Technical Electives Skip to main content

Technical Electives


  1. At least 12 credit hours (4 courses)
  2. At least 6 credit hours (2 courses) in Mechanical Engineering
  3. No courses below 300 level
  4. A maximum of 3 credit hours of project courses, such as ME EN 497R (research/mentored learning), OR CH EN 495R (Global Eng Outreach Projects), OR research projects in other departments. Research projects in other departments require prior approval by submitting a petition describing the project, to the department undergraduate advisor.
  5. All courses must be selected from the following list. If a student wishes to count a course not listed, PRIOR APPROVAL is required. Contact the department Undergraduate Advisor for petition instructions. Approval will not be given if a student takes the class before receiving approval.
  6. No course used to satisfy other major course requirements may be used as an elective.

Technical Elective Focus Areas

Our department offers technical elective courses from multiple areas. Choose your technical elective courses in a variety of disciplines or a single area for a more focused experience.

Technical Elective Options

  • Click here for individual course information.

  • C S 312 - Algorithm Design and Analysis

    C S 324 - Systems Programming

    C S 329 - Testing, Analysis, and Verification

    C S 330 - Concepts of Programming Languages

    C S 340 - Software Design and Testing

    C S 345 - Operating Systems Design

    C S 355 - Introduction to Graphics and Image Processing

    C S 356 - Designing the User Experience

    C S 393 - Advanced Algorithms and Problem Solving

    C S 405 - Creating and Managing a Software Business

    C S 412 - Linear Programming and Convex Optimization

    C S 428 - Software Engineering

    C S 431 - Algorithmic Languages and Compilers

    C S 450 - Computer Vision

    C S 452 - Database Modeling Concepts

    C S 453 - Fundamentals of Information Retrieval

    C S 455 - Computer Graphics

    C S 456 - Introduction to User Interface Software

    C S 460 - Computer Communications and Networking

    C S 462 - Large-Scale Distributed System Design

    C S 465 - Computer Security

    C S 470 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    C S 471 - Voice User Interfaces

    C S 472 - Intro to Machine Learning

    C S 474 - Intro to Deep Learning

    C S 486 - Verification and Validation

    C S 493R - Computing Competitions

    C S 513 - Robust Control

  • CE 304 - Civil Eng Materials: Metals, Woods, Composites

    CCE 306 - Civil Eng Materials: Concrete, Masonry, Asphalt

    CE 321 - Structural Analysis

    CE 361 - Introduction to Transportation Engineering

    CE 414 - Engineering Applications of GIS

    CE 421 - Structural Steel Design

    CE 424 - Reinforced Concrete Design

    CE 431 - Hydrology

    CE 433 - Hydraulic Engineering

    CE 439 - Water Resources Study Abroad

    CE 442 - Foundation Engineering

    CE 451 - Environmental Engineering Processes

    CE 461 - Geometric Design of Highways

    CE 472 - Civil Engineering Design

    CE 500 - (CE-Me) Design and Materials Applications

    CE 501 - (CE-Me) Stress Analysis and Design of Mechanical Structures

    CE 504 - (CE-Me) Computer Structural Analysis and Optimization

    CE 505 - Portland Cement Concrete Mixture Design and Analysis

    CE 507 - (CE-Me) Linear Finite Element Methods

    CE 508 - (CE-Me) Structural Vibrations

    CE 514 - Geospatial Environmental Engineering

    CE 521 - Seismic-Resistant Steel Buildings

    CE 523 - Aircraft Structures

    CE 525 - Bridge Structures

    CE 526 - Bridge Preservation

    CE 528 - Masonry Design

    CE 529 - Timber Design

    CE 531 - Principles of Hydrologic Modeling

    CE 533 - Advanced Hydraulic Routing

    CE 534 - Hydroinformatics

    CE 535 - Hydraulic Design of Channels Control Structures

    CE 540 - Geo-Environmental Engineering

    CE 542 - Deep Foundations and Retaining Systems

    CE 544 - Seepage and Slope Stability Analysis

    CE 545 - Geotechnical Analysis of Earthquake Phenomena

    CE 547 - Groundwater Modeling

    CE 551 - Water Treatment Facilities Design

    CE 555 - Environmental Chemistry

    CE 562 - Traffic Engineering: Characteristics/Operations

    CE 563 - Pavement Design

    CE 565 - Urban Transportation Planning

    CE 566 - Pavement Management

    CE 570 - (CE-Me) Computer-Aided Engineering Software Development

    CE 575 - (CE-Me) Optimization Techniques in Eng.

