Office Hours
Winter 2025
Monday: 3pm - 4pm
Tuesday: 3pm - 4pm
Wednesday: 3pm - 4pm
Friday: 3pm - 4pm
To meet outside these times, contact Dr. Maynes via email.
Superhydrophobicsurface flow physics and thermal transport, Microscale fluid mechanics and heat transfer, electroosmotic flow transport phenomena, turbomachinery design and analysis, jet cavitation and acoustics, thermal properties of ash deposits in industrial boilers, convection heat transfer and fluid mechanics applications
Ph.D. University of Utah, 1997, Mechanical EngineeringDissertation: "On Rotating Bluff Body Flows"
M.S. Utah State University, 1993, Mechanical EngineeringThesis: "An Investigation of the Effects of a Rotating Forebodyon the Aerodynamics of Slender Bodies at High Angles of Attack"
B.S. Utah State University, 1992, Mechanical Engineering
BYU - Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering; 6/1/2013 - Present
BYU - Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 8/2009 - Present
BYU - Associate Chair of Mechanical Engineering Department; 8/2005 - 6/2013
BYU - Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering; 8/2003 - 8/2009
BYU - Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering; 8/1997 - 8/200
University of Utah - Instructor of Mechanical Engineering; 8/1993 - 5/1997
University of Utah - Postdoctoral Research Associate; 1/1997 - 8/1997
Technical Consulting - Various industrial sponsors (1993-present)
Expert Witness - Fluid mechanics and heat transfer related
Space Dynamics Laboratory - Logan UT
Argonne National Laboratory - Idaho Falls,
IDRollins, Brown, and Gunnell Engineering - Provo, UT
Utah National Guard - 8 years service (1984 - 1992)
Member American Physical Society (APS)
Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Rock Climbing
1. Haws, Terry, M.S. Steady State Axial and Tangential Velocity Characteristics Near Rotating Bluff Bodies,Brigham Young University, December 1999.
2. Butcher, Mike, M.S., Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Torque on a Rotating Bluff Body,Brigham Young University, April 2000.
3. Thomson, Scott, M.S., Simultaneous Measurements of Velocity and Temperature in Water Using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry-Thermometry,August 2000.
4. Webb, Aaron, M.S. Project Microscale Molecular Tagging Velocimetry,December 2000.
5. Judy, Justin, M.S., Characterization of Frictional Pressure Drop for Liquid Flows through Microtubes,August 2001.
6. Thompson, Brian, M.S. "Characterization of the Hydrodynamically Developing Flow in a Mictrobube using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry," April 2003.
7. McKinnon, Austin, M.S., "Demonstration of molecular tagging velocimetry and thermometry in a thermally developing, constant heat flux channel flow for laminar, transitional, and turbulent flow regimes" August 2003.
8. Ayers, James T., Honors B.S., Evaluation of an Impulse-Pelton Wheel Turbine in a Tire Pressure Regulation System,November 2003.
9. Westover, Tyler L., Honors B.S., An Experimental Study of Thermal Transport in Electroosmotic Flow,August 2003.
10. Broderick, Spencer, M.S., "Thermally Developing Electroosmotic Flow in Circular Microchannels" April 2004.
11. Tenny, Joseph S., M.S., Numerical Simulations in Electroosmotic Flow, December 2004.
12. Young, John M., M.S., Microparticle Influenced Electroosmotic Flow, August 2005.
13. Davies, Jason, M.S., Analysis of Viscous Drag Reduction and Thermal Transport Effects for Microengineered Surfaces,April 2006.
14. Bitter, Jamin J., M.S. One-Dimensionsal Performance Modeling of Centrifugal Flow Vaned Diffusers, April 2007.
15. Jeffs, Kevin, M.S. "Numerical Study of Fully Developed Laminar and Turbulent Flow through Microchannels with Longitudinal Microstructures, December 2007.
16. Pelton, Robert J., M.S., "One-Dimensional Radial Flow Turbomachinery Modeling," December 2007.
17. Cundick, Darron, M.S., "Characterization of the Thermal Transport through a Temporally-Varying Ash Layer," December 2008.
18. Dr. Woolford, Brady W., Ph.D., "Laminar and Turbulent Flow of a Liquid through Channels with Superhydrophobic Walls Exhibiting Alternating Ribs and Cavities," April 2009.
19. Packard, Nathan, M.S., "Improved Understanding of the Inlet Flow of Radial Flow Turbomachinery," August 2009.
20. Shurtz, Thomas, M.S., "Analysis of Induced Vibrations in Fully-Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow Using a Coupled LES and FEA Approach," August 2009.
21. Thompson, Andrew, M.S., "Experimental Characterization of Flow Induced Vibration in Turbulent Pipe Flow," August 2009.
22. Pearson, John, M.S. "Quantitative and Qualitative Results from Droplet Impingement Experiments on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Micro-ribs for Three Liquid Types," August 2010.
23. Krise, Jeff, M.S. "Characterization of High Inlet Diffusion Low Flow Coefficient Inducer Pumps for Space Propulsion in the Presences of a Cavitation Control Device," April 2011
24. Dr. Amin, Masood, Ph.D. "Three Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Liquid Laminar Flow over Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Post Geometries," April 2011.
