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David Fullwood

Mechanical Engineering

350N EB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Office Hours

Winter 2025

Monday: 12pm - 2pm
Wednesday: 2pm - 4pm
Or By Appointment.
Graduate Students

2005 MS Mechanical Engineering, BYU 1991 PhD Applied Mathematics, London University, England 1989 MS Mathematics, University of Utah 1987 BSc(hons) Mathematics, University of York, England

2007 – present Professor, Brigham Young University
2006 – 07 Research assistant professor, Drexel University
2005 – 06 Post-doctoral research faculty, Brigham Young University 1997 - 04 Head of Mech. Engineering, Urenco Power Technologies 1993 - 97 Head of R&D and Design, International Energy Systems (BNFL)
1992 - 93 Nuclear Analyst, Risk Management Consultants (RMC) Ltd

Professional and Other Activities

Utah SAMPE chapter Vice President

General Chair: CAMX 2016, ICOTOM 2017
Technical chair: SAMPE 2008, SAMPE 2010, CAMX 2014


ANSYS, Adina, Matlab, Simulink, C++, Autocad, MS Office, etc.


English, Spanish


Mark Esty, MS

Stuart Rogers, MS

Tommy Hyatt, MS

Jay Basinger, PhD

Thomas Calkins, MS

Tim Johnson, MS

Ali Khosravani, MS

Ribeka Takahashi, PhD

Jonathan Scott, MS

Michael Koecher, MS

Taylor Remington, MS

Tim Ruggles, Phd

Travis Rampton, PhD

Current Students:

Jake Merrill, PhD

Landon Hansen, PhD

Isaac Chelladurai, PhD

Sam Friedbaum, MS

Evan Bird, MS

Derrik Adams, MS

Akash Amalaraj, MS

Publications and patents

Books and Book Chapters

  1. Fullwood, DT, Ruggles, T, Adams, BL, Mesoscopic Characterization of Heterogeneous Plastic Deformation, Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Edited by Saleem Hashmi, 2016
  2. Adams B.L., Kalidindi S.R., Fullwood D.T., Microstructure Sensitive Design for Performance Optimization, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012
  3. David Fullwood, Brent Adams, Jay Basinger, Timothy Ruggles, Ali Khosravani, Caroline Sorensen, Joshua Kacher, Microstructure Detail Extraction via EBSD: An Overview, Chapter in: Strain and Dislocation Gradients from Diffraction, Editors: R Barabash and G Ice, Imperial College Press, 2014
  4. Fullwood D.T., Kalidindi S.R., Adams B.L., Second-Order Microstructure Sensitive Design using 2-point Spatial Correlations, Chapter in Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science, Springer, 2009
  5. Kalidindi S.R., Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., First-Order Microstructure Sensitive Design Based on Volume Fractions and Elementary Bounds, Chapter in Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science, Springer, 2009
  6. Adams B.L., Kalidindi S.R., Fullwood D.T., Microstructure Sensitive Design for Performance Optimization, Graduate text, BYU Academic Publishing, 2005