  • CH EN 386 - Chemical Reaction Engineering

    CH EN 410 - Principles of Reservoir Engineering

    CH EN 412 - Introductory Nuclear Engineering

    CH EN 433 - Energy Engineering

    CH EN 436 - Process Control and Dynamics

    CH EN 451 - Chemical Engineering Plant Design and Process Synthesis

    CH EN 461 - Chemical Engineering Problem Solving through Experiential Learning

    CH EN 475 - Unit Operations Laboratory 1

    CH EN 476 - Separations

    CH EN 477 - Unit Operations Laboratory 2

    CH EN 479 - Unit Operations Laboratory

    CH EN 481 - Introduction to Semiconductor Processing

    CH EN 499 - Mentored Research and Thesis

    CH EN 512 - Nuclear Reactor Transient Modeling

    CH EN 513 - Molecular Modeling

    CH EN 518 - Biomedical Engineering Principles

    CH EN 519 - Biochemical Engineering

    CH EN 522 - Combustion Processes

    CH EN 528 - Industrial Catalytic Processes

    CH EN 531 - Thermodynamics of Multicomponent Systems

    CH EN 533 - Transport Phenomena

    CH EN 535 - Kinetics and Catalysis

    CH EN 541 - Numerical Methods for Engineers

    CH EN 578 - Polymer Science and Engineering

  • CHEM 351 - Organic Chemistry 1

    CHEM 352 - Organic Chemistry 2

    CHEM 353 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory--Nonmajors

    CHEM 354 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory--Majors

    CHEM 355 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2 - Nonmajors

    CHEM 357 - Industrial Organic Chemistry

    CHEM 384 - Biochemistry Methods

    CHEM 391 - Technical Writing Using Chemical Literature

    CHEM 455 - Synthesis and Qualitative Organic Analysis

    CHEM 460 - Mathematics for Physical Chemistry

    CHEM 462 - Physical Chemistry 1

    CHEM 463 - Physical Chemistry 2

    CHEM 464 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory 1

    CHEM 465 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory 2

    CHEM 467 - Physical Chemistry for Engineers

    CHEM 468 - Biophysical Chemistry

    CHEM 481 - Biochemistry

    CHEM 482 - Mechanisms of Molecular Biology

    CHEM 489 - Structural Biochemistry

    CHEM 514 - Inorganic Chemistry

    CHEM 518 - Advanced Inorganic Laboratory

    CHEM 521 - Instrumental Analysis Lecture

    CHEM 523 - Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

    CHEM 552 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

    CHEM 553 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

    CHEM 555 - Organic Spectroscopic Identification

    CHEM 561 - Chemical Thermodynamics

    CHEM 563 - Reaction Kinetics

    CHEM 565 - Introduction to Quantum Chemistry

    CHEM 567 - Statistical Mechanics

    CHEM 569 - Fundamentals of Spectroscopy

    CHEM 571 - Polymer and Materials Chemistry

    CHEM 581 - Advanced Biochemical Methodology 1

    CHEM 583 - Advanced Biochemical Methodology 2

    CHEM 584 - Advanced Biochemistry Methods 1

    CHEM 586 - Advanced Biochemistry Methods 2

  • EC EN 323 - Computer Organization

    EC EN 330 - Introduction to Embedded System Programming

    EC EN 340 - Electronic Circuit Design 1

    EC EN 360 - Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

    EC EN 380 - Signals and Systems

    EC EN 424 - Computer Systems

    EC EN 425 - Real-Time Operating Systems

    EC EN 426 - Computer Networks

    EC EN 427 - Embedded Systems

    EC EN 445 - Introduction to Mixed-Signal VLSI

    EC EN 446 - Power Electronics

    EC EN 450 - Introduction to Semiconductor Devices

    EC EN 452 - Experiments in Integrated Circuit Development

    EC EN 462 - Electromagnetic Radiation and Propagation

    EC EN 464 - Wireless Communication Circuits

    EC EN 466 - Introduction to Optical Engineering

    EC EN 483 - (EC En-Me En 431) Design of Control Systems

    EC EN 485 - Introduction to Digital Communication Theory

    EC EN 487 - Introduction to Discrete-Time Signal Processing

    EC EN 521 - Introduction to Algorithm Design

    EC EN 523 - Computer System Reliability

    EC EN 526 - Wireless Networking

    EC EN 528 - Computer Architecture

    EC EN 541 - Active and Passive Filter Design

    EC EN 543 - CMOS Amplifier Design

    EC EN 548 - Analog CMOS Circuit Design

    EC EN 549 - VLSI Communication Circuit Design

    EC EN 550 - (EC-Me) Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)

