Anton E. Bowden loves BYU and especially his interactions with the students in the Mechanical Engineering Department! His background and research interests are in spinal biomechanics, medical device design, computational biomechanics, and engineering leadership education. He directs the BYU Applied Biomechanics Engineering Laboratory. He received his PhD in Bioengineering from University of Utah and his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Utah State University. He is a licensed professional engineer and a recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER Award. He is grateful to have been awarded the Weidman Professorship in Leadership and enjoys serving in various committee capacities for the Orthopaedic Research Society. He speaks Spanish with moderate fluency and is currently trying to learn Mandarin Chinese. He and his wife Jennifer love learning and traveling with their children and live in Lindon, Utah.
Office Hours
Winter 2025
Monday: 11am - 12pm
Wednesday: 2pm - 4pm
Friday: 10am - 11am
Dr. Bowden's primary research interests are in spinal biomechanics and medical device design, with an emphasis on developing an improved understanding of the mechanical triggers for low back pain. He uses non-linear finite element analysis, medical imaging, and mechanical testing to characterize the responses of biological soft tissues.
He has a strong educational focus on developing engineering leaders who will recognize and act on opportunities to make the world a better place.
Current Collaborations:
- Laura Bridgewater (Brigham Young University): Mechanobiology of the intervertebral disc
- David Fullwood (Brigham Young University): Nano-composite structures for wide-range strain sensing
- Brian Jensen (Brigham Young University): Carbon-infiltrated carbon nanotube structures for high-resolution, highly-flexible ceramic medical implants
- Larry Howell (Brigham Young University): Compliant Mechanism approaches to orthopaedic implant design
- Ulrike Mitchell (Brigham Young University): Biomechanics of spinal traction
- Matthew Seeley (Brigham Young University): Mobile motion analysis using highly piezoresponsive nanocomposite sensors
- Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong University): Pathological biomechanics of the spine
- Dustin Williams (University of Utah): Antimicrobial properties of carbon-infiltrated carbon nanotube surfaces
- Jonathan Wisco (Brigham Young University): Biomechanics of spinal traction
- Jacquelyn Monroe (PhD Candidate)
- Aubrie Glenn (PhD Candidate)
- Stephanie Morco (PhD Candidate)
- Jared Park (PhD Candidate)
- David Wood (PhD Candidate)
- Adin Martineau (MS Candidate)
- Dillon Despain (MS Candidate)
- Parker Rosquist, MS (2017), "Modeling Three Dimensional Ground Reaction Force Using Nanocomposite Piezoresponsive Foam Sensors."
- Michael Sanders, MS (2015),"Effects of Various Mobility Aids on Lower-Extremity Muscle Activity"
- Amanda Beatty, MS (2015),"Design and Validation of a Complex Loading Whole Spinal Segment Bioreactor"
- Daniel Baradoy, MS (2015), "Computational based modeling of silicone nickel nano-composite strain sensors with applications in fetal monitoring"
- Mitchell Hortin, MS (2015), “Ligament model fidelity in finite element analysis of the human lumbar spine.” (Occupant Safety Engineer, General Motors)
- Dean Keith Stolworthy, PhD (2015), “Advancing biomechanical research through a camelid model of the human lumbar spine.” (Senior Consultant, Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.)
- Gregory Von Forell, PhD (2013), “Computational and experimental study of degeneration, damage, and failure in biological soft tissues.” (Senior Development Engineer, NextStep Arthropedix)
- Darrell Skousen, MS (2013), “Design exploration and analysis of carbon-filled carbon nanotube vascular stents.” (Engineer, Merit Medical)
- Jeremy Alsup, MS (2013), “Mimicking the mechanical behavior of intervertebral disc degeneration.” (Engineer, Reliance Medical Systems)
- Daniel Robertson, PhD (2013), “Quantifying the nonlinear, anisotropic, material response of spinal ligaments.” (Research Scientist, NYU Abu Dhabi)
- Jeff Harris, MS (2012), “The biomechanical implications of an intrinsic decompressive pre-load on a posterior dynamic stabilization system.” (Research Engineer, Nuvasive, Inc.)
- Tim Bishop, MS (2011), “A proteolytic model for simulating the mechanics of disc degeneration in bovine cadaveric tissue.” (Sr Business Intelligence Analyst, Symantec, Received MS/MBA from BYU)
- Shaun Jeffs, MS (2011), “Passive load-bearing capacity of the human lumbar spine in the neutral standing postures.” (Managing Engineer, Delta V Biomechanics)
- Rachel Bradshaw Willardson, MS (2011), “Mechanical characterization of the interspinous ligament using anisotropic small punch testing.” (Device Development Engineer, Nitto Denko Technical)
- Gregory Von Forell, MS (2011), “Biomechanical Implications of Lumbar Spinal Ligament Transection: A Finite Element Study.” (Senior Development Engineer, NextStep Arthropedix)
- Dean Keith Stolworthy, MS (2011), “Characterization and Biomechanical Analysis of the Human Lumbar Spine with In Vitro Testing Conditions.” (Senior Consultant, Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.)
Book Chapters
- Bowden, A.E. (2015) “Artificial spinal disc,” McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology. McGraw-Hill Education, New York, McGraw-Hill Professional.