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Devin W. Adams, David T. Fullwood , Robert H. Wagoner, Eric R. Homer, An atomistic approach for the survey of grain boundary dislocation interactions in FCC Nickel, Computational Materials Science, In Press
  2. Emily V. White, David T. Fullwood, Kenneth Golden, Ilya Zharov, Percolation analysis for estimating the maximum size of particles passing through nanosphere membranes, Physical Review E, 99 (2019), 022904
  3. Isaac Chelladurai, Devin Adams, Mike P. Miles, Stephen Niezgoda, Irene J. Beyerlein, Marko Knezevic and David T. Fullwood, Modeling of Trans-grain Twin Transmission in AZ31 via a Neighborhood-based Viscoplastic Self-consistent Model, International Journal of Plasticity, Online, March 2018
  4. Jihui Lee, Gen Li, William F. Christensen, Gavin Collins, Matthew Seeley, Anton E. Bowden, David T. Fullwood, Jeff Goldsmith, Functional Data Analyses of Gait Data Measured Using In-Shoe Sensors, Statistics in Biosciences, Online, doi.org/10.1007/s12561-018-9226-3
  5. Andrew D Orme, Michael P Miles, David T Fullwood, Evolution of Mg AZ31 twin activation with strain: a machine learning study, Materials Discovery, 12 (2018), 20-29, doi.org/10.1016/j.md.2018.09.002
  6. Rishabh Sharma, Isaac Chelladurai, Andrew D. Orme, Michael Miles, Christophe Giraud-Carrier and David T. Fullwood, A Step Towards Intelligent EBSD Microscopy: Machine Learning Prediction of Twin Activity in MgAZ31, Journal of Microscopy, 272 (2018), Issue 1, 67-78, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jmi.12748
  7. Jeff Cramer, Derrik Adams, Michael Miles, David Fullwood, Eric Homer, Tyson Brown, Raj Misha, Anil Sachdev, Effect of Strain Path on Forming Limits and Retained Austenite Transformation in Q&P 1180 Steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 734 (2018), 192-199, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.07.062
  8. Alyssa Evans, Gavin Q. Collins, Parker G. Rosquist, Noelle J. Tuttle, Steven J. Morrin, James B. Tracy, A. Jake Merrell, William F. Christensen, David T. Fullwood, Anton E. Bowden, Matthew K. Seeley, Predicting energy expenditure during walking and running using novel piezoelectric foam sensors. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behavior, 1 (2018), Issue 3, 100-107, doi: 10.1123/jmpb.2018-0008
  9. Zhe Qian, Dong Zhang, Jia Wan, Wei Liu, Xiao Li, and David T. Fullwood, Anton E. Bowden, Inverse Piezo-resistive Nanocomposite Sensors for Identifying Human Sitting Posture, Sensors, 18 (2018), 6, 1745, https://doi.org/10.3390/s18061745
  10. Brian Jackson, David Fullwood, Jordan Christensen, and Stuart Wright, Resolving pseudosymmetry in gamma-TiAl using cross correlation electron backscatter diffraction with dynamically simulated reference patterns, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 51 (2018), 655-669, https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576718003849
  11. Evan T. Bird, Jake Merrell, Parker Rosquist, Adin Martineau, Anton E. Bowden, Matthew K. Seeley, and David T. Fullwood, Effect of environmental and material factors on the response of nanocomposite foam impact sensors, Smart Materials and Structures, 27 (2018), 055015, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-665X/aab7d7
  12. Travis M. Rampton, Stuart I. Wright, Michael P. Miles, Eric R. Homer, Robert H. Wagoner, David T. Fullwood, Improved Twin Detection via Tracking of Individual Kikuchi Band Intensity of EBSD Patterns, Ultramicroscopy, 185 (2018), 5-14, doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2017.11.003
  13. Evan T. Bird, Anton E. Bowden, Matthew K. Seeley, and David T. Fullwood, Materials selection of flexible open-cell foams in energy absorption applications, Journal of Materials and Design, 137 (2018), 414-421, doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2017.10.054
  14. Bret E. Dunlap, Timothy J. Ruggles, David T. Fullwood, Brian Jackson, Martin A. Crimp, Comparison of Dislocation Characterization By Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging and Cross-Correlation Electron Backscattered Diffraction, Ultramicroscopy, 184A (2018), 125-133
  15. Jake Merrell, William F. Christensen, Matthew K. Seeley, Anton E. Bowden, David T. Fullwood, Nano-Composite Foam Sensor System in Football Helmets, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 45 (2017), 2742-2749, DOI:10.1007/s10439-017-1910-9
  16. Parker G. Rosquist, Gavin Collins, A. Jake Merrell, Noelle J. Tuttle, James B. Tracy, Evan T. Bird, Matthew K. Seeley, David T. Fullwood, William F. Christensen, Anton E. Bowden, Estimation of 3D Ground Reaction Force using Nanocomposite Piezo-Responsive Foam Sensors during Walking, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 45 (2017) Issue 9, 2122-2134, DOI: 10.1007/s10439-017-1852-2
  17. Hyuk Jong Bong, Hojun Lim, Myoung‐Gyu Lee, David Fullwood, Eric Homer and R. H. Wagoner, An RVE Procedure for Micromechanical Prediction of Mechanical Behavior of Dual-phase Steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 695 (2017), 101-111
  18. Isaac Chelladurai, Michael P. Miles, David T. Fullwood, John E. Carsley, Raj K. Mishra, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic, Microstructure correlation with formability for biaxial stretching of magnesium alloy AZ31B at mildly elevated temperatures, JOM, 69 (2017), 907, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-017-2309-7
  19. Richard Wyman, David Fullwood, Robert Wagoner, Eric Homer, Variability of non-schmid effects in grain boundary dislocation nucleation criteria, Acta Materialia, 124C (2017) 588-597, 10.1016/j.actamat.2016.11.005
  20. Landon Hansen, Brian Jackson, David Fullwood, Stuart I. Wright, Marc de Graef, Eric Homer, Robert Wagoner, Influence of Noise Generating Factors on Cross Correlation EBSD Measurement of GNDs, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23 (2017), Issue 3, 460-471, 10.1017/S1431927617000204
  21. Todd G Nelson, Jared T Bruton, Nathan Rieske, Patrick Walton, David T Fullwood, Larry L Howell, Material Selection Shape Factors for Compliant Arrays in Bending, Journal of Materials and Design, 110 (2016), 865-877, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.08.056, 2016
