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"I was working in the lab..."

How Engineers Opened up their Labs to the Community on Halloween

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On October 31, 2023 the Mechanical Engineering labs at BYU hosted their annual “Laboween” event where they shared fun Halloween themed experiments with fellow students and the local community. The students and faculty inspired children, students, and adults with their creativity and enthusiasm for the projects they made. Each project featured the concepts the students were studying ranging from flying drones to robots playing basketball.

One of the most interactive activities was an escape room where the participants had to figure out how to wake “Frankenstein” within the allotted time. They were given a few clues to help and from there, they solved puzzles and figured out how to get out just in time; the reward, yummy root beer floats.

Of the experience Ethan (age 9) said, “That was so epic!”. He was excited about the possibilities of engineering and thought the activities were really fun. The students leading the projects gave the kids advice about how to prepare for a future in engineering.

Joshua Hollis, a senior studying mechanical engineering shared his advice. He said, “Be imaginative. Be creative. Keep your grades up. Keep your imagination alive”.

Along with their advice, the engineering students influenced the community simply with their excitement about the creative possibilities of engineering. They had big smiles and were happy to share what they had learned with all who came to Laboween.

At Laboween 2023, engineering students and faculty were able to show the community some of the amazing things happening in the Mechanical Engineering labs. Their passion for the projects inspired all who came to participate.