What are the Prerequisite Classes?
Beginning Fall 2015, the courses required for application to the Mechanical Engineering program are: ME EN 101, ME EN 191, Physics 121, and Math 112 or higher (whichever you take first at BYU). For more information, please see the Apply for the Professional Program page.
*Note: AP credits or concurrent enrollment credits do not count toward the prerequisites.
What should I expect after the program?
Major companies notice the quality of students at BYU and hire them when they graduate. Some students choose to continue their education at a graduate school and are accepted into many prestigious schools. Here is a list of the top companies that hire BYU students and graduate schools that accept BYU students.
Typical Companies that hire BYU students
- ATK Thoikol
- ATL Technologies
- Bechtel Bettis
- Boeing
- Caterpillar
- Exxon Mobil
- GE Energy
- Micron
- National Instruments
- Pratt and Whitney
- Raytheon
- Wencor
- US Air Force
Top Graduate Schools that accept BYU students
- Brigham Young
- Purdue
- Georgia Tech
- U. of Washington
- U. of Wisconsin
- U. of Utah
- Texas A&M
- U. of Arizona
- U. of California, Berkley
- U. of Michigan
What classes will I be required to take?
All Mechanical Engineering students take the same core classes. Toward the end of the program, you will get to choose some Technical Electives, where you can focus your studies to fit your career plans. Our curriculum is designed to prepare you for success in either the professional world or in a graduate program. View a list of all ME classes
Do I have to take ME EN 191?
Yes. Mechanical Engineering 191 is the new-student seminar class. It is worth 0.5 credit, and all ME students are required to take this course. Students should take it during their first year at BYU, and students must take it before they may apply to the program. This course is specific to BYU and to our program, so introductory courses from other universities DO NOT fulfill this requirement.
What happens if I already have other credits? Are they going to transfer?
When transferring into the Mechanical Engineering program, students should contact the Undergraduate Advisor before registering for classes. We will help you get your technical courses evaluated and help you plan your remaining courses, specifically those you will need for admission to the professional program. View more information for transfer students.
What are the graduation statistics of degrees awarded?
See the graduation statistical information.
Do I need a laptop or computer?
No, our department does not require a computer or laptop for the program. The college and department offer computer labs with the software you need. If you would like to buy a laptop or desktop computer, you can purchase whatever would work best for you. The college provides remote computing
What Types of Projects Are Available for Undergraduates?
The department owns many facilities that are available to students (see "Resources" section). This state of the art equipment allows students to gain valuable experience before entering the workforce. Many faculty do research that requires students help, and the department sponsors many different clubs and groups. Many of these groups have been recognized for their great research and world-class performance.