  22. Andrew Orme, Isaac Chelladurai, T Rampton, D Fullwood, A Khosravani, M Miles, R Mishra, Insights into Twinning in AZ31 Magnesium: A Combined EBSD and Machine Learning Study, Computational Materials Science, 124 (2016), 353-363
  23. Evan Bird, Jake Merrell, Brady Anderson, Cory Newton, Parker Rosquist, David Fullwood, Anton Bowden, Matthew Seeley, Vibration monitoring via nano-composite piezoelectric foam bushings, Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (2016), 115013 doi:10.1088/0964-1726/25/11/115013
  24. Brian Jackson, Jordan Christensen, Saransh Singh, Marc De Graef, David Fullwood, Eric Homer and Rob Wagoner, Performance of Dynamically Simulated Reference Patterns for Cross Correlation EBSD, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22 (4) 2016, 7890802 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S143192761601148X
  25. S.M. Sisodia, S.C. Garcea, A.R. George, D.T. Fullwood, S.M. Spearing, and E.K. Gamstedt, High-resolution computed tomography in resin infused woven carbon fibre composites with voids, Composites Science and Technology, 131 (2016), 12-21
  26. Timothy Ruggles, Stephen Cluff, Michael Miles, David Fullwood, Craig Daniels, Alex Avila, Ming Chen, Ductility of Advanced High Strength Steel in the Presence of a Sheared Edge, JOM, 68 (2016), Issue 7, 1839-1849
  27. T.J. Ruggles, T.M. Rampton, A. Khosravani, D.T. Fullwood, The effect of length scale on the determination of geometrically necessary dislocations via EBSD continuum dislocation microscopy, Ultramicroscopy, 164 (2016), 1-10
  28. T.J. Ruggles, D.T. Fullwood, J. Kysar, Resolving geometrically necessary dislocation density onto individual dislocation types using EBSD-based continuum dislocation microscopy, International Journal of Plasticity, 76 (2016), 231-243
  29. Ali Khosravani, David Fullwood, John Scott, Michael Miles, Raj Mishra, Nucleation and propagation of 1012 twins in AZ31 magnesium alloy, Acta Materialia, 100 (2015), 202-214
  30. David Fullwood, Mark Vaudin, Craig Daniels, Timothy Ruggles, and Stuart I. Wright, Validation of Kinematically Simulated Pattern HR-EBSD for Measuring Absolute Strains and Lattice Tetragonality, Materials Characterization, 107 (2015), 270-277
  31. Thomas J. Hardin, Timothy J. Ruggles, Daniel P. Koch, Stephen R. Niezgoda, David T. Fullwood, Eric R. Homer, Analysis of Traction-Free Assumption in High-Resolution EBSD Measurements, Journal of Microscopy, 260 (2015), Issue 1, 73-85
  32. Ribeka Takahashi, David T. Fullwood, Travis M. Rampton, Darrell J. Skousen, Brent L. Adams, Christopher A. Mattson, Hybrid Bishop-Hill Model Combined Finite Element Analysis For Elastic-Yield Limited Design Using OFE Polycrystalline Copper, Engineering Computations, 32 (2015), Issue 6, 1814-1836
  33. M.W. Bird, T. Rampton, D. Fullwood, P.F. Becher, K.W. White, Local Dislocation Creep Accommodation of a Zirconium Diboride Silicon Carbide Composite, Acta Materialia, 84 (2015), 359-367
  34. Raymond Adam Bilodeau, David T Fullwood, John Colton, John D Yeager, Anton E Bowden, Tyler Park, Evolution of Nanojunctions in Piezoresistive Nanostrand Composites, Composites Part B, 72 (2015), 45-52
  35. Michael C. Koecher, John H. Pande, Scott Merkley, Sam Henderson, David T. Fullwood, Anton Bowden, Remote in situ strain sensing of carbon fiber structures using embedded conductive materials, Composites B, 69 (2015), 534-541
  36. George, A. R. Brandley, M. Dart, R. Fullwood, D. T., Void Modeling in Resin Infusion, Journal of Advanced Materials, Jan 2015, 79-93
  37. Hansen N., Adams D.O., Fullwood D.T., Evaluation and Development of Percolation Models for Electrical Conductivity in Nickel Nanostrand Polymer Composites, Journal Polymer Engineering and Science, 55(3) (2015), 549-557
  38. Sean S. Tolman, Isaac A. Delimont, Larry L. Howell, David T. Fullwood, Material Selection for Elastic Energy Absorption in Origami-Inspired Compliant Corrugations, Smart Mater. and Struct., 23 (2014), 094010
  39. Ribeka Takahashi, David Fullwood, Brent Adams, Four-Parameter Hybrid-Bishop-Hill Model Applied to OFE Copper for the Evaluation of Elastic/Yield Limit, Met Trans A, 45 (10) (2014), 4710-4722
  40. Dustin D. Gerrard, David T. Fullwood, Denise M. Halverson, Correlating structure topological metrics with bulk composite properties via neural network analysis, Comp Mat Sci, 91 (2014), 20-27
  41. C. Sorensen, J.A. Basinger, D.T. Fullwood, M.M. Nowell, Full Grain Boundary Character Recovery from 2D EBSD Data, Met Trans A, 45 (9) (2014), 4165-4172
  42. H. Lim, S. Subedi, D. T. Fullwood, B. L. Adams, R . H. Wagoner, A Practical Meso-Scale Polycrystal Model to Predict Dislocation Densities and the Hall-Petch Effect, Materials Transactions, 55 (2014), Issue 1, 35-38
  43. Matthew I. Converse, David T. Fullwood, Enhancing Image Segmentation and Reconstructions with Crystallographic Orientation Data and Machine Learning, Materials Characterization, 63 (2013), 109-122
  44. T.J. Ruggles, D.T. Fullwood, Estimations of Bulk Geometrically Necessary Dislocation Density Using High Resolution EBSD, Ultramicroscopy, 133 (2013), 8-15
  45. Ali Khosravani, John Scott, Michael Miles, David Fullwood, Brent Adams, Raj Mishra, Twinning in magnesium alloy AZ31B under different strain paths at moderately elevated temperatures, Int J Plasticity, 45 (2013), 160-173
  46. Thomas J. Hardin, Brent L. Adams, David T. Fullwood, Robert H. Wagoner, Eric R. Homer, Estimation of the full Nye's tensor and its gradients by micro-mechanical stereo-inference using EBSD dislocation microscopy, International Journal of Plasticity, 50 (2013), 146-157
  47. Michael Koecher, John Yeager, Tyler Park, Nathan Mara, David Fullwood, Nathan Hansen, John S. Colton, Characterization of Nickel Nanostrand Nanocomposites through Dielectric Spectroscopy and Nanoindentation, Polymer Eng & Sci, 53 (2013), Issue 12, 2666–2673
  48. T.J. Ruggles, T.M. Rampton, S.A. Rose, D.T. Fullwood, Reducing the Microstructure Design Space of 2nd Order Homogenization Techniques Using Discrete Fourier Transforms, Mechanics of Materials, 59 (2013), 14-23
  49. J. Scott, M.P. Miles, D. Fullwood, B.L. Adams, A. Khosravani, R.K. Mishra, Room Temperature Shear Band Development in Highly Twinned Wrought Magnesium AZ31B Sheet, Met Trans A, 44 (2013), 512-516
  50. Hansen N., Adams D.O., Fullwood D.T., Quantitative Methods for Correlating Dispersion and Electrical Conductivity in Conductor-Polymer Nanostrand Composites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 43 (2012) 1939-1946