25. Holt, Gavin, M.S. "Experimental Characterization of Baffle Plate Influence on Turbulent and Cavitation Induced Vibrations in Pipe Flow," August 2011.
26. Coltrin, Ian, M.S., "The Influence of Nozzle Spacing and Diameter on the Acoustic Emission of Closely Spaced Supersonic Jets," April 2012.(co-advised with Jon Blotter)
27. Johnson, Michael, M.S., "Liquid Jet Impingement Experiments on Micro Rib and CavityPatterned Superhydrophobic Surfaces in BothCassie and Wenzel States," December 2012.
28. Hays, Rob, M.S., "Thermal Transport to Sessile Water Droplets on Heated Superhydrohobic Surfaces of Varying Cavity Fraction," December 2013.(co-advised with Julie Crockett)
29. Murray, Dallin, M.S., "Capillary Filling of Large Aspect Ratio Channels with Varying Wall Spacing," August 2013.
30. Prince, Joseph, Ph.D. "The Influence of Superhydrohphobicity on Laminar Jet Impingement and Turbulent Flow in a Channel with Walls Exhibiting Riblets," August 2013.
31. Condie, Rob, M.S., "Aerodynamic Improvements for Auto-Carrying Railcars," April 2014.
32. Perksin, Richard, M.S., "PIVMeasurements of Turbulent Flow in a Rectangular Channel over Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Riblets," August 2014.
33. Lundgreen, Ryan, Ph.D., "Improving the Suction Performance and Stability of an Inducer with an Integrated Inlet Cover Bleed System Known as a Stability Control Device, "August 2015.
34. Clavijo, Cristian, Ph.D., "Convection Heat Transfer on Superhydrophobic Surfaces," April 2016.
35. Kinghorn, Phil, M.S., "Aerodynamic Drag on Intramodal Rail Cars," August 2017.
36. Cowley, Adam, Ph.D., "Hydrodynamic and Thermal Effects of Sub-critical Heating on Superhydrophobic Surfaces and Microchannels, "December 2017.
Chad Stucki, M.S.
Jonathan Burnett, Ph.D.
Tate Fanning, Ph.D.
Kim Stevens, Ph.D.
Matthew Searle, Ph.D.
60. K. Stevens, J. Crockett, D. Maynes, and B. D. Iverson, 2017, “Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop in Superhydrophobic Channels,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 110, 515-522.
59. M. Searle, D. Maynes, J. Crockett, 2017, “Thermal Transport due to Liquid Jet Impingement on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Isotropic Slip,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 110, 680-691.
58. C. Clavijo, J. Crockett, and D. Maynes, 2017, “Hydrodynamics of Droplet Impingement on Hot Surfaces of Varying Wettability,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 108, 1714-1726
57. C. Clavijo, J. Crockett, and D. Maynes, 2016, “Wenzel to Cassie Transition During Droplet Impingement on a Superhydrophobic Surface,” Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 1, 073902.
56. A. Cowley, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett, 2016, “Inertial Effects on Thermal Transport in Superhydrophobic Microchannels,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 101, pp 121-132..
55. J. Pearson, D. Bilodeau, and D. Maynes, 2016, “Two Pronged Jet Formation Caused by Droplet Impact on Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 138, pp. 074501-1-5.
54. R. Hays, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett, 2016, “Thermal Transport to Droplets on Heated Superhydrophobic Substrates,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 98, 70-80.
53. J. Prince, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett, 2015, “On Jet Impingement and Thin Film Breakup on a Horizontal Superhydrophobic Surface,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 27, 112108.
52. C. Clavijo, J. Crockett, and D. Maynes, 2015, “Effect of Isotropic and Anisotropic Slip on Droplet Impingement on a Superhydrophobic Surface,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 27, 122104.
51. K. R. Langley, R. D. Maynes, and T. T. Truscott, 2015, "Eggs and Milk: Spinning Spheres in a Liquid Bath," Physics of Fluids, In Press.
50. A. Cowley, D. Maynes, J. Crockett, 2014, "Effective Temperature Jump and Influence of Axal Conduction for Thermal Transport through Channels with Superhydrophobic Walls," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 79, 573-583.
49. I. S. Coltrin, J. D. Blotter, R. D. Maynes, and K. L. Gee, 2014, “Influence of Nozzle Spacing and Diameter on the Acoustic Radiation from Closely Spaced Supersonic Jets,” Applied Acoustics, Vol. 81, 19-25.
48. M. Johnson, J. Crockett, and D. Maynes, 2014, "Experimental Characterization of Hydraulic Jump Caused by Jet-Impingement on Micro-Patterned Surfaces Exhibiting Ribs and Cavities," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 58, 216-223.
47. J. F. Prince, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett, 2014, "Analysis of Laminar Jet Impingement and Hydraulic Jump on a Horizontal Surface with Anisotropic Slip," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 26, 042104.
46. D. Maynes and J. Crockett, 2014, "Apparent Temperature Jump and Thermal Transport in Channels with Streamwise Rib and Cavity Featured Superhydrophobic Walls at Constant Heat Flux," Journal of heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 136, 011701.
