TA Effective Teaching
These tips have been collected over time from previous Teaching Assistants. Feel free to suggest additional tips to add to these lists!
Build a Relationship with the Students
- Be approachable -- smile, laugh with the students, be friendly.
- Be enthusiastic about their ability to learn, your ability to help, and the content area.
- Call the students by name.
- Be honest and positive.
- Treat all students with dignity and respect -- don't play favorites or avoid students.
- Care enough about the students to actually help them.
- Give the students your total attention -- do not be distracted by your own homework, etc.
- Keep student trust by keeping their information and performance private.
- If you are not sure how to answer a question, ask for help and learn with the student.
- Be sensitive to indicators of emotional stress and disabilities of any kind. Be familiar with student resources for help with these problems.
Be a Good Teacher
- Know the material - work out the problems yourself, review manuals/books, and identify extra helps that might be useful.
- Reinforce material presented by the professor, but from a different point of view.
- Help students identify a goal for their time with you. Ask open ended questions about their assignments to identify their area of need. Get agreement on the focus of your time together.
- Ask effective questions. Answer questions with questions.
- Praise good work and original thinking.
- Teach students how to use their book; assume that they have done their reading.
- Let the students do the work. Offer praise when the student is heading in the right direction.
- Have the student solve for the unknown first, before going to the calculator. Emphasize that they are learning a process that applies to multiple problems.
- Focus on the concept, not just this specific answer.
- Don't do the problem for them - get the student to think about the next step.
- Explain the context in a simple manner.
- Confirm that the student has been adequately helped before moving on.
Tips for Groups
- Encourage questions, involvement, and debate.
- Allow students to answer each others' questions.
- Help the students group together to work on the same problem.
- Ask students if they need help, even if they aren't asking questions.
Tips for Labs
- Give the students as much hands-on experience as safety allows.
- Make the labs as interesting as possible.
- Notify one of the Lab TAs or the Lab Supervisor if equipment is not working properly.
- Let students sign up on a list for your help - they can then be productively engaged while waiting.