  51. Travis V. Anderson, Christopher A. Mattson, Brad J. Larson, David T. Fullwood, Efficient Propagation of Error through System Models for Functions Common in Engineering, Journal of Mechanical Design, 134 (2012), 104501
  52. Timothy M. Johnson, David T. Fullwood, George Hansen, Strain Monitoring of Carbon Fiber Composite via Embedded Nickel Nano-Particles, Composites: Part B, 43 (2012), 1155-1163
  53. Samuel E. Wilding, David T. Fullwood, Clustering Metrics for two-phase Composites, Computational Materials Science, 50 (2011), 2262-2272
  54. J. Basinger, D. Fullwood, J. Kacher, B. Adams, Pattern Center Determination in EBSD Microscopy, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17 (2011), 330-340
  55. M.P. Miles, D. Fullwood, B.L. Adams, A. Khosravani, J. Scott, R.K. Mishra, Room temperature ductility and microstructure of magnesium AZ31B sheet, JMEP, 20 (2011) No. 8, 1357-1363
  56. Johnson, O., Gardner, C., Mara, N., Dattelbaum, A., Kaschner, G., Mason, T., & Fullwood, D., Multi-scale Model for the Extreme Piezoresistivity in Silicone/Nickel Nanostrand/Nickel Coated Carbon Fiber Nanocomposites, MetTransA, 42 (2011), No. 13, 3898-3906
  57. Johnson, O., Kaschner, G., Mason, T., Fullwood, D., Adams, B., & Hansen, G. Optimization of Nickel Nanocomposite for Large Strain Sensing Applications. Sensors and Actuators A, 166 (2011) 40-47
  58. Josh Kacher, Jay Basinger, Brent L. Adams, David T. Fullwood, Reply to comment by Maurice et al. in response to “Bragg’s Law Diffraction Simulations for Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis”, Ultramicroscopy, 110 (2010), Issue 7, 760-762
  59. Dustin D. Gerrard, David T. Fullwood, Denise M. Halverson, Stephen R. Niezgoda, Computational Homology, Connectedness, and Structure-Property Relations, Computers, Materials and Continua, 15 (2010), No.2, 129-152
  60. Calvin J. Gardner, Brent L. Adams, John Basinger, David T. Fullwood, EBSD-based continuum dislocation microscopy, Int. J. Plasticity, 26 (2010), 1234-1247
  61. Johnson O., Gardner C.J., Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Hansen N., Hansen G., The Colossal Piezoresistive Effect in Nickel Nanostrand Polymer Composites and a Quantum Tunneling Model, Computers, Materials and Continua, 15 (2010), 87-112
  62. Niezgoda S.R., Turner D.M., Fullwood D.T., Kalidindi S.R., Optimized Structure Based Representative Volume Element Sets Reflecting the Ensemble Averaged 2-Point Statistics, Acta Materialia, 56 (2010), Issue 18, 4432-4445
  63. Fullwood D.T., Niezgoda S.R., Kalidindi S.R., Adams B.L., Microstructure sensitive design for performance optimization, Progress in Materials Science, 55 (2010), 477-562
  64. Sadegh Ahmadi, Brent Adams, David Fullwood, An Eulerian-Based Formulation for Studying the Evolution of the Microstructure under Plastic Deformations, Computers, Materials and Continua,14 (2009), No.2, 141-169
  65. Kacher J., Landon C., Adams B.L., Fullwood D.T., Bragg’s Law Diffraction Simulations for Electron Backscatter Diffraction Analysis, Ultramicroscopy, 109 (2009), Issue 9, 1148-1156
  66. Fullwood D.T., Kalidindi S.R., Adams B.L. and Ahmadi S., A Discrete Fourier Transform Framework for Localization Relations, Computers, Materials and Continua, 9 (2009), Issue1, 25-40.
  67. Niezgoda S.R., Fullwood D.T., Kalidindi S.R., Delineation of the space of 2-point correlations in a composite material system, Acta Mat., 56(2008), Issue 18, 5285-5292
  68. Fullwood D.T., Kalidindi S.R., Niezgoda S.R., Fast A., Hampson N., Gradient-based Microstructure Reconstructions from Distributions Using Fast Fourier Transforms, Mat. Sci. Eng. – A, 494(2008), 68-72
  69. Kalidindi S.R., Landi G.A., Fullwood D.T., Spectral Representation of Higher-Order Localization Relationships for Elastic Behavior of Polycrystalline Cubic Materials, Acta. Mat., 56(2008), Issue 15, 3843-3853
  70. Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Kalidindi S.R., A Strong Contrast Homogenization Formulation for Multi-phase Anisotropic Materials, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 56(2008) Issue 6, 2287-2297
  71. Knezevic M., Kalidindi S.R., Fullwood D.T., Computationally efficient database and spectral interpolation for crystal plasticity calculations: Application to face-centered cubic polycrystals, Int. J. Plast., 24(2008), Issue 7, 1264-1276
  72. Fullwood D.T., Niezgoda S.R., Kalidindi S.R., Microstructure reconstructions from 2-point statistics using phase recovery algorithms, Acta Mat., 56(2008), Issue 5, 942-948
  73. Fullwood D.T., Strong, B., Insights in Filament Winding for High Quality Composites, Journal of Advanced Materials, 40(2008), Issue 2, 5-16
  74. Binci M., Fullwood D.T., Kalidindi S.R., A new spectral framework for establishing localization relationships for elastic behavior of composites and their calibration to finite element models, Acta. Mat., 56(2008) Issue 10, 2272-2282
  75. Kalidindi S.R., Fullwood D.T., Spectral Methods for Microstructure Design, JOM, 59(2007), Issue 9, 26-31
  76. Lemmon T.S., Homer E.R., Fromm B.S., Fullwood D.T., Jensen B.D., Adams B.L., Heterogeneous Microstructure Sensitive Design for Performance Optimization of MEMS Switch, JOM, 59(2007), Issue 9, 43-48
  77. Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Kalidindi S.R., Generalized Pareto front methods applied to two-point property closures, Comp. Mat. Sci., 38(2007), Issue 4, 788-799
  78. Fullwood D.T., Basinger J., Adams B.L., Lattice-based structures for studying percolation in 2-D grain networks, Acta. Mat., 54(2006), 1381-1388
  79. Kalidindi S.R., Binci M., Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Elastic Properties Closures Using Second-Order Homogenization Theories: Case Studies in Composites of Two Isotropic Constituents, Acta. Mat., 54(2006) 3117-3126.
  80. Homer E.R., Adams B.L., Fullwood D.T., Recovery of the Grain Boundary Character Distribution through Oblique Double-Sectioning, Scrip. Mat., 54(6), 1017-1021, 2006
  81. Basinger J., Homer E.R., Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Two-Dinmensional Grain Boundary Percolation in alloy 304 Stainless Steel, Scrip. Mat., 53(8) 959-963, 2005
  82. Fullwood D.T., A new topology on space-time, J. Math. Phys., 33(6) 2232-2241, 1992


