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TA Training

Training to be a Teaching Assistant or Grader is as follows:

Read these General Employment Policies

By virtue of accepting a TA/Grader position, you agree to keep BYU student employment policies, including:

  • Be professional in appearance and in the execution of your job duties.
  • Keep average weekly work hours within the limits set by the professor.
  • Meet BYU Student Employment requirements
  • Clock in and out of work accurately.  Make corrections as needed.  If the system will not let you correct your timesheet, email mecheng@byu.edu for assistance.
  • Personally follow safety rules and enforce safety rules as you direct other students. 
  • Maintain privacy of students. 
  • You may not enter a dating/romantic relationship with a student whose performance you evaluate (e.g., grading his/her work) due to conflict of interest and the potential for sexual harassment. 

Complete the Required Safety Training

All ME first time employees are required to take the following trainings before beginning work in your respective labs:

  1. New Hire Safety Training (Mechanical Engineering)
  2. Child Protection Training
    1. This one training should be renewed yearly.
  3. BYU Workday Ready: Student + Time
  4. University Core Training

Proof of completion of these trainings must be emailed to mecheng@byu.edu in order to receive credit. Trainings must be done within one month of hire to your position, otherwise you may be subject to termination.

We expect these trainings to take about 3 - 4 hours of your time, which you can either clock in for, or report to the secretaries for payment.

Additional safety training may be required by your supervisor, depending on your work location and responsibilities.

Take FERPA Training

Maintain student privacy by following the practices shown in this FERPA Training.

Review These Web Pages

Attend TA Training Sessions

A TA training session is held each Fall and Winter semester.  The details will be posted on the ME Website and in our department email bulletin to current students.

Ask Your Professor to Clarify Expectations

TA job responsibilities may vary based on the needs of the class and preferences of the professor.  Check with your supervising professor to clarify job expectations, especially:

  • Class Attendance: Should you attend the first class period of the semester?  After that, how often?
  • Grading:  Which assignments will you be grading?  Are there separate Graders?
  • Recitations & Test Reviews:  Are you expected to hold recitations and/or test reviews? 
  • TA Meetings:  Will there by a weekly TA meeting with the professor and/or other TAs?
  • Teaching Class:  Will you be teaching during scheduled class periods?
  • Curriculum Development:  Will you help develop class curriculum?
  • MATLab (and similar) Help:  Will you be providing computer program assistance?  What resources are available to assist students in using relevant programs?