- Bowden, A.E., Oneida, E., Bergström, J. (2009) “Computer modeling and simulation of UHMWPE,” The UHMWPE biomaterials handbook: 2nd edition. S.M. Kurtz. New York, Academic Press.
- MacDonald, D., Bowden, A.E., Kurtz, S.M. (2009) “MicroCT analysis of wear and damage in UHMWPE,” The UHMWPE biomaterials handbook: 2nd edition. S.M. Kurtz. New York, Academic Press.
- Bowden, A. E. (2006) “Finite element modeling of the spine,” The spine technology handbook. S. M. Kurtz and A. A. Edidin. New York, Academic Press.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Stolworthy DK, Bowden AE, Roeder B, Robinson T, Holland J, Christensen S, Beatty A, Bridgewater L, Eggett D, Wendel J, Stieger-Vanegas S, Taylor M. (2015) “MRI Evaluation of Spontaneous Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in the Alpaca Cervical Spine.” J Orthopaedic Research, in press.
- Von Forell GA, Stephens TK, Samartzis D, Bowden AE. “Low back pain: A biomechanical rationale based on “patterns” of disc degeneration.” Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 May 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25996532.
- Hortin, M., Graham, S., Boatwright, K., Hyoung, P., Bowden, A.E., (2015) “Transversely isotropic material characterization of the human anterior longitudinal ligament,” J Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, in press.
- Morco, S., Bowden, A.E., (2015) “Ulnar drift in rheumatoid arthritis: a review of biomechanical etiology,” J Biomechanics, epub Jan 5, 2015.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Fullwood, R.A., Merrell, T.M., Bridgewater, L.C., Bowden, A.E., (2015) “Biomechanical analysis of the camelid cervical intervertebral disc,” J Orthopaedic Translation, doi:10.1016/, Vol. 3, No. 1, 34-43, epub 23 Dec 2014.
- Bilodeau, R.A., Fullwood, D.T., Colton, J., Yeager, J.D., Bowden, A.E., Park, T. (2015) “Evolution of Nano-junctions in Piezoresistive Nanostrand Composites,” Composites B, doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.11.028, Vol 72, April, 45-52, epub 15 Dec 2014.
- Zirbel, S.A., Stolworthy, D.K., Howell, L.L., Bowden, A.E. (2014) “A standardized representation of spinal quality of motion,” J Engineering in Medicine, 228(11):1168-75.
- Koecher, M.C., Pande, J.H., Merkley, S., Henderson, S., Fullwood, D.T., Bowden, A.E. (2015) “Piezoresistive in-situ strain sensing of composite laminate structures” Composites B, doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.09.029, Vol 69, Feb , 534-541, epub 12 Oct 2014.
- Von Forell, G.A., Nelson, T.G., Samartzis, D., Bowden, A.E. (2014) “Changes in Vertebral Strain Energy Correlate with Increased Presence of Schmorl’s Nodes in Multi-level Lumbar Disc Degeneration” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, doi: 10.1115/1.4027301, Vol. 136, No. 6, 061002 (6 pages).
- Von Forell, G.A., Hyoung, P.S., Bowden, A.E. (2014) “Failure Modes and Fracture Toughness in Partially Torn Ligaments and Tendons” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.03.020, Vol. 35, 77-84.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Zirbel, S.A., Howell, L.L., Samuels, M., Bowden, A.E. (2014) “Characterization and Prediction of Rate-dependent Flexibility in Lumbar Spine Biomechanics at Room and Body Temperature,” The Spine Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2013.08.043, Vol 14, No. 5, 789-98.
- Jones, K., Jensen, B.D., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Fabrication and Testing of Planar Stent Mesh Designs using Carbon Infiltrated Carbon Nanotubes,” Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, DOI: 10.1115/1.4025598, Vol. 4, No. 2, 020903 (7 pages).
- Robertson, D.J., Von Forell, G.A., Alsup, J., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Thoracolumbar spinal Ligaments Exhibit Negative and Transverse Pre-strain,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2013.04.004, Vol. 23, 44-52.
- Zirbel, S.A., Stolworthy, D.K., Howell, L.L., and Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Alters Lumbar Spine Segmental Stiffness in All Modes of Loading Under a Compressive Follower Load,” The Spine Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2013.02.010, Vol. 13, No. 9, 1143-1147.
- Von Forell, G.A., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Biomechanical Implications of Lumbar Spinal Ligament Transection,” Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2013.763936 (11 pages).
- Robertson, D., Willardson, R., Parajuli, A., Cannon, A., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “The Lumbar Supraspinous Ligament Demonstrates Increased Material Stiffness and Strength on its Ventral Aspect,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 17, 34-43.
- Dodgen, E., Stratton, E., Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L. (2012) “Spinal implant development, modeling, and testing to achieve customizable and nonlinear stiffness,” Journal of Medical Devices, DOI: 10.1115/1.4006543, Vol. 6, No. 2, 021010 (8 pages).
- West, C.R., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Using tendon inherent electric properties to consistently track induced mechanical strain,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 7, 1568-1574.
- Halverson, P.A., A.E. Bowden, L.L. Howell (2012) “A compliant mechanism approach to achieving specific quality of motion in lumbar total disc replacement,” International Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol. 6, No. 2, 78-86.