  1. Fullwood D.T., Lloyd N., Tarrant C.D., Flywheel with axial compensation, US Patent 5945754, 1994
  2. Brent L. Adams, David T. Fullwood, Colin D. Landon, Joshua P. Kacher, John A. Basinger, IV, Stuart L. Wright, Systems and methods for determining crystallographic characteristics of a material, Patent Application: 12/564,221, Publication: US 2010/0158392 A1
  3. Jake Merrell, David Fullwood, Anton Bowden, Taylor Remington, Composite Material used as a strain gauge, US patent 8984954B2, 2015

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Jihui Lee, Gen Li, William F. Christensen, Gavin Collins, Matthew Seeley, Anton E. Bowden, David T. Fullwood and Jeff Goldsmith, Functional Data Analyses of Gait Data Measured Using In-Shoe Sensors, NESS 2018
  2. Trent Zimmerman, Jared Butler, Dallin Frandsen, Dakota Burrow, David Fullwood, Spencer Magleby, and Larry Howell, Modified Material Properties in Curved Panels Through Lamina Emergent Torsional Joints, 4th IEEE/IFToMM International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, 2018
  3. Caleb Lystrup, Perry Burton, Andrew George, David Fullwood, Optical void formation and mobility measurements in carbon fiber reinforcements, FPCM, 2018, Sweden
  4. Alyssa Evans, Noelle Tuttle, Steven Morrin, James Tracy, Parker Rosquist, A Jake Merell, Gavin Collins, William Christensen, David Fullwood, Anton Bowden, and Matthew Seeley, Correlating Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure Measurements with Forces Measured with Piezoelectric Foam, SAMPE Student research symposium (2nd place, Student research symposium), 2018
  5. Stephen Cluff, Eric Homer, David Fullwood, Tracy Nelson and Rongjie Song, Crystallographic Reconstruction of Parent Austenite Twin Boundaries in a Lath Martensitic Steel, Material Science and Engineering, 375 (2018) (Proceedings of ICOTOM 18), 012012, https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/375/1/012012
  6. Bret E. Dunlap, Timothy J. Ruggles, David T. Fullwood, Martin A. Crimp, Comparison of Dislocation Mapping Using Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging and Cross-Correlation Electron Backscattered Diffraction, Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (2017) suppl 1, 546-547
  7. I. Chelladurai, A. Orme, M.P. Miles, D. Fullwood, J.E. Carsley, R.K. Mishra, M Knezevic, I Beyerlein, S Niezgoda, Formability of Magnesium Alloy AZ31B from Room Temperature to 125C under Biaxial Tension, Magnesium Technology 2017, Editors: Solanki, K., Orlov, D., Singh, A., Neelameggham, N.R., 661-668, Springer
  8. J. Sessions, N. Pehrson, K. Tolman, J Erickson, D.T. Fullwood, L.L. Howell, A Material Selection and Design Method for Multi-Constraint Compliant Mechanisms, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, 2016, DOI: 10.1115/DETC2016-59582
  9. James B. Tracy, Noelle J. Tuttle, Parker G. Rosquist, A. Jake Merrell, Gavin Q. Collins, Matthew K. Seeley, Anton E. Bowden, and David T. Fullwood, William F. Christensen, Ambulatory Ground Reaction Forces with Quasi-Piezoelectric Nanocomposite Foam, CAMX 2016, Anaheim
  10. Joseph Pace, A. Jake Merrell, Evan Bird, William Christensen, Gavin Collins, David T. Fullwood, Anton E. Bowden, Optimization of the primary conductive filler used in nanocomposite piezoelectric foam, CAMX 2016 (first place winner, student research symposium), Anaheim
  11. Evan T Bird, A Jake Merrell, Cory N Newton, Adin D Martineau, Parker G Rosquist, Matthew K Seeley, Anton E Bowden, David T Fullwood, Characterizing drift in piezoelectric foam impact sensors, CAMX 2016 (3rd place winner, student research symposium), Anaheim
  12. Cory N. Newton, A. Jake Merrell, David T. Fullwood, Anton E. Bowden, Matthew K. Seeley, Development of multifunctional and multisensing nanocomposite foam with dual piezoresponsive nature, SAMPE 2016, Long Beach
  13. Adin Martineau, Ben Hilton, Parker G. Rosquist, Nicole Martin, Anton E. Bowden, David T. Fullwood, Matt K. Seeley, Characterizing creep-related signal drift in piezoresponsive strain gauges for mobile gait analysis, SAMPE 2016, Long Beach, CA, USA.
  14. Evan T. Bird, A. Jake Merrell, Brady K Anderson, Cory N. Newton, Parker G. Rosquist, David T. Fullwood, Anton E. Bowden, Vibration Monitoring via Nano-Composite Piezoelectric Foam Bushings, CAMX 2015, Dallas
  15. Andrew George, Mark Brandley, Rachael Dart, David Fullwood, Coupling the formation, movement, dispersion and effects of voids in resin infusion, CAMX 2014 Orlando
  16. Parker G. Rosquist, A. Jake Merrell, Brady K Anderson, Evan T. Bird, David T. Fullwood, Anton E. Bowden, Sarah Ridge, Application of nano-composite piezoelectric foam in tracking aerobic energy output, CAMX 2014, Orlando (1st place, SAMPE Student Research Symposium)
  17. David Fullwood, Mike Miles, Stephen Cluff, Craig Daniels, Tim Ruggles, Micro-DIC (Digital Image Correlation) Study of Failure Modes in Advanced High Strength Steels for Automotive Applications, CAMX 2014, Orlando
  18. Timothy Ruggles, Ali Khosravani, David Fullwood, Michael Miles, Resolving <c+a> Type Geometrically Necessary Dislocation Density in Magnesium Alloy AZ31B via Electron Backscatter Diffraction Continuum Dislocation Microscopy, TMS 2014, Magnesium Technology Symposium, San Diego, Feb 2014
  19. Jake Merrell, David Fullwood, Anton Bowden, Taylor Remington, Dean Stolworthy, Adam Bilodeau, Applications of nano-composite piezoelectric foam sensors, Proceedings of ASME conference on Smart Materials, SMASIS, September 2013
  20. Taylor D. Remington, A. Jake Merrell, Dean K. Stolworthy, Daniel McArthur, David Fullwood, Anton Bowden, Nathan Hansen, Biomechanical applications of nano-composite strain gauges, SAMPE, Long Beach, 2013 (2nd place winner in student research competition)
  21. David T. Fullwood, Dustin D. Gerrard, Andrew R. George, Denise M. Halverson, Dispersion metrics for composites – a machine learning based analysis, SAMPE, Long Beach, 2013
  22. T. Rampton, D. Fullwood, R.K. Mishra, M. Miles, A. Khosravani, J. Scott, Twin Prediction in AZ31 via Machine Learning Applied to EBSD Data, Magnesium, Vancouver, 2012
  23. D. Fullwood, J. Scott, M.P. Miles, B.L. Adams, A. Khosravani, R.K. Mishra, Microstructure evolution of alloy AZ31B sheet at mildly elevated temperatures for different strain conditions, Magnesium, Vancouver, 2012
  24. Michael C. Koecher, John H. Pande, Scott S. Merkley, Sam Henderson, David T. Fullwood, Evaluation of nickel nanostrands as strain sensors in CFRP, SAMPE, Baltimore, 2012
  25. Hansen N., Koecher M., Adams D.O., Fullwood D.T., Weese J., Investigation And Correlation Of Percolation Behaviors And Physical Properties In Electrically Conductive Nickel Nanostrand Polymer Composites, SAMPE, Baltimore, 2012
