Graduate Seminar - November 18, 2019 Skip to main content
Graduate Program

Graduate Seminar - November 18, 2019

Prof. José L. Lage, Ph.D., P.E.
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX.

A brief overview of my professional background is followed by a description of sweeping convection, a new heat transfer effect discovered when studying alveolar capillary gas exchange. Then, my experiences directing, for the past four years, the Thermal Transport Processes (TTP) program at the National Science Foundation are discussed, including the research community, budget evolution, “open” submission window, and identification of main ingredients for strengthening the competitiveness of NSF research proposals.

Lage - BSc (’84) and MSc (’86) PUC-RJ, Brazil; PhD (’91) Mechanical Engineering, Duke University. Joined SMU in 1991 as an assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering (ME). A Texas PE, he directs the Thermal Transport Laboratory funded by the NSF, NIST, and DOE. Served as Associate Chair (2000-2002), Faculty Senate President (2011-2012), and Director of the NSF Thermal Transport Processes Program (2015-2019). Has over 200 publications, Google H-index 35, 4300 citations, and one patent. Pi Tau Sigma Honorary Member, ASME Fellow, ICHMT Scientific Council Member. Recipient of several awards, including Sigma Xi for Outstanding Research, ASEE for Outstanding Teaching, and SMU Golden Mustang. Has been a Visiting Professor of the ETH-Zurich, and UTF-PR-Brazil.