- Sjovold, S.G., Q. Zhu, A.E. Bowden, C.R. Larson, P.M. de Bakker, M.L. Villarraga, J.A. Ochoa, D.M. Rosler, P.A. Cripton (2012) “Biomechanical evaluation of the total facet arthroplasty system (TFAS(r)): Loading as compared to a rigid posterior instrumentation system,” European Spine Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s00586-012-2253-8, Vol. 21, No. 8, 1660-1673.
- Halverson, P.A., A.E. Bowden, L.L. Howell (2011) “A pseudo-rigid-body model of the human spine to predict implant-induced changes on motion,” Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, DOI: 10.1115/1.4004896, Vol. 3, No. 4, 041008 (7 pages).
- Bowden, A.E. (2011) “An important backdrop to the continued discussion on the use of antibiotic containing bone cements: Commentary on an article by Jill Meyer, PhD, et al.: Vacuum-mixing significantly changes antibiotic elution characteristics of commercially available antibiotic-impregnated bone cements,” Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (American Volume), DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.K.01144, Vol 93, No. 22, e125 1-2 (Invited).
- Shkolnikov, Y. P., A.E. Bowden, D. MacDonald, S.M. Kurtz (2010). “Wear pattern observations from TDR retrievals using autoregistration of voxel data,” J Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.31653, Vol 94B, No. 2, 312-217.
- Bowden, A.E., H.L. Guerin, M.L. Villarraga, A.G. Patwardhan, and J.A. Ochoa (2008). “Quality of motion considerations in numerical analysis of motion restoring implants of the spine,” Clinical Biomechanics, 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2007.12.010, Vol 23, No. 5, 536-544.
- Bowden, A. E., S. M. Kurtz and A. A. Edidin (2005). “Validation of a micro-CT technique for measuring volumetric wear in retrieved acetabular liners,” J Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.30318, Vol 75, No., 1, 205-9.
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
- Bowden, A.E., Ochia, R. (2015) “Survey of U.S. Biomechanics Instruction,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA, June 14-17, 2015.
- Bowden, A.E., Warnick, G.A., Magleby, S (2014) “Longitudinal Evolution of an Inclusive, College-Wide Integrated Engineering Leadership Curriculum,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014.
- Warnick, G.A., Bowden, A.E., Schmidt, J (2014) “An Experiential Learning Approach to Develop Leadership Competencies in Engineering and Technology Students,” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014.
- Rosquist, P.G., Fullwood, D.T., Bowden, A.E., Ridge, S., Merrell, A.J., Anderson, B.K., Bird, E.T. (2014) “Application of nano-composite piezoelectric foam in tracking aerobic energy output,” SAMPE.
- Merrell, A.J., Fullwood, D.T., Bowden, A.E., Remington, T.D., Bilodeau, A.. (2013) “Application of nano-composite piezoelectric foam sensors,” ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems.
- Jones, K., Jensen, B.D., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Fabrication and Testing of Planar Stent Mesh Designs Using Carbon Infiltrated Carbon Nanotubes,” Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Portland, OR, Aug 4-7, 2013, DETC2013-13297
- Von Forell, G.A., Hyong, P., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Directional Failure of Tendons in the Presence of a Notch Defect,” SEM Annual Conference (Paper 114)
- Dodgen, E.R., Howell, L. L, and Bowden, A.E. (2011) “Spinal implant with adjustable and nonlinear stiffness,” Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Washington, D.C., Aug 28-31, 2011, DETC2011-47913.
- Bradshaw, R.J., A.C. Russell, and A.E. Bowden (2010). “Spinal ligaments: anisotropic characterization using very small samples,” Proceedings of the 2010 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Paper 356.
- Hyatt, T.B., R.J. Bradshaw, O. Johnson, A.E. Bowden, and D.T. Fullwood (2010). “Nano-composite sensors for wide range measurement of ligament strain,” Proceedings of the 2010 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Paper 314.
- Stratton, E., Howell, L.L., and A.E. Bowden (2010), “Force-displacement model of the flexsuretm spinal implant,” Proceedings of the ASME IDETC, DETC2010- 28476.
- Halverson, P.A., L.L. Howell, and A.E. Bowden (2008). “A flexure-based bi-axial contact-aided compliant mechanism for spinal arthroplasty,” Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Mechanisms & Robotics Conference, DETC2008-50121.
- Bergstöm, J. S., A. E. Bowden, C. M. Rimnac and S. M. Kurtz (2006). “Development and implementation of an advanced user material model for UHMWPE,” 9th International LS-DYNA Users Conference (Material Modeling (1)): 15-17.
- Bowden, A. E., R. D. Rabbitt and J. A. Weiss (1998). “Anatomical registration and segmentation by warping template finite element models,” SPIE 3254: 469-476.
- Weiss, J. A., A. E. Bowden and R. D. Rabbitt (1998). “Incorporation of medical image data in finite element models to track strain in soft tissues,” SPIE 3254: 477-484.
Other Papers
- Bowden, A.E. (2011). “Microstructure based characterization of spinal ligaments,” Proceedings of the 2011 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA, January 4-7, 2011.
- Mazzucco, D., A. E. Bowden and K. L. Ong (2006). “Examining failure causation in retrieved implant devices,” Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry (Jan): 110-115.