  26. David Fullwood, Brent Adams, Travis Rampton, Ali Khosravani,
  27. Michael Miles, Jon Scott, Raj Mishra, Intelligent microscopy for EBSD applications, ICOTOM 2011, Mumbai, Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012), 554-557
  28. Thomas Hardin, Brent L. Adams, David T. Fullwood, Robert H. Wagoner, Estimation of the Full Nye Tensor by EBSD-Based Dislocation Microscopy, ICOTOM 2011, Mumbai, Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012), 489-492
  29. Brent L. Adams, David T. Fullwood, Thomas Hardin, Jay Basinger, High Resolution EBSD-Based Dislocation Microscopy, ICOTOM 2011, Mumbai (Plenary), Materials Science Forum, 702-703 (2012), 11-17
  30. Thomas B. Calkins, Daniel R. Shelley, David T. Fullwood, Conductive nano-composites for human-machine interfaces: applications in hand pose determination, SAMPE 2011, Long Beach (Best paper award)
  31. Timothy M. Johnson, David T. Fullwood, George Hansen, Strain monitoring of carbon fiber composite with embedded nickel nanocomposite strain gauges, SAMPE 2011, Long Beach
  32. Matthew I. Converse, David T. Fullwood, Jeffrey Farrer, Nathan Hansen, Oliver K. Johnson, Toward nano-scale morphological characterizations with electron backscatter diffraction patterns of nickel nanostrands, SAMPE 2011, Long Beach
  33. Oliver K. Johnson, Daniel Seegmiller, David T. Fullwood, Andrew Dattelbaum, Nathan A. Mara, George Kaschner, Thomas Mason, Characterization of electrical properties of polymers for conductive nano-composites, SAMPE 2011, Long Beach
  34. Travis Anderson, Brad Larson, Christopher Mattson, David Fullwood, Achieving Fourth-Order Accuracy In Error Propagation By Taylor Series Expansion With First- Or Second-Order Computational Cost, IDETC/CIE 2011, Washington DC
  35. David Fullwood, Brent Adams, Travis Rampton, Ali Khosravani, Intelligent Microscopy for the Study of Fracture and Fatigue, TMS, San Diego, 2011
  36. Michael Miles, David Fullwood, Brent Adams, John Scott, Stuart Rogers, Ali Khosravani, Formability of Wrought Magnesium Sheet for Various Temperatures and Strain Conditions, International Automotive Body Congress (IABC) 2010, Detroit
  37. Dustin D. Gerrard, David T. Fullwood, Denise M. Halverson, Stephen R. Niezgoda, Quality Control of Heterogeneous Materials Through Topological Homology and Entropy SAMPE 2010, Salt Lake City, October 11, 2010.
  38. Matthew I. Converse, Oliver K. Johnson, David T. Fullwood, Quantification of Nickel Nanostrand Distributions within a Silicone Matrix using a FIB/SEM System, SAMPE 2010, Salt Lake City, October 11, 2010.
  39. Thomas B. Calkins, David T. Fullwood, Sayantan Ghosh, Tommy B. Hyatt, Oliver K. Johnson, Nathan Hansen, George Hansen, Applications for a Nano-composite High Displacement Strain Gauge, SAMPE 2010, Salt Lake City, October 11, 2010.
  40. Johnson, O., Fullwood, D. “A percolation/quantum tunneling model for the unique behavior of multifunctional Silicone/Nickel Nanostrand nanocomposites.” SAMPE 2010, Salt Lake City, October 11, 2010.
  41. Hyatt, T., Fullwood, D., Bradshaw, R.J., Bowden, A.E., Johnson, O. “Nano-composite sensors for wide range measurement of ligament strain.” Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conf & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Indianapolis, IN, June 7-10, 2010.
  42. Hyatt, T., Fullwood, D., Bowden, A.E., Bradshaw, R.J., Johnson, O. (2010). “Nano-composite sensors for wide range measurement of strain.” Proceedings of the SAMPE 2010 Exhibition & Symposium, Seattle, WA, May 17-20, 2010.
  43. Adams, B.L., C.J. Gardner, and D.T. Fullwood, EBSD-Based Dislocation Microscopy, in International Conference on Texture and Anisotropy of Polycrystals. 2009: Gottingen, Germany. Solid State Phenomena, 160 (2010), 3-10
  44. Oliver K. Johnson, George C. Kaschner, Phillip Rae, Carl M. Cady, Thomas A. Mason, David T. Fullwood, George Hansen, Nano-composite Large-Strain Sensor Optimization, Science and Engineering Research Challenge, Oak Ridge, Oct 2009
  45. Lively B., Ballard M., Fullwood D.T., Hansen G., Tassill J., Hyatt T., Nano-Nickel Impregnation of Filament Wound Composites, SAMPE, Baltimore, 2009
  46. Johnson O.K., Gardner C.J., Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Hansen G., Deciphering the Structure of Nano-Nickel Composites, SAMPE, Baltimore, 2009
  47. Fullwood D.T., Sadegh Ahmadi, Brent L. Adams, Spectral formulation of statistical theory of viscoplasticity, Plasticity 2009, US Virgin Islands
  48. Adams B.L., Fullwood D.T., Accessing the texture hull and properties closure by rotation and lamination: results in the primitive basis of dilation functions, Materials Processing and Texture, Ceramic Transactions, Vol 200, Proceedings of ICOTOM 2008, Pittsburgh, 647-656
  49. Ahmadi S., Adams B.L., Fullwood D.T., Fromm B.S., Correlation relationship between yield strength and elastic compliance for polycrystalline nickel 201, Materials Processing and Texture, Ceramic Transactions, Vol 200, Proceedings of ICOTOM 2008, Pittsburgh, 657-664
  50. Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Stevens K.A., Niezgoda S.R., Kalidindi S.R., Spectral methods in the statistical description and design of microstructure, Materials Processing and Texture, Ceramic Transactions, Vol 200, Proceedings of ICOTOM 2008, Pittsburgh, 687-699
  51. Kacher J.P., Adams B.L., Fullwood D.T., Landon C.D., Separating coincident electron backscatter diffraction patterns near interfaces, Applications of Texture Analysis, Ceramic Transactions, Vol 201, Proceedings of ICOTOM 2008, Pittsburgh, 147-154
  52. Fullwood D.T., Haehl C., Lively B., Magnetically Loaded Filament Wound Composites, SAMPE 2008, Long Beach
  53. Wilding S., Stevens K.A., Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Statistical Methods in Quality Control of Composites, SAMPE 2008, Long Beach
  54. Fullwood D.T., Niezgoda S.R., Kalidindi S.R., Spectral Representation and Reconstruction of 3-D Materials, TMS 2008, New Orleans
  55. Knezevic M., Duvvuru H.K., Fullwood D.T., Kalidindi S.R., Invertible Microstructure-property-processing Linkages Using Spectral Methods, TMS Proceedings, 2007, Symposium in Honor of Dr Craig Hartley, 81-88
  56. Adams B.L., Fullwood D.T., Second order microstructure sensitive design, paper published for International conference on advanced material design and development, Goa, India 2005
  57. Fullwood D.T., Adams B.L., Huang D., Second-order MSD applied to plasticity, paper for Plasticity 2006, Halifax
  58. Fullwood D.T., Cox J., Adams B.L., Heterogeneous design from the microstructure, ASME DETC 2006

