advisor cannot unlock the class for you.
3. Add ME EN 475 to your cart and register, once registration is open. It does not matter which section is added as it will be adjusted once projects have been assigned. Please also note that project assignment will not occur until classes have begun in Fall semester.
4. If you have not completed all of the prerequisites, you’ll need to visit with your academic advisor. The advisor will email the Capstone office if they have approved your prerequisite waiver, and the Capstone office will then email you an add code for ME EN 475.
5. Once you have registered, watch for an email in mid to late August inviting you to rate Capstone projects. Your ratings will influence which team you are assigned to.
6. You will get started on Capstone on the first day of Fall classes. Come to class at 8am that day prepared for a great experience!
The Capstone office is working hard to organize this year’s Capstone teams. Please do not contact the Capstone office with questions regarding class access before May 19th.
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What Are The Mechanical Engineering Pre-Requisites For Capstone?
Capstone courses must be taken consecutive Fall/Winter semesters
You must have no more than apx. 30 hours left in the major to sign up for capstone courses.
For questions about pre-requisites or your unique circumstances, contact your department's Undergraduate Advisor. The Mechanical Engineering advisor is Miriam Busch.
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What Are The Manufacturing Engineering Pre-Requisites For Capstone?
Capstone courses must be taken consecutive Fall/Winter semesters
You must have no more than apx. 30 hours left in the major to sign up for capstone courses.
For questions about pre-requisites or your unique circumstances, contact your department's Undergraduate Advisor.
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How/When Do I Get Started?
This year, the first day you can start the Capstone sign-up process is May 19th . Pay attention to the emails that your department or your academic advisor regularly send out. These emails will let you know when the sign-up process will officially start.
After you have completed the sign-up process, you will be allowed to register for the class. In mid to late-August, you will have the opportunity to rate projects, which will influence which team you are assigned to.
Note: Make sure to include your best email address on the Capstone sign-up or you may not receive the invitation to rate projects and other important Capstone related emails.
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I Can't Register For Capstone In myMAP, What Should I Do?
Capstone is a locked class in BYU’s registration system. After you have signed up for Capstone on the Capstone website, the Capstone department will unlock the class for you. If you still cannot access the class after the website shows that you have approval, please contact the Capstone Office at 801-422-4847 or
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If I’m On A Waitlist For Capstone Is There A Chance I Won’t Get In?
No, if you have completed the pre-requisites or have your advisor’s approval, you will get in. We will increase the size of the class to provide enough space for all students who would like to take Capstone. The course registration system automatically has a waitlist for all sections. We work with every student, to make sure that they can be in the class if they have completed the pre-requisites or been approved by their academic advisor. All waitlist issues will be resolved before the add/drop deadline.
For questions about pre-requisites or your unique circumstances, contact your department's Undergraduate Advisor. The Mechanical Engineering advisor is Marianne Cutchins.