Peer-reviewed Abstract Publications:
- Von Forell, G.A., Stephens, T.K., Samartzis, D., Bowden, A.E. (2015) “Low back pain: a biomechanical rationale based on “patterns” of disc degeneration,” Proceedings 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, June 9-12, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Hortin, M., Graham, S., Boatwright, K., Hyoung, P., Bowden, A.E. (2015) “Anisotropic Nonlinear Material Characterization Of The Human Anterior Longitudinal Ligament,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 40, Abstract 1380.
- Von Forell, G.A., Stephens, T.K., Nelson, T.G., Samartzis, D., Bowden, A.E. (2014) “Biomechanical rationale for variations in the prevalence of low back pain and Schmorl’s nodes found in different patterns of multi-level disc degeneration” Proceedings 41st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, June 3-7, Seoul, Korea.
- Von Forell, G.A., Bowden, A.E. (2014) “Simulation of Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Lengthening Surgery Using A Finite Element Damage Model,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 39, Abstract 1048.
- Von Forell, G.A., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Biomechanical investigation of the fracture toughness of torn spinal ligaments,” 2nd International Spine Research Symposium, November 6-8, Philadelphia, PA.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Fullwood, R.A., Merrell, T.M., Bowden, A.E., Bridgewater, L.C. (2013) “Mechanical Parallels for a Camelid Cervical Spine Model of Lumbar Disc Degeneration,” 2nd International Spine Research Symposium, November 6-8, Philadelphia, PA.
- Bridgewater, L.C., Christensen, L., Stolworthy, D.K., Fullwood, R.A., Merrell, T.M., Holland, J.G., Harmon, L.M., Robinson, T.F., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Development of an alpaca disc culture system for the study of intervertebral disc degeneration,” 2nd International Spine Research Symposium, November 6-8, Philadelphia, PA.
- Von Forell, G.A., Nelson, T.G., Stephens, T.K., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Pre-failure Model of Achilles Tendon Lengthening Surgery Correlates Maximum Stresses and Induced Tendon Sliding Gap,” CMBBE Symposium, General Session: Ligament and Tendon Mechanics.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Biomechanical Investigation of Llamas and Alpacas as Potential Animal Models for the Human Spine,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 38, Abstract 1605.
- Von Forell, G.A., Nelson, T., Samartzis, D., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Decreased Vertebral Strain Energy Correlates with Increased Presence of Schmorl's Nodes in Multi-level Lumbar Disc Degeneration,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 38, Abstract 1592)
- Robertson, D., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Spinal Ligaments Exhibit Transverse Ligament Pre-Strain and Negative Longitudinal Ligament Pre-Strain,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 38, Abstract 1614.
- Robertson, D., Von Forell, G., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “Negative Supraspinous Ligament Pre-Strain Increases Stress in the Ligamentum Flavum,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 38, Abstract 0830.
- Jeffs, S., Bowden, A.E. (2013) “A New Paradigm on the Passive Stability of the Human Lumbar Spine,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 38, Abstract 0815.
- Von Forell, G.A., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Correlation of Biomechanics and Clinical Studies for Skipped Level Disc Degeneration using a Finite Element Model of the Lumbar Spine,” Philadelphia Spine Research Symposium.
- Robertson, D., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Specimen Specific Material Characterization of Spinal Ligaments,” Philadelphia Spine Research Symposium.
- Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L., Stolworthy, D.K. (2012) “A Compliant Mechanism Approach to Restoring the Lumbar Spine”, Philadelphia Spine Research Symposium.
- Von Forell, G., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Biomechanical implications of spinal ligament transection,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 37, Abstract 2142.
- Cannon, A., Parajuli, A., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Quantitative morphological classification of spinal ligament degeneration,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 37, Abstract 2321.
- Alsup, J., Fullwood, R., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Mimicking the mechanical behavior of intervertebral disc degeneration,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 37, Abstract 2137.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Zirbel, S.A., Howell, L.L., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Predicting rate-dependent lumbar spine biomechanics: range of motion, neutral zone, stiffness, and hysteresis,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 37, Abstract 1138.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Zirbel, S.A., Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L (2012) “Non-intuitive changes in spine biomechanical response with testing temperature and compressive load,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 37, Abstract 1140.
- Robertson, D.J., Willardson, R.J., Cannon, A., Parajuli, A., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Material properties vary anterior to posterior in the human supraspinous ligament,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 37, Abstract 1291.
- West, C.R., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Tendon is its own strain gauge: inherent electric properties consistently measure induced strain,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol 37, Abstract 0131.
- Von Forell, G., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Changes in Lumbar Spinal Ligament Stress Due to Isolated Transected Ligaments,” 20th Annual Symposium on Computational Methods in Orthopaedic Biomechanics, San Francisco, CA, Feb 3, 2012.
- Hyoung P., Von Forell, G.A., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Examination of failure properties of tendons reveals extreme resistance to propagation of tears in the presence of a notch defect,” Emerging Ideas in Biomedical Research, Brigham Young University.