Invited / Keynote Conference Presentations

  1. D. Fullwood, D. Adams, J. Cramer, S. Cluff, M. Miles, E. Homer, T. Brown, R. Mishra, Cause and Effect of Retained Austenite Transformation in High Strength Q&P Steel, ICSMA, July 2018, Columbus, Ohio
  2. R.H.Wagoner, J.P.Hirth, M.G.Lee, H.Lim, J.H.Kim, H.J.Bong, B.L.Adams, D.T.Fullwood, E.R.Homer, Predicting the unpredictable: The Hall-Petch effect, Non-linear pre-yield stress-strain, Bauschinger effect, ICSMA, July 2018, Columbus
  3. David T. Fullwood, Landon Hansen, Hyuk Jong Bong, Eric R. Homer and Robert H. Wagoner, Macro and meso-scale performance of a super-dislocation model for tracking dislocation evolution and interactions, TMS, 2018
  4. Robert Wagoner, Hyuk Bong Jong, Landon Hansen, David Fullwood, Eric Homer, Hojun Lim, Yield stress, proportional limit: do they exist?, TMS 2018, Phoenix
  5. David T. Fullwood, Landon Hansen, Hyuk Jong Bong, Eric R. Homer and Robert H. Wagoner, EBSD-based evaluation of the grain-level performance of a super-dislocation model for tracking dislocation evolution and interactions, Plasticity, 2018 (Puerto Rico)
  6. David Fullwood, Brian Jackson, Derrik Adams, Zach Clayburn, Mike Miles, Eric Homer, Phase and Pseudosymmetry Identification in Metals Using Cross Correlation EBSD, EMAG 2017, Manchester
  7. David Fullwood, Devin Adams, Isaac Chelladurai, Michael Miles, Irene Beyerlein, Marko Knezevic, Modeling and assessment of twin chains in AZ31 via a neighborhood-aware VPSC model, Plasticity 2017, Puerto Vallarta (Keynote)
  8. Michael Miles, David Fullwood, Jeff Cramer, Tyler Mathis, Eric Homer, In-Situ tension testing and DIC analysis of plastic strain at the microstructure level in AHSS steel, Plasticity 2017, Puerto Vallarta (Keynote)
  9. David Fullwood, Shamoon Irfan, Jeff Cramer, Tyler Mathis, Michael Miles, Eric Homer, Tyson Brown, Bob Kubiq, Digital Image Correlation Using Forescatter Detector Images for the Study of Transformation in TRIP Steel, TMS 2017, San Diego (Invited)
  10. David Fullwood, Michael Miles, Isaac Chelladurai, Andrew Orme, Devin Adams, Brent Waters, Rene Kekoolani, Machine learning study of mesoscale factors influencing AZ31 twin formation and related statistical models, Plasticity, Kona 2016 (keynote)
  11. David Fullwood, Stephen Cluff, Craig Daniels, Timothy Ruggles, Tracy Nelson, Stuart Wright, Rongjie Song, EBSD tools for the study of transformation products in steels, Plasticity, Jamaica, 2015 (keynote)
  12. David Fullwood, Tools and Issues with Microstructure-Sensitive Design, LLNL Mesoscale Workshop, Aug 2013
  13. David Fullwood, Michael Miles, Raj Mishra, Ali Khosravani, Travis Rampton and Timothy Ruggles, Twin and Dislocation characterization in AZ31 under multiple loading and temperature conditions, MagNET Research Network Workshop Multi- Axial Loading in Magnesium Alloys, April 11‐12, 2013, University of Waterloo
  14. DT Fullwood, Tim Ruggles, Travis Rampton, Ali Khosravani, Michael Miles, Jeffrey Kysar, Thoughts on rationalizing a continuum dislocation model with increasingly high resolution characterization and modeling tools, Plasticity, Nassau, 2013 (keynote)
  15. DT Fullwood, Tim Ruggles, Travis Rampton, Michael Miles, Raj Mishra, Insights from Lattice Gradient Measurement with High Resolution EBSD, MS&T, Pittsburgh, 2012 (invited)
  16. DT Fullwood, Travis Rampton, Tim Ruggles, High Resolution EBSD as an Input to Structure Property Relations, MS&T, Pittsburgh, 2012 (invited)
  17. D.T. Fullwood, Tim Ruggles, Travis Rampton, Ali Khosravani, Samikshya Subedi, Caroline Sorensen, Measuring Lattice Strain with High Resolution EBSD, EBSD, Pittsburgh, 2012 (keynote)
  18. David Fullwood, Tim Ruggles, Ali Khosravani, Mike Miles, Raj Mishra, Dislocation Studies: Extracting Knowledge From EBSD, Int. Conf. Plasticity, Puerto Rico 2012 (keynote)
  19. David T. Fullwood, Brent L. Adams, Jay Basinger, Travis Rampton, Ali Khosravani, Tools for Investigating Localization and Damage in Polycrystalline Materials, 2011, Los Alamos Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (invited)
  20. Fullwood, David; Johnson, Oliver; Hansen, George, Structure Metrics and Their Evolution in Piezo-resistive Nano-Composites, ICCES 2010, Las Vegas (keynote).
  21. David Fullwood, Brent Adams, Mike Miles, Stuart Rogers, Ali Khosravani, Raj Mishra, Design for Ductility: Defect Detection using High Resolution Orientation Imaging Microscopy, Plasticity 2010, St Kitts (invited).

ME 250: Introduction to Materials

ME 456: Mechanics of Composites

ME 373: Intro to Scientific Computing and CAE

ME 500: Design and Materials Applications

ME 651: Microstructure-Sensitive Design

Composites, Nano-composites, Microscopy, Computational Methods in Material Science

Research Interests

Dr. Fullwood focuses on composites / nano-composites, microscopy and computational methods in materials science.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Fullwood teaches materials focused courses including composites, materials selection and microsctructure-sensitive design.


  • The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) (2008 - Present)
  • Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE) (2007 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Committee/Council Chair, SAMPE BYU Chapter (2007 - 2016)
  • Conference-Related Role, SAMPE (2012 - 2014)
  • Committee/Council Member, SAMPE Utah Chapter (2007 - 2011)