45. I. S. Coltrin, R. D. Maynes, J. D. Blotter, and K. L. Gee, 2013, "Shockwave Structures and Overall Sound Pressure Levels Emitted from Closely Spaced Supersonic Jets," Applied Acoustics, Vol. 74, 1519-1526.
44. G. J. Holt, D. Maynes, and J. Blotter, 2013, "Cavitation and Head Loss at Sharp Edge Perforated Plates," Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 135, 031302 .
43. D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, J. Crockett, and V. Solovjov, 2013, "Analysis of Laminar Slip-Flow Thermal Transport in Microchannels with Transverse Rib and Cavity Structured Superhydrophobic Walls at Constant Heat Flux," Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 135, 021701.
42. J. F. Prince, D. Maynes, and J. C. Crockett, 2012, "Analysis of Laminar Jet Impingement and Hydraulic Jump on a Horizontal Surface with Slip," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 24, 102103.
41. D. Maynes, D. Cundick, T. Moore, D. R. Tree, M. R. Jones, and L. L. Baxter, 2012 “In Situ Characterization of Coal Ash Thermal Conductivity Under Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions,” ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Vol. 4, 041002.
40. J. T. Pearson, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2012, “Droplet Impact Dynamics for Two Liquids Impinging on Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 53, pp. 603-618.
39. T. J. Moore, M. R. Jones, D. R. Tree, D. Maynes, L. L. Baxter, 2011, "In Situ Measurements of the Spectral Emittance of Coal Ash Deposits," Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 112, pp. 1978-1986.
38. J. Xuan, M. Hamblin, J. Stout, H. D. Tolley, D. Maynes, A. Woolley, A. Hawkins, and M. L. Lee, 2011, "Surfactant Addition and Alternating Current Oscillation During Size Fractionation of Nanoparticles in Channels with Two or Three Different Height Segments," Journal of Chromatography A, Vol. 1218, pp. 9102-9110.
37. M. N. Hamblin, A. R. Hawkins, D. Murray, D. Maynes, M. L. Lee, A. T. Woolley, H. D. Tolley, 2011, "Capillary Flow in Sacrificially-Etched Nanochannels, Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 5, 021103.
36. J. R. Elsnab, J. C. Klewicki, D. Maynes, T. A. Ameel, 2011, "Mean Dynamics of Channel Flow Transition," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 678, pp. 451-481.
35. D. Maynes, M. Johnson, B. W. Webb, 2011, "Free-Surface Liquid Jet Impingement on Rib Patterned Superhydrophobic Surfaces,"Physics of Fluids, Vol. 23, 052104.
34. T. J. Moore, M. R. Jones, D. R. Tree, D. Maynes, L. L. Baxter, 2011, "An Experimental Method for Making Spectral Emittance and Surface Temperature Measurements of Opaque Surfaces," Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 112, pp. 1191-1196.
33. J. R. Elsnab, D. Maynes, J. C. Klewicki, and T. A. Ameel, 2010, "Mean Velocity Profiles in a High Aspect Ratio Microchannel," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol 34, pp. 1077-1088.
32. M. N. Hamblin, J. Xuan, D. Maynes, H. D. Tolley, D. M. Belnap, A. T. Woolley, M. L. Lee, and A. R. Hawkins, 2010, “Selective trapping and concentration of nanoparticles and viruses in dual-height nanofluidic channels,” Lab on a Chip, Vol. 10, pp. 173-178.
31. K. Jeffs, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2010, "Turbulent Flow in a Microchannel with Surface Patterned Micro-ribs Oriented Parallel to the Flow Direction," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, pp. 786-796.
30. B. Woolford, J. Prince, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2009, "PIV Characterization of Turbulent Channel Flow with Rib Patterned Superhydrophobic Walls," Physics of Fluids, Vol. 21, 085106.
29. B. Woolford, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2009, "Liquid Flow Through Microchannels with Grooved Walls Under Wetting and Superhydrophobic Conditions," Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 7, p. 121.
28. D. Maynes, J. Tenny, B. W. Webb, and M. L. Lee, 2008, “Influence of Varying Electroosmotic Flow on the Effective Diffusion in Electric Field Gradient Separations,” Electrophoresis, Vol. 29, pp. 549-560.
27. D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, and J. Davies, 2008, “Thermal Transport in a Microchannel Exhibiting Ultrahydrophobic Micro-Ribs Maintained at Constant Temperature,” Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 130, pp. 022402-1-8.26.
26. D. Maynes, K. Jeffs, B. Woolford, and B. W. Webb, 2007, “Laminar Fully-Developed Flow in a Microchannel with Hydrophobic Surface Patterned Micro-ribs Oriented Parallel to the Flow Direction,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 19, p. 093603.25.
25. J. Davies, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, and B. Woolford, 2006, “Laminar Flow in a Microchannel with Super-Hydrophobic Walls Exhibiting Transverse Ribs
24. S. L. Broderick, B. W. Webb, and D. Maynes, 2005, “Thermally Developing Electro-osmotic Convection in Microchannels with Finite Debye Layer Thickness
23. B. C. Liechty. B. W. Webb, and D. Maynes, 2005, “Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of Electro-osmotically Generated Flow in Microtubes at High Wall Potential
22. B. R. Thompson, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2005, “Characterization of the Re-Entrant Developing Flow in a Microtube Using MTV
21. M. T. Pittard, R. P. Evans, R. D. Maynes, and J. D. Blotter, 2004, “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow Induced Pipe Vibration in Fully Developed Flow
20. B. D. Iverson, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2004, “Thermally Developing Electro-osmotic Convection in Rectangular Microchannels with Vanishing Debye Layer Thickness,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 18, pp. 486 – 493.18.
