EB 117 Prototyping Lab
The TA’s in the EB 117 Prototyping Lab stand ready to help you build your class, club, capstone, research, and personal projects. Nick Hawkins, lab supervisor, wields awesome experience in assisting with the most complex projects.

Use our scheduling website to reserve the machine you would like to use and a TA to help you!
Follow us on Instagram at @byuprototypinglab
Never experiment with equipment that you haven't been trained on! If you don’t know exactly how to use it, ask for help!
About Us
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm (Closed during Devotionals Tues. 10:30 AM - Noon)
Lab Supervisor: Nick Hawkins
Lab Assistants:
- Noah Erickson
- Josh Miller
- Michael Keyes
- Seth Brinton
- Jackson Powell
- Brad McMuller
- Morgan Glissmeyer
- Gavin Dribnak
- Jason Stewart
- Alexander Johnson
- Brennan Purcell
- Benjamin Erickson
- Emma Stark
- Preston Edwards
- McKenna Day
- Ethan Hall
- Straton Tresder
- Olivia Madsen
Mechanical Engineering Protoyping Lab
Engineering Building, 117