Courses Taught


Daniel Orr Anna Jensen Tyler Peterson Brianna Bischoff Luke Taylor Daira Velasco David T Fullwood Larry L Howell Anton E Bowden Asher Webb Md Zahidul Sarkar Michael Paul Miles Marko Knezevic David T Fullwood Nicholas Pitkin Philip Noell David T Fullwood Marko Knezevic David T Fullwood Isaac Sorensen Heather A Leany Alex Wonnacott Anton E Bowden Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell Emma E Bowden Jacob D Carter Anton E Bowden Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell David T Fullwood Alex M Wonnacott Anton E Bowden Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell David T Fullwood Md Zahidul Sarkar Dane Sargeant Rishabh Sharma Marko Knezevic David T Fullwood Michael Paul Miles Rishabh Sharma Russell Marki Asher Webb Marko Knezevic Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood Desmond Mensah Nicholas Pitkin Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood Marko Knezevic Brad L Kinsey Hailey E Jones Spencer A Baker Jadyn J Christensen Tyler Hutchinson Heather A Leany Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood David E Page David T Fullwood Robert H Wagoner Eric R Homer Nicholas Pitkin Philip Noell David T Fullwood Marko Knezevic David T Fullwood Talukder Musfika Tasnim Oishi Nicholas Pitkin Nathan Miller Desmond Mensah Michael Paul Miles Brad L Kinsey Marko Knezevic sajjad Izadpanah Najmabad David T Fullwood Tristan Russell Marko Knezevic Michael Paul Miles Nathan Miller Nicholas Pitkin Talukder Musfika Tasnim Oishi Desmond Mensah Marko Knezevic Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood David T Fullwood Namit Pai Sanjay Manda Bhargav Sudhalkar Bethany Syphus René de Kloe Stuart Wright Anirban Patra Indradev Samajdar Landon T Hansen Jay D Carroll Eric R Homer Robert H Wagoner Guowei Zhou David T Fullwood Behnam Moeini David T Fullwood Paul Minson Daniel Shollenberger David S Bell Morris Dee Argyle Richard R Vanfleet Matthew Richard Linford McKay McFadden Alex Wonnacott Anton E Bowden Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell David T Fullwood Spencer Baker Thomas Andrews McKay McFadden Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood Heather Leany Spencer Baker Jacob Carter Emma Bowden Cera Gowens Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood Sterling G. Baird Eric R Homer David T Fullwood Oliver Kent Johnson David S. Wood Kurt Jensen Allison Crane Hyunwook Lee Hayden Dennis Joshua Gladwell Anne Shurtz David T Fullwood Matthew K Seeley Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell William F Christensen Anton E Bowden J Caleb Lystrup Andrew Robert George Brock Zobell Kimberly Boster Collin Childs Hanna Girod David T Fullwood Ryan Sperry Allan Harte João Quinta da Fonseca Eric R Homer Robert H. Wagoner David T Fullwood Jihui Lee Gen Li William F Christensen Gavin Collins Matthew K Seeley Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood Jeff Goldsmith Alyssa Evans Gavin Collins Parker Rosquist Noelle Tuttle Steven J Morrin James Tracy A J Merrell William F Christensen David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley Evan Bird Aaron Jacob Merrell Parker Rosquist Adin Martineau Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley David T Fullwood Isaac Chelladurai Andrew Orme Michael Paul Miles John E. Carsley Raj K. Mishra Irene J. Beyerlein Marko Knezevic David T Fullwood David T Fullwood Timothy Ruggles Brent Larsen Adams Evan Bird Jake Merrell Brady Anderson Cory Newton Parker Rosquist David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley Michael C Koecher John H Pande Scott Merkley Sam Henderson David T Fullwood Andrew Robert George Mark Brandley Rachael Dart David T Fullwood Andrew Robert George Mark Brandley Rachael Dart David T Fullwood Sean S Tolman Isaac L Delimont Larry L Howell David T Fullwood Ribeka Takahashi David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Andrew Robert George Mark Brandley David T Fullwood Rachael Dart Caroline Sorensen John A Basinger David T Fullwood Matthew M Nowell Timothy Ruggles Ali Khosravani David T Fullwood Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Jay Basinger Timothy Ruggles Ali Khosravani Caroline Sorensen Joshua Kacher Hojun Lim Samikshya Subedi David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Robert H Wagoner Thomas J Hardin Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood Robert H Wagoner Eric R Homer Jake Merrell David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Taylor Remington Dean K Stolworthy Matthew I Converse David T Fullwood Timothy J Ruggles David T Fullwood David T Fullwood Dustin Gerrard Andrew Robert George Denise Marie Halverson Timothy J Ruggles Travis M Rampton Scott A Rose David T Fullwood David T Fullwood Nathen Hansen Dan O Adams Ribeka Takahashi David T Fullwood Travis M Rampton Darrell J Skousen Brent Larsen Adams Christopher Andrew Mattson Timothy J Ruggles David T Fullwood Michael C Koecher John H Pande Scott S Merkley Sam Henderson David T Fullwood Nathan Hansen Michael Koecher Dan O Adams David T Fullwood Jared Weese Oliver K. Johnson David T Fullwood Daniel Seegmiller Andrew Dattelbaum Nathan A. Mara George Kaschner Thomas Mason Samuel E Wilding David T Fullwood Thomas B. Calkins David R. Shelley David T Fullwood Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Ali Khosravani Jon Scott Raj Mishra David T Fullwood Travis Rampton Stuart Rogers Emily Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Michael Paul Miles Joshua Kacher John Basinger Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Jon Scott Stuart Rogers Ali Khosravani Raj Mishra Oliver Johnson David T Fullwood David T Fullwood Thomas Calkins Sayantan Ghosh Tommy Hyatt Oliver Johnson Nathan Hansen George Hansen David Whitworth Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood George Hansen A Brent Strong Dustin Gerrard David T Fullwood Denise Marie Halverson Stephen Niezgoda Matthew Converse Oliver Johnson David T Fullwood Joshua Kacher John A Basinger David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Tommy Hyatt David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Rachel J Bradshaw Oliver Johnson Tommy B. Hyatt Rachel J. Bradshaw Oliver Johnson Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood Sadegh Ahmadi Calvin J Gardner Brent Larsen Adams John Basinger David T Fullwood David T Fullwood Stephen Niezgoda Brent Larsen Adams S R Kalidindi Calvin Gardner David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams N Hansen G Hansen Dustin D Gerrard David T Fullwood Denise Marie Halverson S. R. Niezgoda Surya R. Kalidindi David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood Surya R. Kalidindi Brent Larsen Adams Joshua Kacher C Landon Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood S R Kalidindi David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood S R Kalidindi Brent Larsen Adams Oliver K Johnson Calvin J Gardner David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams G Hansen B. Lively M. Ballard David T Fullwood G. Hansen J. Tassill T. Hyatt David T Fullwood S R Kalidindi Brent Larsen Adams Sadegh Ahmadi Joshua Kacher Colin Landon Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood R Mishra David T Fullwood Sadegh Ahmadi Brent Larsen Adams S. R. Niezgoda David T Fullwood S. R. Kalidindi S. R. Kalidindi G. A. Landi David T Fullwood M. Binci David T Fullwood S. R. Kalidindi M. Knezevic S. R. Kalidindi David T Fullwood David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Surya R. Kalidindi Sadegh Ahmadi Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood Bradley Fromm C Landon Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood J Kacher J Kacher Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood C Landon David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams S R Kalidindi Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood David T Fullwood S. R. Kalidindi S. R. Niezgoda A. Fast N. Hampson David T Fullwood S. R. Kalidindi S. R. Niezgoda A. Fast N. Hampson A Brent Strong David T Fullwood David T Fullwood C. Haehl B. Lively David T Fullwood S. R. Niezgoda S. R. Kalidindi Brent Larsen Adams K. A. Stevens


Oliver Kent Johnson Brandon D Snow Sterling G Baird Christian Kurniawan David T Fullwood Eric R Homer
David E Page Kathryn F Varela Oliver Kent Johnson David T Fullwood Eric R Homer
Baird Sterling Christian Kurniawan Tyler Critchfield David T Fullwood Eric R Homer Oliver Kent Johnson
Christian Kurniawan David T Fullwood Eric R Homer Oliver Kent Johnson
Alyssa Evans Noelle Tuttle Steve Morrin James Tracy Parker Rosquist Jake Merrell Gavin Collins William F Christensen David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley
A. Evans N. Tuttle S. Morrin J. Tracy P. Rosquist G. Collins William F Christensen David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley
Kyle Kinghorn David T Fullwood Andrew Robert George
Andrew Robert George Sanjay Sisodia David T Fullwood
Parker Rosquist Jake Merrell Brady Anderson Evan Bird David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge
Brady Anderson Jake Merrell David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Dean K Stolworthy Adam Bilodeau
Jake Merrell David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Adam Bilodeau Parker Rosquist Brady Anderson
David T Fullwood
David T Fullwood Michael Paul Miles Raj Mishra Ali Khosravani Travis Rampron Timothy Ruggles
David T Fullwood Michael Paul Miles Timothy Ruggles Travis Rampton Raj K Mishra
David T Fullwood Timothy Ruggles Travis Rampton Ali Khosravani Michael Paul Miles Jeffrey Kysar
David T Fullwood Travis Rampton Timothy Ruggles
David T Fullwood Timothy Ruggles Travis Rampton Michael Paul Miles Raj K Mishra
Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood
David T Fullwood Timothy Ruggles Travis Rampton Ali Khosravani Samikshya Subedi Caroline Sorensen
Timothy Ruggles David T Fullwood
Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Ali Khosravani Jon Scott Stuart Rogers Raj Mishra
Brent Larsen Adams David T Fullwood John Basinger Thomas Hardin
Michael Paul Miles David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Ali Khosravani Jon Scott Stuart Rogers Raj Mishra
David T Fullwood Dustin Gerrard Denise Marie Halverson Stephen Niezgoda
Daniel Seegmiller David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams
David T Fullwood Oliver Johnson George Hansen
David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams
David T Fullwood Brent Larsen Adams Michael Paul Miles Stuart Rogers Ali Khosravani Raj Mishra