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Dale R. Tree

Professor and Department Chair
Mechanical Engineering

360B EB
Provo, UT 84602

Office Hours:

Fall 2024
Thursday: Open
Friday: Open
To make an appointment with Dr. Tree, contact Joanie Nelson at or (801) 377-2327.

Graduate Students

PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mechanical Engineering, April 1992

Dissertation: "Soot Particle Size and Number Density Measurements in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine Using Light Scattering, Radiation, and Extinction"

Attended 8/88 to 5/92

Minor Chemical Engineering

MSME, Purdue University, Mechanical Engineering, August 1988

Thesis: "Development of a Heat Flux Gauge for a Partially Insulated Internal Combustion Engine"

Attended 6/86 to 8/88

BS, Brigham Young University, Mechanical Engineering, April 1986

Attended 9/80-4/81, 9/83-4/86

Professor, From 2007 to present

Associate Professor, From 2000 to 2007

Assistant Professor, From 1994 to 2000

Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Research in Diesel, Coal, Biomass, and Black Liquor Combustion

Courses Taught: Thermodynamics, Applied Thermodynamics, Intermediate Thermodynamics, Combustion, I.C. Engines, Fluid Mechanics

SAE Advisor and Mini-Baja / FSAE Coach

Department Assessment and ABET Coordinator

Assistant Professor, From 06/94 to 2000

Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Research in Diesel and Coal Combustion, Soot and NOx emissions

SAE Advisor, Mini-Baja Coach

Courses Taught: Thermodynamics, Applied Thermo, Intermediate Thermo, Combustion, I.C. Engines

Sabbatical Leave, From 8/99 to 8/2000

Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, CA

Optical diagnostic measurements using Planar Laser Induced Florescence (PLIF) and Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) to identify soot and OH radicals in a reacting diesel jet.

Senior Engineer, From 8/92 to 6/94

Cummins Engine Company, Columbus, IN

Supervised diesel test cell investigating the affect of ultra high injection pressures on soot and NOx emissions as well as other engine performance parameters.

Post Doctoral Researcher, From 4/92 to 8/92

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Investigated the affect of a fuel additive on NO emissions in a diesel engine using engine blow-down and sampling.

Research Assistant, From 8/88 to 4/92

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Performed experimental research on soot formation in a Diesel Engine, soot formation in a well-stirred reactor, particulate measurements for various fuel compositions, heat transfer in a diesel engine, and soot deposition rates on diesel engine surfaces.

Research Assistant, From 5/86 to 8/88

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

Collected total heat flux measurements in a partially insulated diesel engine.

Graduate Students Advised

Pickett, L.M., MS, "Velocity Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame Using Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA)," December, 1996. Currently a staff researcher at Sandia National Laboratories

Haneberg, A., MS, "Soot Volume Fraction Determined by Two-Color Extinction in a Practical Scale Pulverized Coal Flame," April, 1997. Currently an Engineer for Boeing Corporation

Nazeer, W., MS, "Species and Temperature Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Controlled Profile Reactor with Natural Gas Reburning," August, 1997. Currently and Engineer for Solar Turbine.

Clark, A., MS, "In-Situ Species and Temperature Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame with Advanced Reburning," December, 1998. Currently an Engineer for Exxon / Mobil.

Svensson, K., MS, "Design, Fabrication and Testing of a Cross-Optical Constant Volume Combustion Bomb," May, 1998. Currently and Engineer for Mack / Volvo, North America.

Cooley, B., Ph.D., "New Adiabatic Flame Temperature Model for NOx Formation with Comparison of Diethyl Ether and Diesel Fuel," December, 2000. Currently a faculty member at BYU-Idaho

Peart, Jacob, A., MS, "Two-Color Extinction Applied to Coal Soot Detection and Quantification," April, 2000. Currently and Engineer at Trane Heating and Air Conditioning

Asay, Richard, J., MS, "A Five Zone Model For Direct Injection Diesel Combustion," August 2003. Currently and Engineer at Honeywell.