19. D. Maynes and B. W. Webb, 2004, “The Effect of Viscous Dissipation in Thermally Fully-Developed Electro-Osmotic Heat Transfer in Microchannels
18. D. Maynes and B. W. Webb, 2003, “Fully Developed Electro-osmotic and Pressure Driven Convection in a Circular Channel with Constant Heat Flux
17. D. Maynes and B. W. Webb, 2003, “Fully-Developed Electro-osmotic Transport in Microchannels
16. Y. Xiang, D. Maynes, M. L. Lee, 2003, “Safety Concerns in Ultrahigh Pressure Capillary Liquid Chromatography Using Air-Driven Pumps,” Journal of Chromatography A, Vol. 991, pp. 189-196.14.
15. J. Judy, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2002, “Characterization of Frictional Pressure Drop for Liquid Flows Through Microchannels
14. D. Maynes and M. Butcher, 2002, “Steady State and Decay Regime Dynamics for Square Impellers of Varying Aspect Ratio in Cylindrical Tanks,” AIChE Journal, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 38-49.12.
13. D. Maynes and A. Webb, 2002, “Velocity Profile Characterization in Sub-millimeter Diameter Tubes using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry
12. D. Maynes and M. Butcher, 2001, “Effect of Body Aspect Ratio and Tank Size on the Hydrodynamics of a Rotating Bluff Body During the Initial Spin-up Period
11. W. J. Bowman and D. Maynes, 2001, “Comparison of Standard and Heat Pipe Fins with Specified Tip Temperature,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 15, pp. 421-426.9.
10. S. Thomson and D. Maynes, 2001, “Spatially Resolved Temperature Measurements in a Liquid using Laser Induced Phosphorescence
9. H. Robey and D. Maynes, 2001, “Numerical Simulation of the Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in the Large Scale, Rapid Growth of KDP Crystals. Part 1: Computation of the Transient Three Dimensional Flow Field,” Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 222, Jan. 2001, pp.263-278.7.
8. D. Maynes, 2000, “Molecular Tagging Velocimetry Characterization of Rapid KDP Crystal Growth,” AIChE Journal, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 450-461.6.
7. J. Bowman, T. Moss, D. Maynes, and K. Paulson, 2000, “Efficiency of a Constant Area, Adiabatic Tip, Heat Pipe Fin,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 14, pp. 112-115.5.
6. D. Maynes, J. Klewicki, P. McMurtry, 1999, “Spin-up in a Tank Induced by a Rotating Bluff Body,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 388, pp. 49-68.4.
5. D. Maynes and G. Gebert, 1999, “High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics of a Missile Geometry at Low Speed,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 772-774.3.
4. D. Maynes, P. McMurtry and J. Klewicki, 1998, “Time Resolved Torque of Three Dimensional Rotating Bluff Bodies in a Cylindrical Tank,” Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 120, No. 1, pp. 23-29.2.
3. D. Maynes, P. McMurtry, J. Klewicki and H. Robey, 1997, “Hydrodynamic Scalings in the Rapid Growth of Crystals From Solution,” Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 178, pp. 545-558.1.
2. R. D. Maynes and G. A. Gebert, 1995, “Rotating Nose Tip Effects on Slender Body Aerodynamics at High Angles of Attack,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 944-950.
91. C. Clavijo, D. Maynes, and J. Crockett, 2013, “Liquid Droplet Impact Dynamics on Micro-Patterned Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Video Entry at the 2013 American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Conference, Pittsburgh PA, November 2013.
90. R. Hays, J. Crockett, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2013, “Sessile Droplet Evaporation on Superheated Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Video Entry at the 2013 American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Conference, Pittsburgh PA, November 2013.
89. D. Maynes, J. Crockett, and R. Hays, 2013, "Convection to Sessile Droplets on Superhydrophobic Surfaces," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 58, D2-8.
88. J. Crockett, J. Prince, and D. Maynes, 2013, “Jet Impingement and Thin Film Breakup on a Superhydrophobic Surface,” American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 58, A28-1.
87. C. Clavijo and D. Maynes, “Droplet Rebound from Rib and Post Patterned Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Poster presentation at the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, IMECE2013-67046, at San Diego, CA, November 2013.
86. R. Condie and D. Maynes, “Drag Reduction for Automotive Carrying Style Rail Cars,” Poster presentation at the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, IMECE2013-67046, at San Diego, CA, November 2013.85. R. Lundgreen and D. Maynes, “Effects of a Stability Control Device on the Performance of an Inducer in a Turbopump,” Poster presentation at the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, IMECE2013-67046, at San Diego, CA, November 2013.
