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The goal of the ME department is to be recognized as the best undergraduate mechanical engineering program in the world and the alma mater for the world’s most influential engineers. The influence of an engineer depends in part on his/her ability to communicate clearly, concisely, and persuasively. Lasting communication is usually written (e.g. as technical reports or research articles).

Thus, becoming an influential engineer involves becoming an effective writer.

Writing Thread

To help ME students reach their potential to have a positive impact on people, problems, and their professions, the ME program deliberately reinforces and extends the training students receive in university writing courses (such as WRTG 150 and WRTG 316). Specifically, the ME program includes a writing thread that weaves elements of effective writing into courses throughout the undergraduate ME courses. The purpose of this thread is to help students master the art of effective writing.



To be consistent, the ME department has chosen to emphasize a specific writing genre consisting of four main sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRaD). Research articles and many technical reports follow this genre, and most other types of technical writing include elements of this genre. Therefore, mastering this genre will help you communicate effectively in many forms.


This sample technical report shows how to combine the individual elements to create a strong technical report.

Elements assigned to courses

This table indicates the elements that are taught or practiced in various courses throughout the ME program.