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FE Exam

Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam

Why take the FE Exam?

Being licensed as a Professional Engineer (PE) is important for some mechanical engineering career trajectories. The licensure process can vary from state to state, but usually graduation from an ABET-accredited engineering program (like BYU) and passing the FE exam are the first steps. Passing the FE exam also looks great on your job resume, and it keeps the PE licensure an option if you decide to pursue it later in your career, since people usually find the exam harder to pass the longer they have been out of school.

What are the requirements for taking the FE Exam?

You must be enrolled in or have graduated from an ABET-accredited engineering program (like BYU). Note that you do not need to have graduated to take the exam, although graduation is required to complete the PE licensure.

What material is covered in the FE Exam?

The FE Exam covers a comprehensive range of engineering subjects which are taught in a typical ABET-accredited engineering program. The exam is a computer-based and closed book test with an electronic reference. It consists of 110 multiple-choice questions and must be completed in six hours, which includes a tutorial, a break, and a brief survey at the end. Click here for exam specifications.

When and where is the FE Exam given?

Registration is open year-round and examinees may select the exam time, date, and location that works best for them. Click here for more information. The exam administrator is Pearson VUE, whose closest site to BYU is in Draper, Utah. There are also centers in Bountiful, Ogden, and Logan. Click here to search for other locations.

How do I register for the FE Exam?

The National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) is the portal site for exam registration. Follow the directions on the NCEES website to register for the test.

What is the fee for taking the FE Exam?

The current fee for taking the FE Exam is $225 (2025).  The fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.  The BYU ME Department WILL REFUND $100 OF THE EXAM FEE for the FIRST 20 MAJORS WHO SUBMIT THEIR TEST SCORE in the calendar year. Please note that you must be an ACTIVE ME student to be eligible for the refund. To claim your refund, email your request to the department controller with proof of your score, your name, BYU student ID number, and correct mailing address.

Other Useful Information:

The NCEES website provides lots of useful information about preparing for and taking the exam, including specifications, study materials, pass rates, the calculator policy, and more.