ME Student Jobs
Both undergraduate and graduate students may work in a variety of student jobs in the BYU Mechanical Engineering Department. See the types of jobs usually offered below.
Apply for TA/Grader Jobs
If you are interested in being a TA or Grader for any MechEng classes, please answer the questions on the following link:
- Fill out the form early for the best chance of being hired.
- If you are interested in working with a particular professor or class, feel free to email the instructor to express your interest.
- Not all who apply will be hired.
TA Training
Mandatory TA trainings are held during Fall and Winter semesters. Information is sent to all TAs and Graders when the time/date is set. Additional TA training information can be found on the TA training page.
Hiring Process for All ME Student Jobs
For volunteer or for-credit jobs, work with your supervisor to clarify all details of the position.
If hired for a paid student job, contact the ME Front Office Secretaries (
BYU Mechanical Engineering Student Jobs
COMPUTER TECHS-Department, Non-majors only: Must be proficient on current and previous Windows Operating Systems, Macintosh OS-Apple, and hardware/software troubleshooting and repair. Send a cover letter and resume to
COMPUTER TECHS-Research Labs. Some labs have their own computer techs.
GRADERS: See Grading Responsibilities for typical job responsibilities.
GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS: See details on the Graduate Financial Support page.
LAB OR EQUIPMENT ASSISTANTS: Students are hired to help run the ME Projects Lab (150 CB) and the Equipment Checkout Room (154 CB). Talk to the full-time staff in those rooms if you are interested in a job in that area.
RESEARCH ASSISTANTS. Visit the ME Research page to learn more about BYU ME research areas and groups. Many paid positions are hired from students who are involved as volunteers or for 497R credit. Visit the Undergraduate Research Opportunities page for current opportunities.
SECRETARIES, non-majors only: Secretary positions are posted through Student Employment
TEACHING ASSISTANTS See TA Job Responsibilities, Grading Responsibilities, and the ME TA Training page.
WEB DEVELOPERS-Department. If you are proficient in PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, and Javascript send a cover letter and resume to the ME Department IT Manager at
WEB DEVELOPERS-Faculty. Some faculty hire web developers to maintain lab websites.