84. A. Cowley and D. Maynes, 2013, “Effective Temperature Jump Length and Influence of Axial Conduction for Thermal Transport through Channels with Superhydrophobic Walls,” Poster presentation at the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, at San Diego, CA, November 2013.
83. R. Hays, J. Crockett, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2013, “Thermal Transport to Sessile Droplets on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Rib and Cavity Features,” Proceedings the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, IMECE2013-63780, at San Diego, CA, November 2013.
82. A. Cowley, D. Maynes, J. Crockett, and B. W. Webb, 2013, “Effective Temperature Jump Length and Influence of Axial Conduction for Thermal Transport through Channels with Superhydrophobic Walls,” Proceedings the ASME International Meeting and Exposition, IMECE2013-63858, at San Diego, CA, November 2013.
81. J. T. Pearson, D. Maynes, D. Bilodeau, B. W. Webb, 2013, “Two-Pronged Jet Formation Caused by Droplet Impact on Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Proceedings the ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, FEDSM2013-16629, at Incline Village, NV, July 2013.
80. K. N. Oliphant, R. Lundgreen, R. Cluff, D. Maynes, and S. Gorrell, 2013, “Inducer Design for Stable High Suction Performance Wide Operating Range, and Increased Structural Robustness Utilizing a High Mass Flow Gain Inlet Cover Treatment, Joint Army Navy Nasa Air Force April 2013 – 60th JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, 9th Modeling and Simulation, 7th Liquid Propulsion, 6th Spacecraft Propulsion Joint Subcommittee Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, April 2013.
79. R. Cluff, R. K. Lundgreen, S. E. Gorrell, D. Maynes, and K. Oliphant, 2013, “A Comparison of 3-Bladed and 4-Bladed Inducers at On and Off Design Flow Rates,” AIAA 2013-3761, 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose, CA, July 2013.
78. J. Xuan, M. N. Hamblin, J. M. Stout, H. D. Tolley, D. R. Maynes, A. T. Woolley, A. R. Hawkins, and M. L. Lee, 2012, "Non-covalent Surface Deactivation in Small Capillaries and Channels," International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, Riva del Garda, Italy, May 27-June 1, 2012.
77. A. T. Woolley, S. Kumar, J. Xuan, M. L. Lee, H. D. Tolley, D. R. Maynes, A. R. Hawkins, 2012, "Planar Thin-Film Nanofluidic Devices for Sample Fractionation," Pittcon 2012, Orlando, FL, March 2012.
76. R. Perkins, J. Prince, J. Vanderhoff, and D. Maynes, 2012, "Pressure Drop Measurements for Turbulent Channel Flow over Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Superimposed Riblets," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, M20-4.
75. R. Cluff, R. Lundgreen, S. Gorrell, D. Maynes, and K. Oliphant, 2012, "Comparison: On-Design and Off-Design Flow through a High Speed Inducer," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, L5-2.
74. R. Lundgreen, R. Cluff, D. Maynes, S. Gorrell, and K. Oliphant, 2012, "Periodic Cavitation in a High-Speed Water Inducer at an Off-Design Flow Coefficient," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, L5-1.
73. R. Condie and D. Maynes, 2012, "Aerodynamic Improvements to Cargo Carrying Rail Cars Due to Roof Modifications," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, E9-1.
72. J. Pearson, D. Maynes, D. Bilodeau, and B. W. Webb, 2012, "Two Pronged Jet Formation Caused by Droplet Impact on Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Surfaces," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, E4-4.
71. R. Hays, J. Vanderhoff, and D. Maynes, 2012, "Characterization of Heat Transfer from Superhydrophobic-Substrates to Water Droplets," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, E4-3.
70. J. Prince, M. Johnson, J. Vanderhoff, and D. Maynes, 2012, "Laminar Jet Impingement and Hydraulic Jump on a Horizontal Surface with Anisotropic Slip," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, D28-7.
69. J. Vanderhoff, J. Prince, and D. Maynes, 2012, "Laminar Jet Impingement and Hydraulic Jump Behavior on a Superhydrophobic Surface with Isotropic Slip," American Physical Society Bulletin, Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, D28-5.
68. D. Maynes, J. C. Vanderhoff, and G. Rosengarten, 2012, "Fully-Developed Thermal Transport in Microchannes with Streamwise Grooved Superhydrophobic Walls at Constant Heat Flux," Proceedings the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2012-89441, at Houston, TX, November 2012.
67. M. Johson, D. Maynes, J. C. Vanderhoff, and B. W. Webb, 2012, "Hydraulic Jump Due to Jet Impingement on Micro-Patterned Surfaces Exhibiting Ribs and Cavities," Proceedings the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2012-89104, at Houston, TX, November 2012.
66. K. N. Oliphant, J. Krise, D. Maynes, and S. Gorrell, 2011, "Inducer Design for Ultra-High Suction Performance in the Presence of an Inlet Flow Stabilizing Device," Joint Army Navy Nasa Air Force December 2011 8th Modeling and Simulation / 6th Liquid Propulsion 5 5th Propulsion Joint Subcommittee Meeting, Hutsville, AL, December 2011.
65. D. Maynes, N. Tulett, R. Nielson, J. Vanderhoff, and B. W. Webb, 2011, "Influence of Superhydrophobic Walls on Th eThermal Transport to Liquid Droplets," Proceedings the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2011-63673, at Denver CO, November 2011.
