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Research Positions

  • Involvement in research as an undergraduate is important if you plan on getting an MS or PhD in mechanical engineering. Undergraduate research experiences help you demonstrate your capacity for research, prepare you for graduate school, and increases your competitiveness for graduate school fellowship funding. For an MS or PhD, activities in the green & blue areas of this chart are especially important for you as an undergraduate. Activities in the red & yellow areas of the chart may also be beneficial.

  • If you are planning to get a combined MS/MBA activities in the red & yellow areas of this chart are especially important for you as an undergraduate. Also, taking the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam to become a Professional Engineer is important for you.

  • If you plan to enter the job market immediately after completing your B.S., activities in the red & yellow areas of this chart can increase your competitiveness in the job market. For you, external internships are more important than involvement in research. Also, taking the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam to become a Professional Engineer is important for you.

Open Research Positions

Heat Transfer in Satellite Constellations for Weather Prediction

A flat-paneled scatterometer for hourly ocean surface vector winds is being developed to increase data sampling rates that will improve weather pattern predictions and minimize human losses due to extreme weather events. The small form factor enables low-cost deployment of a constellation of satellites that will decrease the time between measurement. In order to accommodate the mission components in a compact form, heat dissipation to deep space and temperature regulation is critical. This work will ensure the satellite design will function within component temperature limits throughout its orbit and through varying waste heat generation.

Those interested in an undergraduate position and potentially in graduate work in this area, please send a resume and unofficial transcript to:

Biomechanics Therapeutic Vibration Device Design and Development

There is a research assistant position for the design and development of a therapeutic vibration device for the treatment of anxiety associated with opioid and alcohol withdrawal. Animal studies performed at BYU have shown that mild whole body vibration can significantly reduce the anxiety associated with withdrawal for animals addicted to opioids and alcohol. We recently received National Institutes of Health funding to trial this technology in humans. As part of the research we are designing unique vibrating chairs that induce traveling waves in the human body. We are in need of creative engineers with fabrication and design skills.

If interested in applying please contact Dr. Blotter.

Design Education

Be part of the BYU Design Review and help others learn about design. This volunteer position is for helping the editorial board by reviewing articles, uploading content, and writing articles. The time commitment is 1-2 hours per week. It will help your communication skills and help you learn about how to be a better designer.

Email for more information


Maintain and develop an open-source microscopy software package developed by my research group.

The ideal person is a sophomore with good computing skills, and planning on pursuing a Ph.D. in materials science or related field (at any university). Email describing your current and future plans and interests, and other items as listed above.

Aerospace, Wind Energy

We almost always have opportunities for undergraduates to get involved in wind energy and aircraft design research.

Read about how to get started with the FLOW Lab here:

Contact/meet with Professor Ning for more info.


Be part of a team that is developing new additive manufacturing processes and characterizing the performance of existing systems. Work may include mechanical design, materials testing, image analysis, and/or mechatronics. Preference is given to students with prior experience with one or more of these areas.

Email with your resume, unofficial transcript, and a brief summary of your interests/goals.


Improve energy technologies by engineering defect networks in materials through theory, computation, and experiment (see

I typically require new students to volunteer for 1 semester, followed by a semester of 497R credit. Afterward, if I have funding and you have been productive and enjoyed the work, you may be considered for a paid position. Send an email statement of interest to

Fluid Mechanics

Calibrate systems and run tests in the Stratified Flows Lab.

Paid positions usually are offered to students who have volunteered or gotten credit, and can make a long-term commitment. Email information listed above to

Interfacial Fluid Dynamics

I am looking for students interested in fluids research on the topics of cavitation, how objects (such as torpedoes) enter a body of water from the air, and how droplets and particles interact in the atmosphere to clean pollution out of the air and form cloud and rain droplets. My research is primarily experimental with high-speed photography, so job responsibilities include experimental design, fabrication, and setup, acquiring data, and data processing and analysis.

If interested, please contact Dr. Nathan Speirs to discuss opportunities. Email:

Office: 360N EB