- Nelson, T.G., Von Forell, G.A., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Increased vertebral strain energy correlates with increased presence of Schmorl Nodes in multi-level lumbar disc degeneration,” Emerging Ideas in Biomedical Research, Brigham Young University.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Merrell, T.M., Bleazzard, T.J, Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Animal models of intervertebral disc degeneration: Camelids,” Emerging Ideas in Biomedical Research, Brigham Young University.
- Salazar, B., Robertson, D.J., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Validation of the anisotropic small punch test using finite element optimization,” Emerging Ideas in Biomedical Research, Brigham Young University.
- Robertson, D.J., Alsup, J., Bowden, A.E. (2012) “Spinal ligament pre-strain is anisotropic and regionally dependent,” Emerging Ideas in Biomedical Research, Brigham Young University.
- Bowden, A.E. (2011) “A Standard of Competency for Evaluating the Engineering Efficacy of Medical Devices,” Sixth International Conference on Ethical Issues in Biomedical Engineering, Brooklyn, NY, April 1-3, 2011.
- Zirbel, S.A., Stolworthy, D.K., Howell, L.L, Bowden, A.E. (2011) “Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Alters Lumbar Spine Segmental Stiffness in All Modes of Loading Under a Compressive Follower Load,” New Horizons in Intervertebral Disc Research, Philadelphia, PA, November 16-18.
- Alsup, J., Fullwood, R., Bowden, A.E. (2011) “A cadaveric model of mechanical disc degeneration using incubated protease injections,” New Horizons in Intervertebral Disc Research, Philadelphia, PA, November 16-18,.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Zirbel, S.A., Howell, L.L, Bowden, A.E. (2011) “A predictive model of rate-dependent spinal segment biomechanics,” New Horizons in Intervertebral Disc Research, Philadelphia, PA, November 16-18.
- Stolworthy, D. K., Zirbel, S.A., Samuels, M, Bowden, A.E., and L.L. Howell (2011) “Increased loading rate decreases hysteresis and rom in the human lumbar spine,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 36, Abstract 0784.
- Robertson, D., Bradshaw, R., Cannon, A., and A.E. Bowden (2011) “Nonlinear material response of individual cadaveric spinal ligaments obtained via anisotropic small punch test, Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 36, Abstract 0924.
- Halverson, P.A., A.E. Bowden, L.L. Howell (2011) “Prediction of adjacent-level degenerative-effects in the spine using the pseudo-rigid-body model,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 36, Abstract 0781.
- West, C., A.E. Bowden (2011) “Use of inherent electric properties of tendon to measure strain,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 36, Abstract 0925.
- Stolworthy, D.K., Zirbel, S.A., Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L (2011) “Non-intuitive changes in spine biomechanical response with testing temperature and compressive load effects,” Proceedings of the 7th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, September 10.
- Alsup, J.S., Fullwood, R.A., Bowden, A.E. (2011) “Validation of a novel in vitro model of mechanical intervertebral disc degeneration,” Proceedings of the 7th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, September 10.
- Robertson, D., Cannon, A., Parajuli, R., Bowden, A.E. (2011) “Damage to the supraspinous ligament is more likely to affect patient biomechanics when present in ventral region,” Proceedings of the 7th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, September 10.
- Parajuli, A., Cannon, A., Bowden, A.E. (2011) “Microstructure based grading of spinal ligaments,” Proceedings of the 7th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept 10.
- Reece, D., A.E. Bowden, P.A. Halverson, L.L. Howell (2011) “A clinically accessible numerical model for showing spinal motion following surgery,” Proceedings of the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research, Ogden, UT, Feb 18.
- Ashworth, T., G.V. Forrell, A.E. Bowden (2010) “A comparison of hexahedral vs. tetrahedral elements on nonlinear modeling of the lumbar spine,” Proceedings of the Mountain West Bioengineering Conference, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11.
- Smith, S., A.E. Bowden (2010) “An open-source parametric model of the lumbar vertebrae,” Proceedings of the Mountain West Bioengineering Conference, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11.
- Robertson, D., R. Bradshaw, A. Cannon, A. Russell, A.E. Bowden (2010) “Anisotropic characterization of spinal ligament material response using a small punch test,” Proceedings of the Mountain West Bioengineering Conference, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11.
- Stolworthy, D.K., S. Zirbel, L.L. Howell, A.E. Bowden (2010) “Effects of Temperature and Bending Rate on Biomechanical Analysis of the Human Lumbar Spine,” Proceedings of the Mountain West Bioengineering Conference, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11.
- Zirbel, S., D. K. Stolworthy, E. Dodgen, A.E. Bowden, L.L. Howell (2010) “Intervertebral disc degeneration alters lumbar spine segmental stiffness in all modes of loading under a compressive follower load,” Proceedings of the Mountain West Bioengineering Conference, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11.
- West, C., A.E. Bowden (2010) “Use of the inherent electric properties of tendon to measure strain,” Proceedings of the Mountain West Bioengineering Conference, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11.
- Sessions, J., T. Bishop, and A.E. Bowden (2009) “Mechanical characterization of a bovine tail analog for enzymatic disc degeneration,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 34, Abstract 1682
- Showalter, B.L., M.B. Hunter, and A.E. Bowden (2009) “Validation of a modified small punch test for characterizing the material response of spinal ligaments,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 34, Abstract 1441.