64. G. J. Holt, D. Maynes, and J. Blotter, 2011, "Cavitation at Sharp Edge Multi-hole Baffle Plates," Proceedings the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2011-64203, at Denver CO, November 2011.
63. D. Cundick, D. Maynes, T. Moore, D. R. Tree, M. R. Jones, and L. L. Baxter, 2011, "In Situ Characterization of Coal Ash Thermal Conductivity Under Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions," Proceedings the ASME-IMECE, IMECE2011-64836, at Denver CO, November 2011.
62. D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, V. Soloviev, 2011, "Analysis of Slip-Flow Thermal Transport in Microchannels with Transverse Rib and Cavity Structured Superhydrophobic Surfaces at Constant Heat Flux," Proceedings of the ASME-JSME 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, AJTEC2011-44113, at Honolulu Hawaii, March 2011.
61. T. Truscott, J. Belden, K. Langley, D. Maynes, 2010, "Eggs in Milk," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 55, Fluid Dynamics.
60. J. C. Klewicki, J. Elsnab, D. Maynes, T. Ameel, 2010, "Mean Dynamics of Channel Flow Transition," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 55, Fluid Dynamics.
59. G. Holt, D. Maynes, J. D. Blotter, 2010, Characterization of Turbulence and Cavitation Induce Pipe Vibrations Due to Flow Through Baffle Plates," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 55, Fluid Dynamics.
58. M. Johnson, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2010, "Transition Regimes of Jet Impingement on Rib and Cavity Superhydrophobic Surfaces," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 55, Fluid Dynamics.
57. J. Pearson, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2010, "Qualitative Observations of Droplet Impact on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Micro-ribs for Three Fluids," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 55, Fluid Dynamics.
56. A. Amin, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2010, "3-D Simulations of Liquid Laminar Flow over Superhydrophobic Surfaces for Two Scenarios: 1. Shear Driven Flow with Square Post Geometries, 2. Pressure-driven Flow with Rectangular Post Geometries," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 55, Fluid Dynamics.
55. A. Thompson, D. Maynes, J. Blotter, 2010, "Turbulence Induced Vibrations in Pipe Flow With and Without Baffle Plates," Proceedings of the 2010 ASME FEDSM Conference, FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30477, at Montreal Canada, August 2010.
54. T. Shurtz, D. Maynes, J. Blotter, 2010, "Analysis of Induced Vibrations in Fully-Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow Using a Coupled LES and FEA Approach, Proceedings of the 2010 ASME FEDSM Conference, FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30477, at Montreal Canada, August 2010.
53. N. O. Packard, R. D. Maynes, D. Japikse, S. E. Gorrell, 2010, "Numerical Characterization of the Inlet Flow for Eleven Turbomachines," Proceedings of the AMSE Turbo Expo 2010, at Glasgow UK, June 2010.
52. T. J. Moore, M. R. Jones, D. R. Tree, D. Maynes, L. L. Baxter, 2010, "An Experimental Method for Making Spectral Emittance and Surface Temperature Measurements of Opaque Surfaces," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Radiation Transfer VI, at Antalya Turkey, June 2010.
51. M. Johnson, B. Russell, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2009, “Hydraulic Jumps on Superhydrophobic Surfaces Exhibiting Ribs and Cavities,” American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 54, Fluid Dynamics.
50. J. Pearson, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2009, “Influence of Liquid Type on Drop Impingement on Rib and Cavity Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 54, Fluid Dynamics.
49. M. Amin, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2009, “Numerical Investigation of Liquid Flow through Micro-channels with Post Patterned Super-hydrophobic Walls,” American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 54, Fluid Dynamics.
48. J. Prince, B. Woolford, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2009, “PIV Characterization of Turbulent Channel Flow with Rib Patterned Superhydrophobic Walls,” American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 54, Fluid Dynamics.
47. T. J. Moore, D. P. Cundick, M. R. Jones, D. R. Tree, R. D. Maynes, L. L. Baxter, 2009, "An Experimental Method For Making In Situ Spectral Emittance Measurements Of Coal Ash Deposits," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2009-13215, at Lake Buena Vista FL, Nov. 2009.
46. A. Thompson, D. Maynes, T. Shurtz, J. Blotter, 2009, "Experimental Characterization of Flow Induced Vibration in Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME FEDSM Conference, FEDSM2009-78548, at Vail CO, Aug. 2009.45.
45. M. Hamblin, D. Murray, D. Maynes, A. Hawkins, 2009, "Transient Filling of Sacrificially Etched Nanochannels by Capillarity," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME FEDSM Conference, FEDSM2009-78548, at Vail CO, Aug. 2009.44.
44. B. Woolford, J. Prince, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2008, "PIV Measurements of Laminar and Turbulent Channel Flow with Superhydrophobic Walls," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 53, Fluid Dynamics.43.
43. Z. Collins, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2008, "The Dynamics of Free-Surface Liquid Jet Impingement on Superhydrophobic Surfaces,"American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 53, Fluid Dynamics.42.