Lokare, Shrinivas S., "Investigation of Ash Deposition and Corrosion Mechanisms in Combustion of Bio-Fuels and Fuel Blends in a Pilot-Scale Facility, April 2004. Currently a Ph.D. student at BYU.

Ip, Leong-Teng, Ph.D., "Comprehensive Black Liquor Droplet Combustion Studies," April, 2005. Currently a faculty member at Macau University, China.

Dunaway, James, D., "Fluidized Bed Agglomeration temperatures as a Function of Impurities Content in Low-Temperature Black Liquor Gasification," April, 2005. Currently and Engineer for ATK Thiokol.

Svensson, K., Ph.D., "Effects of Fuel Molecular Structure and Composition on Soot Formation in Direct-Injection Spray Flames," August, 2005. Currently and Engineer for Mack / Volvo, North America.

Damstadt, Brad, Ph.D. , "Structure and Nitorgen Chemistry in Coal, Biomass and Cofiring Low-NOx Flames," 2007, Currently at Praxair.

Lokare, Shrinivas, Ph.D. Dissertation in progress, Brigham Young University.

Mackrory, Andrew, M.S., "Characterization of Black Liquor Sprays For Application to Entrained-Flow Processes," 2006, Currently a PhD Student at Brigham Young University

Woodruff, Mark, M.S., "Agglomeration of Bed Particles in Low-Temperature Black Liquor Gasification," 2006,

Larsen, Kyle, Ph.D., "Invetigation of Particle Velocity with Spherical and Non-Spherical Particles Through a Backward Facing Step," 2007, Currently Teaching at the College of Eastern Utah.

Journal Publications

Salt, T., Kim, Chiwon, Tree, D. R. “Oxygen Enhanced Exhaust Gas Recirculation for Compression Ignition Engines,” Accepted For Publication, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Nov. 2010.

Mackrory, Andrew J. and Tree, Dale R.(2009) 'Predictions of NOX in a Laboratory Pulverized Coal Combustor Operating under Air and Oxy-Fuel Conditions', Combustion Science and Technology, 181: 11, 1413 – 1430.

Ip, L.-T., L. L. Baxter, A. J. Mackrory and D. R. Tree, "Surface Temperature and Time-Dependent Measurements of Black Liquor Droplet Combustion." AIChE Journal 54(7): 1926-1931, 2008.

Lu, H., L.-T. Ip, A. Mackrory, L. Werrett, J. Scott, D. Tree and L. Baxter, "Particle-Surface Temperature Measurements with Multicolor Band Pyrometry." AIChE Journal, 55 (1) 243-255, 2008.

Mackrory, A. J., D. R. Tree, L. L. Baxter, Characteristics of Black Liquor Sprays from Gas-Assisted Atomizers in High-Temperature Environments, TAPPI Journal , pp 19-23, Jan. 2008.

Tree, D.R., Svensson, K.I., “Soot Processes in Compression Ignition Engines,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Technology, 33:3, pp 272-309, 2007

Wu, C, Tree, D., and Baxter, L., "Reactivity of NH3 and HCN During Low-grade Fuel Combustion in a Swirling Flow Burner," Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Heidelberg, Germany, Aug 6-11, 2006.

Damstedt, B., Pederson, J.M, Hansen, D., Knighton, T., Jones, J., Christensen, C., Baxter, L., and Tree, D., "Biomass Cofiring Impacts on Flame Structure and Emissions," Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Heidelberg, Germany, Aug 6-11, 2006.

Kenth I. Svensson, Michael J. Richards, Andrew J. Mackrory, Dale R. Tree, "Fuel Composition and Molecular Structure Effects on Soot Formation in Direct-Injection Flames under Diesel Engine Conditions," SAE Paper 2005-01-0381, 2005.

