Technical Electives
- At least 12 credit hours (4 courses)
- At least 6 credit hours (2 courses) in Mechanical Engineering
- No courses below 300 level
- A maximum of 3 credit hours of project courses, such as ME EN 497R (research/mentored learning), OR CH EN 495R (Global Eng Outreach Projects), OR research projects in other departments. Research projects in other departments require prior approval by submitting a petition describing the project, to the department undergraduate advisor.
- All courses must be selected from the following list. If a student wishes to count a course not listed, PRIOR APPROVAL is required. Contact the department Undergraduate Advisor for petition instructions. Approval will not be given if a student takes the class before receiving approval.
- No course used to satisfy other major course requirements may be used as an elective.
Technical Elective Focus Areas
Technical Elective Options
Toggle Item Mechanical EngineeringClick here
for individual course information. -
Toggle Item Computer ScienceC S 312 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
C S 324 - Systems Programming
C S 329 - Testing, Analysis, and Verification
C S 330 - Concepts of Programming Languages
C S 340 - Software Design and Testing
C S 345 - Operating Systems Design
C S 355 - Introduction to Graphics and Image Processing
C S 356 - Designing the User Experience
C S 393 - Advanced Algorithms and Problem Solving
C S 405 - Creating and Managing a Software Business
C S 412 - Linear Programming and Convex Optimization
C S 428 - Software Engineering
C S 431 - Algorithmic Languages and Compilers
C S 450 - Computer Vision
C S 452 - Database Modeling Concepts
C S 453 - Fundamentals of Information Retrieval
C S 455 - Computer Graphics
C S 456 - Introduction to User Interface Software
C S 460 - Computer Communications and Networking
C S 462 - Large-Scale Distributed System Design
C S 465 - Computer Security
C S 470 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
C S 471 - Voice User Interfaces
C S 472 - Intro to Machine Learning
C S 474 - Intro to Deep Learning
C S 486 - Verification and Validation
C S 493R - Computing Competitions
C S 513 - Robust Control
Toggle Item Civil and Environmental EngineeringCE 304 - Civil Eng Materials: Metals, Woods, Composites
CCE 306 - Civil Eng Materials: Concrete, Masonry, Asphalt
CE 321 - Structural Analysis
CE 361 - Introduction to Transportation Engineering
CE 414 - Engineering Applications of GIS
CE 421 - Structural Steel Design
CE 424 - Reinforced Concrete Design
CE 431 - Hydrology
CE 433 - Hydraulic Engineering
CE 439 - Water Resources Study Abroad
CE 442 - Foundation Engineering
CE 451 - Environmental Engineering Processes
CE 461 - Geometric Design of Highways
CE 472 - Civil Engineering Design
CE 500 - (CE-Me) Design and Materials Applications
CE 501 - (CE-Me) Stress Analysis and Design of Mechanical Structures
CE 504 - (CE-Me) Computer Structural Analysis and Optimization
CE 505 - Portland Cement Concrete Mixture Design and Analysis
CE 507 - (CE-Me) Linear Finite Element Methods
CE 508 - (CE-Me) Structural Vibrations
CE 514 - Geospatial Environmental Engineering
CE 521 - Seismic-Resistant Steel Buildings
CE 523 - Aircraft Structures
CE 525 - Bridge Structures
CE 526 - Bridge Preservation
CE 528 - Masonry Design
CE 529 - Timber Design
CE 531 - Principles of Hydrologic Modeling
CE 533 - Advanced Hydraulic Routing
CE 534 - Hydroinformatics
CE 535 - Hydraulic Design of Channels Control Structures
CE 540 - Geo-Environmental Engineering
CE 542 - Deep Foundations and Retaining Systems
CE 544 - Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis
CE 545 - Geotechnical Analysis of Earthquake Phenomena
CE 547 - Groundwater Modeling
CE 551 - Water Treatment Facilities Design
CE 555 - Environmental Chemistry
CE 562 - Traffic Engineering: Characteristics/Operations
CE 563 - Pavement Design
CE 565 - Urban Transportation Planning
CE 566 - Pavement Management
CE 570 - (CE-Me) Computer-Aided Engineering Software Development
CE 575 - (CE-Me) Optimization Techniques in Eng.