42. J. Pearson, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2008, "Liquid Drop Impingement on Superhydrophobic Surfaces,"American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 53, Fluid Dynamics.41.
41. B. Woolford, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2008, "Laminar Flow of a Liquid through Microchannels with Superhydrophobic Walls Under Wetting and Non-Wetting Conditions," Proceedings of the ECI Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, Whistler BC, Sept. 2008.40.
40. B. Woolford, J. Prince, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2008, "PIV Measurements of Laminar and Turbulent Channel Flow with Superhydrophobic Walls," Proceedings of the ECI Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, Whistler BC, Sept. 2008.39.
39. B. Woolford, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, and B. Jensen, 2007, “Laminar and Turbulent Flow of a Liquid through Microchannels with Walls Exhibiting Wetting and Non-Wetting Cavity Regions," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 52, Fluid Dynamics.38.
38. K. Jeffs, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2007, “Turbulent Flow through a Microchannel with Superhydrophobic Walls," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 52, Fluid Dynamics.37.
37. D. Maynes, K. Jeffs, B. Woolford, and B. W. Webb, 2007, “Influence of the Vapor Cavity Depth on Liquid Flow through a Microchannel Exhibiting Superhydrophobic Walls," American Physical Society Bulletin, Vol. 52, Fluid Dynamics.36.
36. K. Jeffs, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb, 2007, “Turbulent Flow in a Microchannel with Surface Patterned Microribs Oriented Parallel to the Flow Direction,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2007-41392, at Seattle WA, Nov. 2007.35.
35. D. Cundick, R. P. Blanchard, D. Maynes, D. Tree, and L. L. Baxter, 2007, “Thermal Transport to a Reactor Wall with a Time Varying Ash Layer, Proceedings of the 5th U.S. Combustion Meeting, at San Diego, CA, March 2007.34.
34. D. Cundick, D. Maynes, D. Tree, and L. L. Baxter, 2007, “Thermal Transport to a Reactor Wall with a Time Varying Ash Layer, 2007 ACERC Conference, Provo, UT February 2007.33.
33. N. Agbonkonkon, D. Maynes, A. L. Rockwook, E. D. Lee, and M. L. Lee, 2007, “Cross Flow Ion Mobility Spectrometry: Design and Instrumentation,” 58th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, at Chicago IL February 2007.32.
32. J. Davies, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2006, “Thermal Transport in a Microchannel Exhibiting Transverse Ultrahydrophobic Micro-ribs Maintained at Constant Temperature,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2005-80039, at Chicago, IL, Nov. 2006.31.
31. R. David, A. Frischknect, C. G. Jensen, J. Blotter, and D. Maynes, 2006, “Contextual Learning of CAx Tools within a Fundamental Mechanical Engineering Curricula,” 2006 PACE Annual Forum, Provo, UT, July 24-29.30.
30. J. Davies, B. Woolford, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2005, “Prediction of Laminar Flow in a Microchannel with Transverse Ultrahydrophobic Ribs,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2005-80039, at Orlando, CA, Nov. 2005.29.
29. J. Young, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2005, “Influence of the Electrophoretic Motion of Particle Suspensions on the Bulk Electroosmotic Flow of Water through Fused Silica Capillaries,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2005-80101, at Orlando, CA, Nov. 2005.28.
28. D. Japikse, O. B. Dubitsky, K. N. Oliphant, R. J. Pelton, D. Maynes, and J. Bitter, 2005, “Multi-Variable, High Order, Performance Models (2005C),”Proceedings of the 2005 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2005-79416, at Orlando, CA, Nov. 2005.27.
27. R. Pelton, D. Japikse, D. Maynes, and J. Bitter, 2005, “Turbomachinery Performance Models,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2005-79414, at Orlando, CA, Nov. 2005.26.
26. B. Woolford, K. Jeffs, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2005, “Laminar Fully-Developed Flow in a Microchannel with Patterned Ultrahydrophobic Walls,” Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, HT2005-72726, at San Francisco, CA, July 2005.25.
25. B. Thompson, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2003, “Characterization of the Hydrodynamically Developing Flow in a Microtube Using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels, pp. 231-240, at Rochester, NY April 2003.24.
24. J. Tenny, D. Maynes, and B. W. Webb, 2003, “Hydrodynamically Developing Dual-Wall-Driven Microchannel Flow,” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels, pp. 223-230, at Rochester, NY April 2003.23.
23. D. Maynes and B.W. Webb, 2003, “Fully Developed Elecro-osmotic and Pressure Driven Convection in a Circular Channel with Constant Heat Flux,” Proceedings of the 6th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference-AJTEC 2003, TED-AJ03-343, March 2003, Hawaii.22.
22. B. Thompson and D. Maynes, 2002, “Micro-Scale Velocity Measurements Using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry: Methodology and Uncertainty,” Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2002-31164, Montreal Canada.21.
21. W. J. Bowman and D. Maynes, 2001, “A Review of Micro heat Exchanger Design Methods, Fabrication Methods and Applications,” Proceedings of the 2001 ASME IMECE Conference, IMECE2001-HTD24281, New York, NY, November 2001.20.