Musculus, M.P.B., Dec, J.E., Tree, D.R., Daly, D.T., Langer, D.A., Ryan, T.W. Matheaus, A.C. (2002) "Effects of Water-Fuel Emulsions on Spray and Combustion Processes in a Heavy-Duty DI Diesel Engine,", SAE Transactions, Vol. 111, s3, pp. 2736-56, Paper 2002-01-289.

Tree, D.R. and Cooley, W.B. (2001) "A Comparison and Model of NOx Formation for Diesel Fuel and Diethyl Ether," SAE Transactions, Vol. 110 s4, Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Paper 2001-01-0654.

Tree, D.R. and Dec, J.E. (2001) "Extinction Measurements of In-Cylinder Soot Deposition in a Heavy-Duty DI Diesel Engine," SAE Transactions, Vol. 110 s3, Journal of Engines, Paper 2001-01-1296.

Dec, J.E. and Tree, D.R. (2001) "Diffusion-Flame / Wall Interactions in a Heavy-Duty DI Diesel Engine," SAE Transactions, Vol. 110 s3, Journal of Engines, Paper 2001-01-1295.

Tree, D.R. and Peart, J.A. (2000) "Two Color Transmittance Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Reactor," Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Twenty-Eighth Symposium (International) on Combustion.

Tree, D.R., Clark, A.W. (2000) "Advanced Reburning Measurements of Temperature and Species in a Pulverized Coal Flame," Fuel, Vol. 79, pp 1687 - 1695.

Xu, H., Smoot, L.D., Tree, D.R. and Hill, S.C. (2001) "Prediction of Nitric Oxide Destruction by Advanced Reburning," Energy and Fuel, Vol. 15, pp 541 - 551.Nazeer, W.A., Jackson, R.E., Peart, J.A. and Tree, D.R. (1999) "Detailed Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame With Reburning," Fuel, Vol. 78:6 pp 689-699.

Pickett, L.M., Jackson, R.E. and Tree D.R. (1999) "LDA Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame at Three Swirl Ratios," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 143, pp. 79.

Nazeer, W.A., Pickett, L.M. and Tree D.R. (1999) "In-Situ Species, Temperature and Velocity Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame," Combustion and Science Technology, Vol. 143, pp. 63.

Tree, D.R., Black, D.L., Rigby, J.R., McQuay, M.Q. and Webb, B.W. (1998) "Experimental Measurements in the BYU Controlled Profile Reactor," Progress In Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 24, pp. 335-383.

Tree, D.R. and Webb, B.W. (1997) "Local Temperature Measurements in a Full Scale Utility Boiler with Overfire Air," Fuel, Vol. 76, n 11, pp 1057.

Tree, D. R., Oren, D.C. and Yonushonis, T.M. (1996) "Experimental Measurements on the Effect of Insulated Pistons on Engine Performance and Heat Transfer," SAE Transactions, Vol. 105 s3, Journal of Engines, Paper 960317.

Tree, D.R., Wiczyniski, P.D., and Yonushonis, T.M. (1996) "Experimental Results on the Effect of Surface Roughness and Porosity on Heat Release," SAE Transactions, Vol. 105 s3, Journal of Engines, Paper 960036.

Tree, D. R. and Foster, D. E. (1994) "Optical Soot Particle Size and Number Density Measurements In a Direct Injection Diesel Engine," Combustion and Science Technology, Vol. 95 pp 313 - 331.

Tree, D.R. and Foster, D.E., (1994) "Optical Measurements of Soot Particle Size, Number Density and Temperature in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine as a Function of Speed and Load," SAE Transactions vol. 103 s3, Journal of Engines, Paper 940270.

Sato, H, Tree, D.R., Hodges, J.T. and Foster, D.E. (1990) "A Study on the Effect of Temperature on Soot Formation in a Jet Stirred Combustor," Twenty-Third Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute pp 1469-1475.

Morel, T., Wahiduzzaman, S. Fort, E.F., Tree, D.R., DeWitt, D.P. and Kreider, K.G. (1989) "Heat Transfer in a Cooled and Insulated Engine," SAE Transactions, vol. 98 Section 3, Journal of Engines, Paper 890572.