- Halverson, P., A.E. Bowden, E. Stratton, D. Pearsall, and L.L. Howell (2009) “The balanced spine: a passive mechanism for maintaining erect posture,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society, Vol. 34, Abstract 1776.
- Coleman, J.C., A.E. Bowden, S. Rundell, R.P. Nockels, and K.T. Foley (2008) “Effect of semi-rigid posterior rods on kinematic stability and load distribution in the lumbar spine,” Proc AANS/CNS, Chicago, IL, April 26-May 1.
- Halverson, P., A.E. Bowden and L.L. Howell (2008) “Wearless total disc arthroplasty through compliant mechanism design,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 8, Miami, FL, May 6-9.
- Halverson, P., L.L. Howell, and A.E. Bowden (2008) “The balanced spine: a passive mechanism for maintain erect posture,” Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Mountain West Biomedical Engineering Conference, Park City, UT, Sep 5-6.
- Bowden, A.E., H.L. Guerin, M.L. Villarraga, A.G. Patwardhan, and J.A. Ochoa (2008) “Higher order validation metrics are required when numerically modeling physiologic motion of the spine,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society Vol. 33, Abstract 1360.
- Kurtz, S.M., Bergström, J., Bowden, A. E., Sobieraj, M.C., Wang, A., Manley, M., Rimnac, C.M. (2007) “Validation of hybrid model and ultimate chain stretch criterion for a second-generation highly crosslinked UHMWPE,” 6th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies, Honolulu, Hawaii, Abstract 0498.
- Bowden, A. E., Y. P. Shkolnikov, D. MacDonald and S. M. Kurtz (2007) “Automated microCT-based damage maps of explanted polymeric TDR components,” The Spine Journal, Vol. 7(5S) 128S-129S.
- Kurtz, S. M., D. MacDonald, A. Von Ooij, J. Isaza, L. Ciccarelli, R. Ross, A. E. Bowden, A. Gl. Patwardhan (2007) “Are one-sided wear patterns predictive of greater clinical wear in mobile bearing total disc replacements?,” The Spine Journal, Vol. 7(5S) 152S.
- Bowden, A. E., S. Rundell, J. Auerbach and R. Balderston (2007) “Total disc replacement changes facet contact stresses in extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 7, Berlin, Germany, May 1-4.
- Bowden, A. E., Y. P. Shkolnikov, D. MacDonald and S. M. Kurtz (2007) “Development and validation of an automated microCT-based technique for mapping damage of explanted polymeric components for TDR,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 7, Berlin, Germany, May 1-4.
- Coleman, J., A. E. Bowden, S. A. Rundell, R. P. Nockels and K. T. Foley (2007) “Effect of a semi-rigid posterior implant on range of motion and load distribution in the lumbar spine: A finite element study,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 7, Berlin, Germany, May 1-4.
- Day, J., K. L. Ong, A. E. Bowden, M. Manley and S. M. Kurtz (2007) “A finite element comparison of bone conserving femoral stems,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society Vol. 32, Abstract 1715.
- Kurtz, S. M., D. MacDonald, L. Ciccarelli, A. van Ooij, J. Isaza, R. Ross, A. E. Bowden and A. Patwardhan (2007) “Are one-sided wear patterns predictive of greater clinical wear in mobile bearing TDRs?,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 7, Berlin, Germany, May 1-4.
- Ong, K. L., A. E. Bowden, M. Manley, S. M. Kurtz and E. Munting (2007) “Biomechanics of a stemless, metaphyseal fixation femoral fixation design: Effects of screw fixation and interface conditions,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society Vol. 32, Abstract 1714.
- Rundell, S., A. E. Bowden, J. Auerbach and R. Balderston (2007) “Effects of Prodisc positioning on lumbar kinematics as determined using a specimen-specific finite element model,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 7, Berlin, Germany, May 1-4.
- Bowden, A. E., J. S. Bergström and S. M. Kurtz (2006) “Rim fracture risk of highly crosslinked polyethylene total disc replacements,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 6, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 10-13.
- Bowden, A. E., Kurtz, S.M., MacDonald, D., and A. A. Edidin (2006) “Long-term 3D wear patterns in retrieved acetabular liners,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society Vol. 31, Abstract 0668.
- Bowden, A. E., A. A. Edidin and S. M. Kurtz (2006) “Simulating vertebral compression fracture,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society Vol. 31, Abstract 1273.
- Bowden, A. E. and M. L. Villarraga (2006) “In situ biomechanical investigation of a total facet replacement using finite element analysis,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 6, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 10-13.
- Bowden, A. E. and M. L. Villarraga (2006) “In situ biomechanics of total facet replacement using finite element analysis,” Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of NASS SIPP #4: 140.
- Rundell, S., A. E. Bowden, M. L. Villarraga, Q. Zhu and P. Cripton (2006) “Validation of experimental implant-bone interface load measurement for a facet replacement device using finite element analysis,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 6, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 10-13.
- Bowden, A. E., S. M. Kurtz and A. A. Edidin (2005) “Validation of a microCT technique for measuring volumetric wear in retrieved acetabular liners,” Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society Vol. 30, Abstract 1189.
- Bowden, A. E., S. M. Kurtz and A. A. Edidin (2005) “Biomechanical analysis of polyethylene stresses in the Charité total disc replacement,” Spine Arthroplasty Summit 5, New York City, NY, May 4-7.