Toggle Item Chemical EngineeringCH EN 386 - Chemical Reaction Engineering
CH EN 410 - Principles of Reservoir Engineering
CH EN 412 - Introductory Nuclear Engineering
CH EN 433 - Energy Engineering
CH EN 436 - Process Control and Dynamics
CH EN 451 - Chemical Engineering Plant Design and Process Synthesis
CH EN 461 - Chemical Engineering Problem Solving through Experiential Learning
CH EN 475 - Unit Operations Laboratory 1
CH EN 476 - Separations
CH EN 477 - Unit Operations Laboratory 2
CH EN 479 - Unit Operations Laboratory
CH EN 481 - Introduction to Semiconductor Processing
CH EN 499 - Mentored Research and Thesis
CH EN 512 - Nuclear Reactor Transient Modeling
CH EN 513 - Molecular Modeling
CH EN 518 - Biomedical Engineering Principles
CH EN 519 - Biochemical Engineering
CH EN 522 - Combustion Processes
CH EN 528 - Industrial Catalytic Processes
CH EN 531 - Thermodynamics of Multicomponent Systems
CH EN 533 - Transport Phenomena
CH EN 535 - Kinetics and Catalysis
CH EN 541 - Numerical Methods for Engineers
CH EN 578 - Polymer Science and Engineering
Toggle Item ChemistryCHEM 351 - Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 352 - Organic Chemistry 2
CHEM 353 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory--Nonmajors
CHEM 354 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory--Majors
CHEM 355 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2 - Nonmajors
CHEM 357 - Industrial Organic Chemistry
CHEM 384 - Biochemistry Methods
CHEM 391 - Technical Writing Using Chemical Literature
CHEM 455 - Synthesis and Qualitative Organic Analysis
CHEM 460 - Mathematics for Physical Chemistry
CHEM 462 - Physical Chemistry 1
CHEM 463 - Physical Chemistry 2
CHEM 464 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1
CHEM 465 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2
CHEM 467 - Physical Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 468 - Biophysical Chemistry
CHEM 481 - Biochemistry
CHEM 482 - Mechanisms of Molecular Biology
CHEM 489 - Structural Biochemistry
CHEM 514 - Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 518 - Advanced Inorganic Laboratory
CHEM 521 - Instrumental Analysis Lecture
CHEM 523 - Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
CHEM 552 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHEM 553 - Advanced Organic Chemistry
CHEM 555 - Organic Spectroscopic Identification
CHEM 561 - Chemical Thermodynamics
CHEM 563 - Reaction Kinetics
CHEM 565 - Introduction to Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 567 - Statistical Mechanics
CHEM 569 - Fundamentals of Spectroscopy
CHEM 571 - Polymer and Materials Chemistry
CHEM 581 - Advanced Biochemical Methodology 1
CHEM 583 - Advanced Biochemical Methodology 2
CHEM 584 - Advanced Biochemistry Methods 1
CHEM 586 - Advanced Biochemistry Methods 2
Toggle Item Electrical and Computer EngineeringEC EN 323 - Computer Organization
EC EN 330 - Introduction to Embedded System Programming
EC EN 340 - Electronic Circuit Design 1
EC EN 360 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
EC EN 380 - Signals and Systems
EC EN 424 - Computer Systems
EC EN 425 - Real-Time Operating Systems
EC EN 426 - Computer Networks
EC EN 427 - Embedded Systems
EC EN 445 - Introduction to Mixed-Signal VLSI
EC EN 446 - Power Electronics
EC EN 450 - Introduction to Semiconductor Devices
EC EN 452 - Experiments in Integrated Circuit Development
EC EN 462 - Electromagnetic Radiation and Propagation
EC EN 464 - Wireless Communication Circuits
EC EN 466 - Introduction to Optical Engineering
EC EN 483 - (EC En-Me En 431) Design of Control Systems
EC EN 485 - Introduction to Digital Communication Theory
EC EN 487 - Introduction to Discrete-Time Signal Processing
EC EN 521 - Introduction to Algorithm Design
EC EN 523 - Computer System Reliability
EC EN 526 - Wireless Networking
EC EN 528 - Computer Architecture
EC EN 541 - Active and Passive Filter Design
EC EN 543 - CMOS Amplifier Design
EC EN 548 - Analog CMOS Circuit Design
EC EN 549 - VLSI Communication Circuit Design
EC EN 550 - (EC-Me) Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
EC EN 551 - Introduction to Digital VLSI Circuits
EC EN 555 - Optoelectronic Devices
EC EN 560 - Electromagnetic Wave Theory
EC EN 562 - Optical Communication Components and Systems
EC EN 563 - Applied Computational Electromagnetics
EC EN 564 - Radar and Communication Systems
EC EN 567 - Physical Optics
EC EN 568 - Microwave Remote Sensing
EC EN 576 - Medical Imaging and Image Reconstruction
EC EN 595 - Fundamentals of Patents and Other Intellectual Property