Morel, T., Wahiduzzaman, S. Tree, D.R. and DeWitt, D.P. (1987) "Effect of Speed, Load, and Location on Heat Transfer in a Diesel Engine - Measurements and Predictions," SAE Transactions, vol. 96, Section 4, Paper 870154.Accepted for Journal Publication

Lokare, S.S., Dunaway, D., Tree, D.R. and Baxter, L.L. (2006) "Ash Deposition Rates for a Suite of Biomass Fuels and Fuel Blends," Accepted for publication in Energy and Fuel.Tree, D.R., Svensson, K.I. (2006) "Soot Processes in Compression Ignition Engines," Accepted For Publication in Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Technology.Published in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Dunaway, J.D., Baxter, L.L., Tree, D.R., "Fluidized Bed Agglomeration Temperatures as a Function of Impurities Content in Low-Temperature Black Liquor Gasification," 2005 TAPPI, Engineering, Pulpling, and Environmental Conference," August 28-31, 2005.

Ip, Elvin, Mackrory, A., Baxter, L.L., Tree, D.R., "Comprehensive Time Dependent Black Liquor Single Droplet Experiments and Predictions," 2005 TAPPI, Engineering, Pulpling, and Environmental Conference," August 28-31, 2005.

Svensson, K.I., Mackrory, A.J., Richards, M.J., Tree, D.R. (2005) "Calibration of an RGB, CCD Camera and Interpretation of its Two-Color Images for KL and Temperature," SAE Paper 2005-01-0648.

Lokare, S., J. D. Dunaway, D. Rogers, M. Anderson, L. Baxter and D. Tree, "Effects of Fuel Ash Composition on Corrosion Deposits," Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2004.

Wu, C., B. Damstedt, S. Burt, D. Tree, and L. Baxter, L.L., "Fuel-nitrogen Chemistry during Combustion of Low-grade Fuels in a Low-NOx Burner," Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2004.

Dunaway, D., Lokare, S., Anderson, M., Baxter, L., Tree, D., and Junker, H., "Ash Deposition Rates for a Suite of Biomass Fuels and Fuel Blends," Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2004.

Ip, L., Ripa, D., Thiriot, A., Roberts, W., Tree, D., and Baxter, L., "Intermediate Sized Particle (ISP) Formation During Black Liquor Droplet Combustion," 2004 International Chemical Recovery Conference, Paper 16-5, Charleston S.C., June 6-10, 2004.

Asay, R.J., Svensson, K.I., Tree, D.R. (2004) "An Empirical, Mixing-Limited, Zero-Dimensional Model for Diesel Combustion," SAE Paper 2004-01-0924.

Musculus, M. P., Dec, J. E., a Tree, D. R. (2002) "Effects of Fuel Parameters and Diffusion Flame Lift-Off on Soot Formation in a Heavy-Duty DI Diesel Engine," SAE Paper No. 2002-01-0889.

Baxter, L., Tree, D., Lokare, S., Dunaway, D., Moulton, D., Mehta, A., Bakker, W., and Facciano, T., "Mechanistic Investigation of Chlorine-based, High-temperature Boiler Corrosion," UEF Conference, Power Production in the 21st Century: Impacts of Fuel Quality and Operations, Snowbird UT, Oct. 28 - Nov. 2, 2001.

Tree, D.R., Bower, G., Donahue, R., Shamis, D. and Foster, D.E. (1993) "Emission Tests on Diesel Fuel with NOx Reduction Additives," SAE Paper 932736.

Fukuda, M., Tree, D.R., Foster, D.E. and Suhre, B. (1992) "The Effect of Fuel Aromatic Structure and Content on Direct Injection Diesel Engine Particulates," SAE Paper 920110.