- Bowden, A. E., M. L. Villarraga, A. A. Edidin and S. M. Kurtz (2005) “Advanced numerical modeling of spinal biomechanics,” Proceedings of the Spine Research Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, Sep 27.
- Bowden, A. E., M. L. Villarraga, A. A. Edidin and S. M. Kurtz (2005) “Numerical simulation of vertebral collapse,” Proc Spine Research Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, Sep 27.
- Bowden, A. E., S. M. Kurtz and A. A. Edidin (2005) “Validation of a mCT technique for measuring volumetric wear in retrieved acetabular liners,” SCANCO Medical μCT Users Meeting, Paoli, PA, June 3-5.
- Veress, A. I., J. A. Weiss, R. J. Gillies, A. E. Bowden, J.-P. Galons and R. D. Rabbitt (2002) “Deformable image registration of mouse brain MRI data using hyperelastic warping,” Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2002: 32375.
- Yamauchi, Y. M., S. M. Highstein, C. King, A. E. Bowden, R. D. Rabbitt and R. Boyle (2002) “Displacement of the semicircular canal cupula for sinusoidal stimuli,” Association for Research in Otolaryngology Abstracts V25(125): 32.
- Weiss, J. A., A. I. Veress, A. E. Bowden, R. J. Gillies, J.-P. Galons and J. Guo (2001) “Local measurements of changes in shape and volume between serial volumetric medical images: Application to Niemann-Pick type C disease,” Center for High Performance Computing News, University of Utah 12(3): 1-3.
- Bowden, A. E., R. D. Rabbitt and J. A. Weiss (1999) “Stress and strain in the human distal phalanx under indentation,” Proceedings of the 21st Ann EMBS Conference (1st Joint with BMES): 512.
- Rabbitt, R. D., A. E. Bowden and J. A. Weiss (1999) “Tracking nonlinear soft tissue strain using 3D medical image data and the finite element method,” NIH Biomedical Imaging Symposium: Visualizing the Future of Biology and Medicine, NIH Campus, Jun 25-26.
- Bowden, A. E., R. D. Rabbitt and J. A. Weiss (1998) “Warping template finite element models into alignment with subject specific image data,” ASME Advances in Bioengineering BED-39: 289-90.
- Bowden, A. E., R. D. Rabbitt and J. A. Weiss (1997) “Use of medical image data to compute strain fields in biological tissues,” Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference BED-35: 191-192.
- Yamauchi, Y. M., A. E. Bowden and R. D. Rabbitt (1997) “Finite element model of the vestibular semicircular canal ampulla and cupula,” Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference BED-35: 63-64.
U.S. Patents
- “Method of treating a degenerate spinal segment,” Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L., Halverson, P.A., and Stratton, E.M., US Patent 8,172,883, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Spinal implant,” Halverson, P.A., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., and Bowden, A.E., U.S. Patent 8,308,801, assigned to Brigham Young University, licensed to Crocker Spinal Technologies, Inc.
- “Compliant dynamic spinal implant and associated methods,” Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L., Halverson, P.A., and Stratton, E.M., US Patent 8,663,286, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Composite material used as a strain gauge,” D. Fullwood, A.E. Bowden, J. Merrell, US Patent 8,985,954, assigned to Brigham Young University, licensed to Nanocomposites, Inc..
U.S. Patents Pending
- “Spinal implant,” Halverson, P.A., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., and Bowden, A.E., U.S. Patent Application 20100241232, assigned to Brigham Young University, licensed to Crocker Spinal Technologies, Inc.
- “Spinal implant,” Halverson, P.A., Howell, L.L., Magleby, S.P., and Bowden, A.E., U.S. Patent Application 20080195213, assigned to Brigham Young University, licensed to Crocker Spinal Technologies, Inc.
- “Method of treating a degenerate spinal segment,” Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L., Halverson, P.A., and Stratton, E.M., U.S. Patent Application 20100222823, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Systems and Methods for Forming a Protective Pad,” Bowden, A.E., Campbell, R.D., Dibb, R., Doyle, B., Lawson, D., Pharo, C., US Patent Application 20110256346 , assigned to XOAthletics.
- “Protective pad including tethers and related methods and systems,” Bowden, A.E., Doot, T., Fernelius, M., Pearson, J., Reece, D., Sanders, M., Shurtliff, M., US Patent Application 20120198606, assigned to XOAthletics.
- “Compliant Dynamic Spinal Implant,” A.E. Bowden, L.L. Howell, P.A. Halverson, E.M. Stratton, US Patent Application 20100222821, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Compliant dynamic spinal implant and associated methods,” Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L., Halverson, P.A., and Stratton, E.M., US Patent Application 20100217324, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Compliant dynamic spinal implant and associated methods,” Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L., Halverson, P.A., and Stratton, E.M., US Patent Application 20100211106, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Prestressed compliant dynamic spinal implant and associated methods,” Bowden, A.E., Howell, L.L., Halverson, P.A., and Stratton, E.M., US Patent Application (not yet published), assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Spinal implant capable of matching physiological motion in axial rotation, flexion-extension, and lateral bending,” Halverson, P.A., Howell, L.L., and Bowden, A.E., U.S. Patent Application (not yet published), assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Serpentine spinal stability device and associated methods (SPAR),” Dodgen, E., Howell, L.L., Bowden, A.E., US Patent Application 20130150891, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Apparatus method and system for measuring strain in biological tissue,” West, C., Bowden, A.E., US Patent Application 20130211279, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Compliant biocompatible device and method of manufacture,” Bowden, A.E., Jensen, B., Jones, K., Skousen, D., US Patent Application 20140094900, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Piezoresistive nano-composite foam,” Bowden, A.E., Fullwood, D., Merrell, J., US Patent Application (not yet published), assigned to Brigham Young University, licensed to NanoComposites, Inc.
