Scholarship Awards 2021 Skip to main content

Scholarship Awards 2021

Every year the Mechanical Engineering department has a variety of scholarships that they award. To receive the scholarship, each student has to apply, and based on a variety of factors, whoever is the best fit will receive the scholarship.

This year, there were 17 scholarships awarded. The list below states the name of the student recipient and the scholarship name. Each student was awarded $2000 from their respective scholarship.

Scholarship NameStudent’s Name
General DepartmentSpencer Truman
General DepartmentBryant Stegman
DozierTyler Hutchinson
DozierJoseph Heal
DozierJoseph Moore
DozierSamuel McKinnon
Together for GreatnessClinton Waite
Together for GreatnessNathan Gheen
FoundersEric Monson
FoundersNoah Housley
WarnerKaden Hunter
WarnerJoshua Miller
TregoAshlyn Bell
D. Ross DomanConnor Fazar
HeatonAlexander Hansen
HeatonSamuel Roper
Department Tyson Humphrey

Naturally, receiving such a great scholarship is exciting and thrilling. Here are a few of the emotions that some of the scholarship recipients expressed.

“I was pleasantly surprised when I heard that I had been awarded this scholarship. I have worked hard over the past several semesters….It felt really good for that work to pay off and to be recognized for it...winning this scholarship has been a bright spot and tender mercy in my life” Alex Hansen said, recipient of the Heaton scholarship.

Ashlyn Bell, recipient of the Trego scholarship said, “I was absolutely ecstatic when I opened the email saying that I had received the scholarship. I was at work running a meeting when I found out, and all I wanted to do was tell everybody and do a little jig, but I had to stay quiet and professional.”

Words like “tender mercy,” “ecstatic,” and “do a little jig” really sum up what it would feel like to receive such a prestigious award.

But while it is a great feeling to receive such an award, these students also have a deep and sincere love for their major and all that entails being in the Mechanical Engineering Program.

One student recipient expressed that the Mechanical Engineering program draws him because “It’s a place I can feel challenged, but fairly, because the answers to problems are generally empirical and solvable.”

Joseph Heal, recipient of the Dozier scholarship said, “I love finding out about how processes work. I’m very interested in the world and machines and I saw ME as the way to find out more about those things.” Heal also expressed that his best experiences have been when he is able to work on design projects that will be applied to real life.

For those who hope to apply in the future, many of the scholarship winners let us know where they learned about the scholarships. One student learned about the scholarship through the Kennedy Center, and another from the MechEng newsletter/website.

The main way to find scholarships is to look for them. Don’t be afraid to reach out to peers, mentors, and staff for advice on applying for future scholarships.

The Mechanical Engineering Department would like to give a thank you to all those who made these scholarships possible for these students. It is a wonderful opportunity that these students have to pursue their dream in Engineering with all the help of those that help fund and propel the program. Thank you for all you do, and for your great support to the Brigham Young Mechanical Engineering Program.

Mechanical engineering students can apply for department scholarships by filling out the ME Tuition Scholarship Application The deadline is March 1st. Students can also apply for scholarships through the College of Engineering. See their website for details.