Toggle Item MathMATH 402 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 1
MATH 403 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 1 Laboratory
MATH 404 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 2
MATH 405 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 2 Laboratory
MATH 410 - Introduction to Numerical Methods
MATH 411 - Numerical Methods
MATH 413- Advanced Linear Algebra
MATH 431 - Probability Theory
MATH 436 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 1
MATH 437 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 1 Laboratory
MATH 438 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 2
MATH 439 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 2 Laboratory
MATH 447 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 451 - Introduction to Topology
MATH 465 - Differential Geometry
MATH 473 - Group Representation Theory
MATH 485 - Mathematical Cryptography
MATH 487 - Number Theory
MATH 510 - Numerical Methods for Linear Algebra
MATH 511 - Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
MATH 521 - Methods of Applied Mathematics 1
MATH 522 - Methods of Applied Mathematics 2
MATH 525 - Network Theory
MATH 532 - Complex Analysis
MATH 534 - Introduction to Dynamical Systems 1
MATH 536 - Applied Discrete Probability
MATH 540 - Linear Analysis
MATH 541 - Real Analysis
MATH 547 - Modeling and Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
MATH 553 - Foundations of Topology 1
MATH 554 - Foundations of Topology 2
MATH 561 - Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 1
MATH 562 - Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 2
MATH 565 - Differential Geometry
MATH 570 - Matrix Analysis
MATH 571 - Algebra 1
MATH 572 - Algebra 2
MATH 586 - Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
MATH 587 - Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
Toggle Item ManufacturingMFGEN 331 - Metals Processes
MFGEN 333 - Industrial Automation
MFGEN 340 - Quality Systems in Manufacturing
MFGEN 355 - Plastics Materials and Processing
MFGEN 381 - Lean Manufacturing & System Design
MFGEN 431 - Tool Design
MFGEN 440 - Six Sigma for Manufacturing
MFGEN 456 - Introduction to Composites
MFGEN 531 - Advanced Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programming
MFGEN 532 - Manufacturing Systems
MFGEN 533 - Manufacturing Information Systems
MFGEN 574 - Advanced Tool Design
MFGEN 575 - Packaging Technologies
MFGEN 580 - Manufacturing Simulation
Toggle Item PhysicsPHSCS 318 - Introduction to Mathematical Physics
PHSCS 321 - Mechanics
PHSCS 330 - Computational Physics Lab 2
PHSCS 360 - Statistical and Thermal Physics
PHSCS 416 - Writing in Physics
PHSCS 427 - Introduction to Astrophysics
PHSCS 428 - Introduction to Astrophysics
PHSCS 430 - Computational Physics Lab 3
PHSCS 441 - Electrostatics and Magnetism
PHSCS 442 - Electrodynamics
PHSCS 451 - Quantum Mechanics
PHSCS 452 - Applications of Quantum Mechanics
PHSCS 461 - Introduction to Acoustics
PHSCS 471 - Principles of Optics
PHSCS 540 - Electrical Engineering Principles and Practices for Physicists
PHSCS 545 - Introduction to Plasma Physics
PHSCS 561 - (Phscs-Me En) Fundamentals of Acoustics
PHSCS 571 - Lasers and Atoms
PHSCS 581 - Solid-State Physics
PHSCS 583 - Physics of Nanostructures, Surfaces, and Interfaces
PHSCS 585 - Thin-Film Physics
PHSCS 586 - Transmission Electron Microscopy for Physical Science and Engineering
PHSCS 587 - Physics of Semiconductor Devices
PHSCS 588 - Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for Physical Science and Engineering
Toggle Item StatisticsSTAT 330 - Introduction to Regression
STAT 340 - Probability and Inference 2
STAT 381 - Statistical Computing
STAT 420 - Big Data Science 1
STAT 421 - Big Data Science 2
STAT 435 - Nonparametric Statistical Methods
STAT 451 - Applied Bayesian Statistics
STAT 466 - Introduction to Reliability
STAT 469 - Applied Time Series and Forecasting
STAT 511 - Statistical Methods for Research 1
STAT 512 - Statistical Methods for Research 2
STAT 531 - Experimental Design
STAT 535 - Linear Models
STAT 536 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining
STAT 537 - Mixed Model Methods
STAT 538 - Survival Analysis
Toggle Item MiscellaneousEXSC 462 - Clinical Biomechanics
GEOL 440 - Solid Earth Geophysics
IT&C 548 - Cyber-Physical Systems
MSB 430 - Introduction to International Business
CELL 305 - Human Physiology
If you have questions regarding your technical electives, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor:
Marianne Cutchins
360R EB Provo, UT 84602