20. S. Thomson and D. Maynes, 2001, “Simultaneous Measurements of Velocity and Temperature in Water using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry-Thermometry (MTV-T),” Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2001-18044, New Orleans, LA, May 29-June 1 2001.19.
19. D. Maynes, 2001, “On Large Aspect Ratio Mixing Impellers in Unbaffled Tanks,” Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2001-18219, New Orleans, LA, May 29-June 1 2001.18.
18. J. Judy, D. Maynes, and B. Webb, 2000, “Liquid Flow Pressure Drop in Microtubes,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Heat Transfer and Transport Phenomena in Microscale held at Banff Canada, October 2000.17.
17. S. Thomson and D. Maynes, 2000, “Advances in Molecular Tagging Thermometry,” Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2000-11047, Boston, MA, June 11-15 2000.16.
16. W. J. Bowman and D. Maynes, 2000, “Analytical Comparison of Specified Tip Temperature Standard and Heat Pipe Fins,” Proceeding of the 34th AIAA Thermophysics conference, AIAA00-2283, Denver, CO, June 2000.15.
15. T. Moss, W. J. Bowman, D. Maynes, and K. A. Paulson, 1999, “Efficiency of a Constant Area, Adiabatic Tip, Heat-Pipe Fin,” Proceedings of the 33rd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, AIAA99-3443, Norfolk, VA, June 1999.14.
14. A. Webb and D. Maynes, 1999, “Velocity Profile Measurements in Microtubes,”, Proceedings of the 30th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA99-3803, Norfolk VA, June 1999.13.
13. S. L. Thomson and D. Maynes, 1999, “Temperature Profile Measurements Using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry,” Proceedigns of the 30th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA 99-3601, Norfolk VA, June 1999.12.
12. T. Haws and D. Maynes, 1999, “Steady State Axial and Tangential Velocity Characteristics for Rotating Bluff Bodies,” Proceedings of the 36th Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Sacramento CA, pp. 211-230, May 1999.11.
11. M. Butcher and D. Maynes, 1999, “Analysis of Torque Measurements on Rotating Bluff Bodies,” Proceedings of the 36th Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, Sacramento CA, pp. 231-248, May 1999.10.
10. D. Maynes, P. McMurtry, J. Klewicki, 1997, “Scale-up of Transient Rotating Bluff Body Flows in Geometrically Dissimilar Tanks,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper number 150c, Los Angeles, CA, November 1997.9.
9. D. Maynes and H. Robey, 1997, “Characteristics of the Axial and Tangential Velocities near a Rotating Bluff Body on a Platform,” American Physical Society Bull., Vol. 42, Fluid Dynamics.8.
8. H. Robey, D. Maynes, 1997, “Numerical Simulation of the Fluid Dynamics and Mass Transfer in the Rapid Growth of Large KDP Crystals,” American Physical Society Bull., Vol. 42, Fluid Dynamics.7.
7. R. D. Maynes, P. McMurtry and J. Klewicki, 1996, “Evolution of the Turbulent Flow Field Around a Rotating Bluff Body,” American Physical Society Bull., Vol. 41, No. 9, pp.1785.6.
6. G. A. Gebert and R. D. Maynes, 1996, “Analysis of the High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics on Finned Bodies with Spinning Nose Tip Strakes,” AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper number AIAA 96-0191, Reno NV.5.
5. R. D. Maynes, P. McMurtry and J. Klewicki, 1995, “Experimental Techniques used in the Characterization of the Hydrodynamics Associated with Accelerated KDP Crystal Growth,” American Physical Society Bull., Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 2005.4.
4. R. D. Maynes and G. A. Gebert, 1995, “An Investigation of the Effects of a Rotating Nose Tip on the Aerodynamics of a Slender Body at High Angles of Attack,” AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper number AIAA 95-0314, Reno NV.3.
3. G. A. Gebert and R. D. Maynes, 1995, “Analysis of the High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics on Bodies with Spinning Nose Strakes,” AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper number AIAA 95-0315, Reno NV.2.
2. R. D. Maynes and G. A. Gebert, 1994, “An Investigation of High Angle of Attack Aerodynamics of a Finned and Finless Body with a Fineness Ratio of 20.0,” AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 94-0724,Reno NV.1.
1. G. Gebert and R. Maynes, 1994, “Discrete Vortex Methods for the Determination of Finned Body Aerodynamics,” AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper number AIAA 94-0151, Reno NV.
Classes Taught at BYU:
Fluid Dynamic Applications - ME EN 412
Thermodynamics - ME EN 321
Fluid Mechanics ME EN 312
Intermediate Fluid Mechanics (Viscous Flow) ME EN 512
Convective Heat Transfer - ME EN 643
Intermediate Heat Transfer - ME EN 540
Compressible Flow - ME EN 510
Capstone Coach
Courses Taught at the University of Utah:
Undergraduate Fluid Mechanics
Undergraduate Thermodynamics
Heat Transfer Laboratory
Gas Dynamics Laboratory
Power Thermodynamics Laboratory
Superhydrophobic Surface Flow Physics and Thermal Transport, Microscale Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Transport, Cavitation in Liquid Flows, Train Aerodynamics, Elecroosmotic Flow and Heat Transport, TurbomachineryCFD and Analysis, Supersonic Jet Acoustics.