    EC EN 551 - Introduction to Digital VLSI Circuits

    EC EN 555 - Optoelectronic Devices

    EC EN 560 - Electromagnetic Wave Theory

    EC EN 562 - Optical Communication Components and Systems

    EC EN 563 - Applied Computational Electromagnetics

    EC EN 564 - Radar and Communication Systems

    EC EN 567 - Physical Optics

    EC EN 568 - Microwave Remote Sensing

    EC EN 576 - Medical Imaging and Image Reconstruction

    EC EN 595 - Fundamentals of Patents and Other Intellectual Property

  • MATH 402 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 1

    MATH 403 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 1 Laboratory

    MATH 404 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 2

    MATH 405 - Modeling with Uncertainty and Data 2 Laboratory

    MATH 410 - Introduction to Numerical Methods

    MATH 411 - Numerical Methods

    MATH 413- Advanced Linear Algebra

    MATH 431 - Probability Theory

    MATH 436 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 1

    MATH 437 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 1 Laboratory

    MATH 438 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 2

    MATH 439 - Modeling with Dynamics and Control 2 Laboratory

    MATH 447 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations

    MATH 451 - Introduction to Topology

    MATH 465 - Differential Geometry

    MATH 473 - Group Representation Theory

    MATH 485 - Mathematical Cryptography

    MATH 487 - Number Theory

    MATH 510 - Numerical Methods for Linear Algebra

    MATH 511 - Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations

    MATH 521 - Methods of Applied Mathematics 1

    MATH 522 - Methods of Applied Mathematics 2

    MATH 525 - Network Theory

    MATH 532 - Complex Analysis

    MATH 534 - Introduction to Dynamical Systems 1

    MATH 536 - Applied Discrete Probability

    MATH 540 - Linear Analysis

    MATH 541 - Real Analysis

    MATH 547 - Modeling and Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

    MATH 553 - Foundations of Topology 1

    MATH 554 - Foundations of Topology 2

    MATH 561 - Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 1

    MATH 562 - Introduction to Algebraic Geometry 2

    MATH 565 - Differential Geometry

    MATH 570 - Matrix Analysis

    MATH 571 - Algebra 1

    MATH 572 - Algebra 2

    MATH 586 - Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory

    MATH 587 - Introduction to Analytic Number Theory

  • MFGEN 331 - Metals Processes

    MFGEN 333 - Industrial Automation

    MFGEN 340 - Quality Systems in Manufacturing

    MFGEN 355 - Plastics Materials and Processing

    MFGEN 381 - Lean Manufacturing & System Design

    MFGEN 431 - Tool Design

    MFGEN 440 - Six Sigma for Manufacturing

    MFGEN 456 - Introduction to Composites

    MFGEN 531 - Advanced Computer-Aided Manufacturing Programming

    MFGEN 532 - Manufacturing Systems

    MFGEN 533 - Manufacturing Information Systems

    MFGEN 574 - Advanced Tool Design

    MFGEN 575 - Packaging Technologies

    MFGEN 580 - Manufacturing Simulation

  • PHSCS 318 - Introduction to Mathematical Physics

    PHSCS 321 - Mechanics

    PHSCS 330 - Computational Physics Lab 2

    PHSCS 360 - Statistical and Thermal Physics

    PHSCS 416 - Writing in Physics

    PHSCS 427 - Introduction to Astrophysics

    PHSCS 428 - Introduction to Astrophysics

    PHSCS 430 - Computational Physics Lab 3

    PHSCS 441 - Electrostatics and Magnetism

    PHSCS 442 - Electrodynamics

    PHSCS 451 - Quantum Mechanics

    PHSCS 452 - Applications of Quantum Mechanics

    PHSCS 461 - Introduction to Acoustics

    PHSCS 471 - Principles of Optics

    PHSCS 540 - Electrical Engineering Principles and Practices for Physicists

    PHSCS 545 - Introduction to Plasma Physics

    PHSCS 561 - (Phscs-Me En) Fundamentals of Acoustics

    PHSCS 571 - Lasers and Atoms

    PHSCS 581 - Solid-State Physics

    PHSCS 583 - Physics of Nanostructures, Surfaces, and Interfaces

    PHSCS 585 - Thin-Film Physics

    PHSCS 586 - Transmission Electron Microscopy for Physical Science and Engineering

    PHSCS 587 - Physics of Semiconductor Devices

    PHSCS 588 - Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for Physical Science and Engineering

  • STAT 330 - Introduction to Regression

    STAT 340 - Probability and Inference 2

    STAT 381 - Statistical Computing

    STAT 420 - Big Data Science 1

    STAT 421 - Big Data Science 2

    STAT 435 - Nonparametric Statistical Methods

    STAT 451 - Applied Bayesian Statistics

    STAT 466 - Introduction to Reliability

    STAT 469 - Applied Time Series and Forecasting

    STAT 511 - Statistical Methods for Research 1

    STAT 512 - Statistical Methods for Research 2

    STAT 531 - Experimental Design

    STAT 535 - Linear Models

    STAT 536 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining

    STAT 537 - Mixed Model Methods

    STAT 538 - Survival Analysis

  • EXSC 462 - Clinical Biomechanics

    GEOL 440 - Solid Earth Geophysics

    IT&C 548 - Cyber-Physical Systems

    MSB 430 - Introduction to International Business

    CELL 305 - Human Physiology 

If you have questions regarding your technical electives, please contact the Undergraduate Advisor:

Marianne Cutchins

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

360R EB Provo, UT 84602