- Piezoelectric nano-composite foam, “Bowden, A.E., Fullwood, D., Merrell, J., US Patent Application (not yet published), assigned to Brigham Young University, licensed to NanoComposites, Inc.
- “Sterile drape for surgical C-arm having a hinged folding structure,” Thomas, L.T., Robinson, J.M., Malla, D.B., Richardson, D.W., Moore, S.A., Lindmark, J., Bowden, A.E., US Patent Application (not yet published), assigned to GE Healthcare, Inc.
- “Method of Surgically Implanting A Spinal Implant,” A.E. Bowden, L.L. Howell, P.A. Halverson, E.M. Stratton, US Patent Application 20100222823, assigned to Brigham Young University.
- “Embeddable strain gauges for flexible fabric, membranes and other surfaces,” Bowden, A.E., Fullwood, D., Baradoy, D., US Provisional Patent Application, licensed to Fetal Monitoring Solutions.
- MeEn 101: Static Systems in Mechanical Engineering
- MeEn 250: Introduction to Materials Science
- MeEn 555: Introduction to Biomechanics
- MeEn 695R: Orthopaedic Biomechanics
- EngT 231: Foundations of Global Leadership
Research Interests
Biomechanics, Spinal Biomechanics, Medical Device Design, Nanocomposite BiomaterialsTeaching Interests
Biomechanics, Leadership & Ethics, Materials Science, Mechanics of Materials, Numerical AnalysisEducation
- Ph.D., Bioengineering , University of Utah (2003)
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering , Minor: Computer Science, Utah State University (1996)
Licenses and Certifications
- New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, Licensed Professional Engineer (2006 - Present)
Honors and Awards
- Member, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society (1995 - Present)
- Wesley P. Lloyd Award for Distinction in Graduate Education, Brigham Young University (2024 - 2024)
- Outstanding Faculty Research Award, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University (2021 - 2021)
- Excellence in Scholarship Award, Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology (2020 - 2020)
- NCEES 10-year Service Recognition, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (2019 - 2019)
- NCEES 10-year Service Recognition, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (2019 - 2019)
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Mechanical Engineering Department, Brigham Young University (2017 - 2017)
- Weidman Professorship in Leadership (2013 - 2016)
- NCEES 5-year Service Recognition, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (2014 - 2014)
- Technology Transfer Award, BYU Technology Transfer (2014 - 2014)
- Outstanding Faculty Award, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University (2013 - 2013)
- CAREER Award, National Science Foundation (2010 - 2010)
- Biomedical Engineering Society (2016 - Present)
- National Society of Professional Engineers (2010 - Present)
- Orthopaedic Research Society (2008 - Present)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1996 - Present)
Professional Citizenship
- Committee/Council Chair, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) (2022 - Present)
- Editor, Associate Editor, Sensors (Peer-reviewed Journal) (2022 - Present)
- Other, Orthopaedic Research Society: Regional Ambassador (2022 - Present)
- Committee/Council Member, National Institutes of Health: BEST Trial Operations Committee (2022 - Present)
- Committee/Council Chair, Orthopaedic Research Society: Ethics Committee (2020 - Present)
- Committee/Council Chair, National Institutes of Health, BACPAC Consortium Biomechanics and Physical Function Working Group (2019 - Present)
- Committee/Council Member, National Institutes of Health, BACPAC Consortium Steering Committee (2019 - Present)
- Grant Proposal Reviewer, External, Orthopaedic Research Society: Women's Fellowship Award (2017 - Present)
- Conference-Related Role, Orthopaedic Research Society: Conference Abstract Reviewer (2015 - Present)
- Committee/Council Member, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) (2008 - Present)
- Editor, Associate Editor, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (2018 - 2024)
- Conference-Related Role, Orthopaedic Research Society: SOARS Regional Conference Chair (2022 - 2022)
- Committee/Council Chair, National Institutes of Health, BACPAC Consortium Steering Committee (2021 - 2022)
- Conference-Related Role, National Institutes of Health: BACPAC Consortium (2022 - 2022)
- Committee/Council Member, National Institutes of Health, HEAL Investigator Meeting Planning Committee (2022 - 2022)
- Committee/Council Chair, National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) (2018 - 2022)
- Committee/Council Member, National Institutes of Health, BACPAC Protocol Development Committee (2020 - 2021)
- Committee/Council Member, National Institutes of Health, HEAL Investigator Meeting Planning Committee (2021 - 2021)
- Committee/Council Member, Orthopaedic Research Society: Nominating Committee (2018 - 2019)
- Board Member, Orthopaedic Research Society: Communications Council Chair (2016 - 2018)