Ferguson, C.R., Tree, D.R., DeWitt, D.P. and Wahiduzzaman, S.A.H. (1987) "Design, Calibration and Error Analysis of Instruments for Heat Transfer Measurements in Internal Combustion Engines," ASME Reprint from Developments in Experimental Techniques in Heat Transfer and Combustion, HDT-Vol. 71.Abstract-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Baxter, L., Ip, L., Lu, H., Tree, D., "Distinguishing Biomass Combustion Characteristics and Their Implications for Sustainable Energy," Proceedings of Austrian Biomass Conference, August, 2005.

Lokare, S., Dunaway, J. D., Rogers, D., Anderson, M., Baxter, L., Junker, H., and Tree, D. R., "Effects of Fuel Ash Composition on Corrosion Deposits," 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, March 10-13, 2003.

Lokare, S., Dunaway, J.D., Rogers, D., Tree, D.R., Mehta, A., Bakker, W., Facchiano, T., and Baxter, L., "Deposition Mechanisms of High Chlorine Coal as a Function of Stoichiometry and Tube Temperature," 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, March 10-13, 2003.

Dunaway, J.D., Lokare, S., Anderson, M., Junker, H., Baxter, L., and Tree, D. R., "Ash Deposition Rates for a Suite of Biomass Fuels and Fuel Blends," 28th International Technical Conference on Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems, March 10-13, 2003.

H. Junker, B. Sander, S. Stitt D. Tree, S. Lokare, L. Baxter, D. Dunaway, D. Moulton, D. Rogers, "Agricultural Residues for Power Production," International Biomass Conference, Amsterdam, June 2002.Shrinivas Lokare, Dave Moulton, Helle Junker, Dale Tree, and Larry Baxter, "Effects of Fuel Ash Composition on Corrosion," Spring Meeting, Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, LaJolla, California, March 25-26, 2002.

Tuttle S.G., Lokare, S., Dunaway, J.D., Anderson, M., Moulton, D., Tree, D.R., Baxter, L.L, Mehta, A., Bakker, W., Facchiano, T. "Stoichiometric Effects on Boiler Corrosion from High Chlorine and High Alkaline Coals," Spring Meeting, Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, LaJolla, California, March 25-26, 2002.

David Dunaway, Shrinivas Lokare, Doug Rogers, David Moulton, Helle Junker, Dale Tree, and Larry Baxter, "Quantitatively Measured Ash Deposition Rates for a Suite of Biomass Fuels," Spring Meeting, Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, LaJolla, California, March 25-26, 2002.

Tree, D. R. and Dec, J. E., "Line of Sight Extinction Measurements of Oxygenated Fuel Blends and Diesel Fuel In a Heavy-Duty, Direct Injection Diesel Engine," Second Joint Meeting of the US Section of the Combustion Institute, JM2/CI-009, March 26-28, 2001.

Dec, J.E., Canaan, R.E. and Tree, D.R., "The Effect of Water Emulsified Fuel on Diesel Soot Formation," 219th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA., March 26-29, 2000.

Tree, D.R. and Peart, J.A., "In-Situ Soot Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame," Presented at the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Fall Meeting, University of California, Irvine, WSS/CI 99F-049, 1999.

Clark, A.W., Tree, D.R., "Detailed In-Situ Measurements of Temperature and Species in a Pulverized Coal Flame with Advanced Reburning," Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, Fall, 1998.

Pickett, L.M., Jackson, R.E. and Tree, D.R., "LDA, Gas Species and Temperature Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame," Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, Spring 1997.

Jackson, R.E., Pickett, L.M., and Tree, D.R., "Comprehensive Combustion Code Predictions of the Flow Field for Pulverized Coal Combustion," Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, Spring 1997.

Tree, D.R. and Haneberg, A.L., "Two-Color Transmittance Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame," Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, Spring 1997.

Nazeer, W.A., Jackson, R.E. and Tree, D.R., "Detailed Species and Temperature Measurements in a Pulverized Coal Flame with Natural Gas Reburning," Western States Section, The Combustion Institute, Fall 1997.

Combustion, Optical Diagnostics